Billboard advertising (Oct 1910)

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OCTOBER 22,1910. Tlie Bim^oard 27 dlacovert her and tautoM to aid her. jwuwps la plainly visible In -bto face as tba poor confldlnt siri la twrne away. The aeene canUa tbe apeetatoT back to the Itltle farm wbere pa and ma an slttlOK alooe. waiting and pray- ing for ttaeir: Uttle girl antll restleas alumber has cloaea tliBlr eyea.: BBABTS AND POUTIGS ' (Drama; releaaed October 17; lenstb, Seo feet).—Jobn Only baa heetf nominated for mayor on the reform 'ticket. At- wood, tbe i maiebine c boaa. knowB .that bis only hope Is to tangle tbe refonners;: He tberefore acnda word to Syl- via Hartley that she moat get Daly -ODt of' the way. Her eftorts ace crowned with Buccess when a Uttle ovet- atght on her part diaeloaea her acheme. In writing a letter to Daly, In which she tella of her tri- umph, she uses the top sheet'of a'carbon block, so that the letter Is reprodneed «d the transfer sheets beneath. Tbe are found by May Iteldtnir, Daly's aecretary. who Is very much In loTc with her employer, and when tbe news of Daly's election comes, he ssks Uay to share his' honors with him. HAWKINS' 'HAT (Comedy; released October 20: length, SOO feet).—Ura. Hawkins Is a per- fectly good wife, bnt sbe will Insist on going ttarougb Hawkins' pockets now and then In »>arch of loose cbsnge, and her Ideaa aa to what colutltutes loose change are liberal In tbe extreme. Bawklna knows tier habit, ma wbcn he comes home from a poker party with a wad of creenbacka that would make a aqaaie meal for a goat, he hides tbe money In. hia hat and goes to sleep to dream of more Jack- pots. In the meantime a tramp appllea for somethinc to eat, and Mra. Hawklna turns over to tbe fellow Hawkins' bat. When the nominal head of the bonse comes downstairs snd leama what haa become of the hat be Immediately sprints In pnranlt of tbe tramp. He flnda that worthy has passed It to an old clothes man, whom Hawkins erentnally 0ods and la made bappy by the return of bis bat and money. ARCHIE'S AKCBKBT (Comedy: released Oc- tober 20; length, 490 feet).—Archie la pracUc- Ins arcbery. and It la not long before he has a Urice nomber of human targets porsning him. so true had been his aim. He did i»t know this, however, until It was rather late to make a getaway, l»t he aaved himself from vio- lence at the bands «t tte Indignant targets by turnlag over big how to a tramp. (Carl Laemmle.) THB OO nST O B- UONTEBEUA (Come- dy; releaaed October 34; length. 1.000 feet).— Tills picture la a eoa- tlnnatlon of Fruit and i Flowen and The Wid- ow. The yonng fellows are back in their hall room where The Widow left them. Percy In- herits money and they move to luxnriottt bach- elor quarten. They next appear In a tennis eonrt. wliece they are tbe center of attraction to a bevy of summer girls. But they have forsworn matrlmooy. Vn. fortunately for their good Inteatlona "the heir- ess" appears, and they are ooce mora deadly rivals. They propose and are rejected. ° Thej then plot revenge, hire an Italian organ grind- er to impersonate a count and "butt In" on an afternoon reception at tbe fair one'a home, and Introduce him. Be Is supposed to make lore to and marry the heiress, so thst they can band her the langh, but. he upsets' their plana by falUng in love with a French maid. The plot la discovered hy the heiress, who secretly puts Into action a «mnterplot and pre- tends to be engaged to tbe count. The wedding da}' arrives, the ceremony is performed snd the two conspiratots start to laugh, bnt the bride's Tell la raised, disdoalng the maid'a amlllng countenance, and a aeemtngly old maid atut removes her disguise, revealing tbe heiress. The two are ai^n thrown Into the atteet, and returning to their bachdor quarters are re- lieved of tbeir laat dollar by the Italian who. collects his fees. The landlord then ordera them out for the non-payment of rent, and they monmrnlly return to their little hall room, where they bnngrily devour bologna aansafe and dry bread furniahed by a aympathetle little elavey. MENDBL8S0HN-8 SPBINO SONG (Release October 27; length. 500 feet).—FeUx Mendels- sohn, taking a stroll i^ear bis home In the Austrlal Tyrol, la the early spring, receives hbi Insjilrstlon for bis fsmons "Spring Song" from the hlowlog of a hnoler'a horn, the crying of a child, the yawning of aome aleeping laborers, iho singing of some peaaant. giria, and the anale of tlie third atraln from a qoatral between the rorewoman and one of tbe girl laborers. The Una] atralna come to him as he listens to two pessant lovers, the man playing a vloUo, the .glrl alnglng In nnlson. THB HOBBUl sklBT (Ciomedy; releaae Oc- tolier 27; length; BOO ft.)-Mlsa UmeUght, an actress, receives a letter: requesting her to ap- pear at a charity hassar la her hobble akirt. 8he writes, accepting the nppolntment, and tntorma them she: la sending-her bobble akIrt by mca- Bcngrr, and will appear later. Bor maid em- ploys "Bappy Mike'*-to act aa the meaaenger, and aenda him on hla way. "Bappy" arraya lilmscir in Miss Llmellgbt's habUiments and shows up at the basaar In all hla glory. He Is the hit of the entertainment until Miss Ume- liRht arrives and exposes blm. When, doing a Rraceful dive through an open window, he dla- appesra from view, nut the irate membera of the baiaar committee Anally overtake him, •trip falm of hla borrowed Unery and give him Ills Just; deserts, POWBRS . ,,A WOMAN'S WIT (DramK; released October in: length, — feet),—Judgo Brown la threat- ened with death by some bandits unless he re- lenses one of their pals. The Judge's daogb- icr, Grace, goes out riding .with hoc lover, Az> thur Bray. Her horse runs away, and ahe falls into the hands of the bandlta, and la taken to their cave. Diaz, tbe chief bandit, sends word to the Judge that be will releaae his daughter when the Judge releases his pal. Grace Hatters tbe bandit by making a portrait of him. She writes a messagie on the bottom of the plctnie, telling of her whereabouts and tears this off. Xater ahe persuades the bsndlt to let her take a walk. She takes the message In her handkerchief to the horse and sends the snimsl galloping towards her home. Her lover snd the sheriff's man And the horse and tbe message, and come to the rescue. SLB^PZ I0:(^ (Drama; released Oct. IS; length, - : feet).—Jones is a big, good- natured cowhoy. who wonld rather sleep than eat. While calling on his girl he goes to sleep, and hla rival, Sim Thompson, wins his girl away from him. After their marriage 81m takes to drink. To save the wife from abnse of her dmnken husband. Sleepy whips him and tbe wife promptly abows her gratitude by knocking him over tbe bead with a rolling pin. Some bad men tempt Blm to help them rob the express money boxes. Jones, who has fallen asleep to the bushes,- hears the plot snd determines to aave Sim. "While tbe woold-be robbers are cap- tured, Sim is aaved by Jones. Sim apologizes to Jones before his wife, and all ends happily. THB DBVII. (Cbmedy; released October 10; length, feet).—^Harry Cutnp goes to a mas- querade dressed up as tbe Devil. At 4 A. U. he leaves. Intoxicated and happy. His costume Is the means of frightening every person he meets. Including the polleeman. two burglars, and a aerman and hla wife, whose apartments he haa eiitered by mlatafce. dNES. ■ THE MAO LADY OF CHE3TEB (Drama; re- leased October 14: length. 996 feet).—The se- cret that snrronnds tbe Squire of Chester Is that his wife is hopelessly msd. The Squire is most nnhappy, as be is bound forever to a woman who does not know him—who wonld tear him to pieces In a At of madness were he to approach her—and he has fallen In love wltii the beaotlful instructress of his yoang niece. At last, determining to tske matters Into bis own hands, the Squire offers msrrtage to the young lady, and she, being Ignorsnt of tbe existence .of tbe mad woman, consents. Some- how or other, it Is home upon the dull mind of the woman that slw baa a rival, and she seeks to revenge herself. Evsding her keep- ers one nixht, she steals to the room of her husbsnd snd sets lire to the bed. Tbe Squire snd his family ate saved from death, although the Squire sustalm Injuries that will malm him for life. The mad woman. In one of her wildest fits, hurls herself from the room of the house to her destb. The young Instructress learns the tme state of nffairs, and loving the Sqnire with all her heart, forgives tbe wrong be had done ber, and consenta to marry blm. BCCAIB. DB. (SOEFFBX'S CONSf^ENCE (Drama; iv- leased Oct. IT; length, 659 feet).—Dr. Ooeffrey la tbe superintendent of a medical home for the treatment of patients suffering from nervous dis- orders, snd smong the patients Is a young man, who although hla parents take him away against the doctor's advice, la not restored to health. Shortly afterwarda the young man be- comes acquainted with the doctor's niece. They become engaged. Tbe yoimg man's parents are delighted, but tlie doctor, when be learns tbe Identity of bis niece's fiance. Immediately goes to the yonng men's parents snd tells them of hla condition. The fatlker ananrera. tliat pro- fessional etiquette mnat prevent tbe doctor's speaking. ITncertaIn bow te act. the doctor waits Otttll tbe young couple are together, and then, by using mesmeriam, produces the young man In one of hla flta. Aa he falls under the attack, the doctor tells the girl the sad story, snd shows her how It waa all for tbe best.- AN INDIAN CHIEF'S GENEROSITX (Drama: released Oct. 17: length. 321 feet).— X son of an Indian chief Is wounded by one of two white m«i wl^ pass hy.- The child Is csrrled back to eamp and when the :tale Is tOld the chief ordera one of the bravea to follow the palefaces. learning where the white men are encaiiiped. the Indians steal upon them and car- ry off the sou of one of the men. 'When tbe father discovers his loss he sets off with two men, one of whom had wounded tbe Indian's son. toward tbe Indian camp. As they arrive, the chief meets them with his wounded son and asks the latter to point out who shot him. Tlie child Identifies the man. who is dragged away, while tbe Indian chief at once gives up tbe white child to his father. COLUMBIA. JEAiODST (Drama: released October 8; length, feet>.—Jealousy Is the title of a stirring drama, abounding la sensational Inci- dents. GREAT NORTHERN. WILLY VISITS A MOVINO PICTDRE SHOW (Comedy: released October 15: lengtb, fet). —^Wllly, a henpecked husband. Is sent ont one dajf. to do some shopping. A kliematoRrapher la taklnK Pletniea and Willy takes an active part In a faked fight. The acton, however, do not vrant his help, and sent off with a thrashing. By wsy of consolatlnn he chata with a pretty girl—an in front of the camera. One day* he takes his wife to a moving picture ttaeatn, and to his grest surprise he sees bis adventure depicted on tbe screen. His wife Is highly Indignant and admlnlsten punlahment. SAVRD BY BOSCO (Drama; released October IS: length, — feet).—A lady goes to the help of a sick woman, and ber dog, Bosco, accom- panies ber. Beaching the house, she enters, and Is received by two evil-looking men; but, taking no notice of them, she makes her wa.v to tbe woman's tiedalde. After admlBiiateiring the medicine, ahe turns around and sees the two men are lounging srannd the table where her handbag Is lying. She quickly takes her lenve. ' She soon bears footsteps behind and be- fore she can scream sbe la seised from behind and thrown Into an old cellar, where there la no outlet except a little barred window. In the meantime the two scoundrela have tfe- ramnpd with V ber'bandbair. She aeea at the window -the faithful Boeco. Having in her pocket a paper, she managed to acrawl a mea^ aage, which ahe faatens to the dog'a collar, and command*'blm f to ran to bl« master. Boa- CO aeemi to understand, for he rushes home and Brush Electric Lighting Set Tar Oaai Gaaeilna or Kenaene: 10 H. P.; wdgU ISM Ihe. Ust «800, sahjsct to dlseonnt, moss TO-SAT nuB ctxMumm. Save the diffoence between 3 cents a K W.—what it costs with a Brush Outfit— and the 8 to 15 cents wfaicii you are now paying the Electric IJght Ciompany. A]so save one-half of the lamp current by using 60 volt I instead of 120. Use Direct Current, which is far superior to Alternating Curr^. THE CHAS. Box B^. A. STRELINGER COn DETROIT, MICH., U. 8. A. Kinetoscopes Tbe Perfect Motion Picture Machine All parts renewable. Every part of mechanism accessible. Proprietors using the Uodel "B" are enjoying successful patronage because the ple- tutes projected are steady, tirllllant and flickerleas. Guaranteed against defOets in manufacture. Start right by Installing one at 1225.00. com- plete. . FBOK AH WXHTBrrOB. We are at present: nainc nine of your one-pin ni«ew«i««, with perfect satlsfactloii. Colonial Amnsemeiit Co., Washlngtoa. D. C. There will be six Underwriters' Ifodel Type "B" machines In nae at the New 'York Electrical Show, Hadlaon Square Garden, October 10th to 20th. . EdsBB Mannfactiiii^ Co. Tt LakMld* Am., Orano«>N.J. 90 WataaltlAv*., ClilMBo. III. FILMS FOR RENT EVERY Independent American and Forogn Headline Film for Rmb at Reasonable Rates. OUR NEWEST SYSTEM SERVICE in- volves many advantages over the old meth- ods. RUSH ORDERS are placed in . the express office WITHIN TEN MINUTES after we receive them. OUR SUPPLY DEPARTIiiENT can't be beat. We con- stantly cany a large stock of aU standard made movmg picture madiines, also supplies of every description. . SKND FOR FILM LIST.— — ■ ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. 77-70 Clwk St.. CHICAGO. ILL. 83ft Heaneplik Ave*. MINNEAPOLIS. IIINN. IS8 C«aal St.. OKANO KATIDS. HIGH. THE HOnOOMAPH lIoiioBPitAimHMliilM U A WONDEK 2nd wQl INCBBASa TOmt Btl^aHBSS." It nojecta FLICKnBLBaS, STBADT and WOKSBBIPinXX BiaUJAliT pictnraa. haa patented IM mtnnta rewtad from aaalB?,craak, vamvtar magsalnea, antw na tle te e- proof abutter, ete.. aot fwmd la other ma^bsea. WIU. WBAB TWIOB AS I.ONO. C. H. D., of Keokuk, Iowa, write—"Monograph UAKINO A BIO BIT and BUSINBSS INdUBASBD VOMDKBFAXX." P. Ii. F., of Chicago, ni.. writes—"Dsed every dsy for seven mnntba and NOT OMB PKItRT BOB BBPAIB8." F. i. K.. of Kanaaa (HO, Uo.. writes—"Operatli» Ifotlograpb »ailr two jreata. Have operated all makes. but-NONB TO COMPABB WITH MOnoOBAPH.'^ VBIOES, •UO.M ■ — — ~ " " ~ tot* for electrie light. ■d nn, Ttm Bnterprtee Calelom Oaa Ontflt is the only satlafaetocr anbatl- Wrlto (or cntatoc to-day. XmSUXIBB OrnOAL XFO. 00.. m Wsat Bandolpk Btxeet. OHiaASO. THE BTTiT<BOARD*S CEiASSmBD B1TSINESS KHK ADDRESSES OF AliEi XBK USSAIKEXtS. DIREiOKOBX €aVBB