Billboard advertising (Oct 1910)

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OCTOBER 22, i9ia X Jh c Bi ll board 25 SKATING SEASON OPENS .. I H I I H I I II ■—■■■■■l^—— Rinks in (Chicago Start Winter Tenn-.-New Ice Palace iIm Scene of Some Fast Races—The Hockey Season on in Windy Gi!^ Ctilcago, 111., Oct. 16.—Hockey playcra opeoed thdr »e«son at tbe Ice Palace on October 8, when tbe Mnmtya met tbe W«at Sid« bockey team. Tbe Weat Side team la « new organ- IzatloD, .wblle the. Marraya comprlae tbe old Sepoy tcanl. FBKD BAMEB-S VIEWS. Fred Hamer wrttea; "Knowing that yon are alwaya Intereated to aliytblnR relating to roller •katlng. I take the apare time tbat 1 bare to mite to yon. At preaent I am In tbe tbeatrlcal proteaalon, ■ bnt up to 1907 I waa In tbe akatlng bnalneaa In San Franclaco, Salt Lake City, loa Angelea. Ocean Park and Oold- ileld, m tbe capacity of rink manager. Dnring that period I bad the plearate of meeting aucb performera aa Tbe Bezoa. Tyler and Bar- ion, Prof. Franka.-Joe Walateln.: and laat, bat not leaat. Hariejr .ItaTtdaoii, who bai: done yODNGEST ICE SKATER BNTEE3 PRO- FESSION. Catbleen Pope, ot New York City, tbe world'a child Ice akatlng wonder, will not give any ezblbltlon tbia winter on acconnt of ocbooling, bat will take op pntesalonal akat- lng next winter. Htm I'ope la one of the great- eat akatlog wonden of the age. 8KATINO SITUATION IN BAST. Oenno and English are now operating nfty tbouaand square feet of skating sarfaee, bar- ing roUer rlnka in Bay View, N. r.; Oil City, P«.; Erie, Pa.; TltoaTlHe. P«.; Tyrone, Pa. They are alao planning to open a rink In Bnltalo thia faU. 8KATINO CABNIVAt IN JfONTBEAI.. Lonia RabengtelD, one of the greatest skat- ing promoters and lovers of tbe skating sports & B. BARNES, .Operating Manager. Tfcs International Rink. London, England. mnch towards keeping op tbe Interest In roller skating. I bad tbe opportaoUy of again seeing Darldaon perform In Vo» An;..Irs. ou September 3, at the Central Park Rink, aai in my oninloo be la still the peer of them all. Tbe flgnree tbat be doea are not extraordin- arily dllBeait. bat be performs ttaem with an easy grace'that alwaya meeta with hearty ap- plause fmmv the. aodlcnce, and I belleTe it rink managera woald hare more of these exbl- hltlons the akatiog tnulBeaa wonid reeeire the atimulant It'la In oiieb orgeat need of right now. Another tUog I am ioit; to we la the foolish plan of ranolnir rinks daring the hot ■nmmer months—one fining that ; will anrely kill the game If penloted In. Hoping to aee the .roller akatlng game contlnoe with great success, I em, ehieerely yoors, "FRED BAMBR. "BcUsco Theatre, Los Angeles, Cat." SKAxnio umt BAn; omoAV Wiurezs. Oire full description nad price. Kgnggsar HoMet JUnh, . : ■ Or—nellle. Meh. BX&TE8 VOB SAUS—ISO pairs; mostly Bleb- ardson: assorted alses; flrst^cUss shape, per- fectly clean. Also aupplles. Bight price. B. U CABLE, Cbannte. Kansas. ROLLER RINK FOR SALE nnoti location, good business. Popnlatlon city 19.000. Reason for selling, want to go West for wife's h'-altb. Address F. * M. CAMP. BELL. 4IS N. Sad Are., Alpena, Mich. to be found In tbe country, wrltea tbat a ten days' skating camiTal will he held in Mon- treal this winter. It Is the intention of Mr. Rubenstein to pnll off the American cham- plonshlp contests daring tlie eamtral, getting tbe best akatera In America and Canada to com- pete. He has reqneated President Alien I. Blanclutd, of the International Skating Union, to aailit him In getting tbe meet thi* win- ter. BARLEY D.WIDSON WANTED. Barley DaTldson Is reqaestcd to intotin the ITnion of his present address. Arrangements can be made tor a match race for him at : the Ice Palace. Baptle. Woods and others are anxtooa to hear from'him. <Contioaed on page ,BUY~IOUEI SKATES—SEU in Mikw: aim riak ttoor powder. JOaaOfUM BimC IVFn.T OO.. audaaky. o Organs BV)r Carous«"ls and Skating Rinks. Manufac- turer of card- board music. A. BERMI, ttO W. l«th St., Hew York. XeL SIS Chaltea. EataUiahed 1836 V/UtlUlZEKt 3Sth Year THE NEW WUaUTZER FACTORY—FROM A PHOTOGRAPH Automatic Musical Instruments for every purpose. The world's largest and only complete Kne. 50 cUfferent styles, indudii^ nanOrcheatra. Pianino. FInte nana* (AntomatteOrehestra) 65-nofe Player Piano, Mandolin Qnartet, Skating Hink Bands, 88-note Player Piano. HamdoUn Sextet. AntomaticMllltary Bands, Violin Piano. . Antomatlc Harp. Etc. Wurlitzer was the pioneer in the electric musical instrument field and is to- day the world's largest manufacturer. Branches in most large cities. Write for big Si'page catalog, picturing the entire Wurlitzer line. CT* We Supply the V.S. GoOemment wHhUuMlcat Instmmnnts. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER ca Ate.)' JMVDOV, EKGIaAKS (Hew Poljplume Siipply Co.» Acaati. S Vewmu St.» Oxford St.) Henley Roller Skates Latest Model. BaU-Beorlng Bbk SkategL VMdi la n Nlekd-idated. Steel. BalTBeailag Clnb Skate*, wltk cation Alnnlnnm or Boxwood Roll en. itr of an steel OnaU' Henley Racing Skates and enddr a s d br speed skaters eTOywhere, and are also deslrahle for IndlTldnal nae, wiiere ti>e Uneat and nmt completa skat* !a the market la deatred. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS Send for Skate Catalogna, FBKB. Official Polo Oolde. lOe. II f UltMl rv HicHHora> Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. Orgaabsd to glee » a Italalmd act to atCar akatuc ta (samk gr e a te r prominence to hona- Ide rrnfeaalMial Ska t e ra t h eao - - — - - t» BABES BsnnniM. t«ie V K T.- Ctty, «•!• Xk* An die Stan of the ^^catins^^ OF SHB OBAABBASnnr. H. A. SIMMONS Bkatl it of the art-tf Pattaags—Sopeilor Artlatie tUtit and Ugaro Itut acattag—Iforrcloaa Skattag ea tar wageaa. Ike ealy real rANOf SKATING BIIBIJKQUB perfoimer. Managera will kladir writ* oarly tor honktng. Addieaa. TS Broad Street. N. T. atj. The BEST RINK SKATE WE believe it. THOUSANDS OF OTH ERS know it. Order a sample pair and be CONVINCED. Write for free catal(^^. We cany a complete line of rink supplies. We supply parts for other makes of skates. GHIGAOO ROLLER SKATE CO.. 1123 Washington Blvd.. CHICAGO, ILL.