Billboard advertising (Oct 1910)

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4PCTOBER 22, .1910. Ttie eillboard aS-r-Ouk mnd Lank, Th«r Dad* Up Bom* ^^CowMlyJ oao fls—Curiae • uuout (Oom'idr) .......... MS Oetoterr- VMt. -1—Pattlela of the Plalos (Srmma) ...1000 ^S—All on Acconot of a Ua (OomMj) ..1000 8—TIN BwtM Bandit (Onuna) 1000 la-rBaak and Lank: Ther Oct Wli* to a Xow Sebam* (Comady) SOS 13—Papa'a rint Oattnc (Comcdj) ...... oas 15—Tbe CowboT'i Uotbar-In-law (Oom- edyi >- <. ........lOOO 1»—Illrins a Gem (comtdy) 628 no—Bank and Lank, Dninrited Oueati (com- edy) S71 22— laU of the Range (drama)..........1000 26—^Tbe Bonquet (comedy) - .. . .'. . 678 :!0—Hank and Lank, Tbey Take a Bvat (comcdTI 288 29—Xbe Silent; Measage (drama)......... 1000 BIOOBAFH. jingut— »eat 12— Tbe Bonowa ot the (Tntattbtnl (Drama) 904 23— Wtlfnl Penr (Drama) 997 39—Tbe Uodem Prodigal (Drama) ...... 992 fleptemlwr^ Feet. 1—Tba Affair ot an Bgg (Clemedj') .... 29% .1—Mognj Becomes a Beio (Comedy) .. 00>i S—A. Bnmmer Idyl (Drama) 991 8—Uttle Angela ot lACk (Drama) 998 ta—A Uobawk's Way (Drama) .......... 991 19—In Ute'a Cycle (Drama) ....901 19—A Summer Tragec^ (Oomedy) ...... ttBT 33—Tb* Oatb and «ba Man (Drama) VST M—Boae or Salem Town (Drama) ........ 998 a>'-Bzamlaatlon Day at SeboOl (Dramat 901 October^" Foat 5—Tbe leoaoelaat (Drama) 992 •-^A OMd Meeklaca (Comedy) S70 6—H«ir Bobby Oot a Batia (Comedy) .. 410 to—Tbat Cblnk at Golden Ooich (drama) 998 13— A Lncky Toothache (comedy) OTO 13—^The Masher (comedy) 415 IT—Tbe Broken Doll (drama) 99T ^1—Tbe Banker'a Dangbters (drama)..;.. 080 24—Tbe Message of the Violin (drama) 907 •J7 —Tbe I'asBlng at a Gronch (comedy).... S37 ST—Tbe ProiioiMl (comedy) .............. 401 : ■ ■.■ BBLIO. August— Vast. 33.^0ora Tbome (Drama) .. 900 25—Tb* Indian Baldera (Drama) ........1000 39—Tbe Emigrant (Drama) .............. 995 September— Veet. 1—^Tb* Boad to BIcbmoBd (drama)..... 1—nie Bead to Blebmond (Drama)......1000 ■—Led By UtU* Banda (Drama) 910 8—Jim tbe Banebman (Dnina).........1000 IS—Uttto Boy (Drama)................w..1000 . 16-.4ni* Seboolmaster ot Haitpoaa (Dia- '' ^ba) '' *• nlOOO ll»—Bertie's Elopement (Cbmedy) iu—Big Medicine (Comedy) 23—Tbe Sergent (Onma) 1000 33—The Ole Swlmmla* Bole (Drama) ....1000 20— A Kentncky Pioneer (Drama) .1000 October— Feet. S—A ColA Storage Bomane* (Oimedy) .. BflB 8—For Ber Country's Sake (Drama) ....1000 10—The Sanitarium (comedy)............10(10 13—Is tbe Golden HarTest Tims (Drama) 1000 17—^Tbe Foreman (drama) 905 30—Two Boys In Bine lOrama) 1000 24— Oh, Yon Skeleton (comtHly I . 585 24—Oboet ot the Oven (comedy) 363 2T—Blasted Hopes (drama) .....1000 31— Settled Out ot Court (drama)........lOOO VITAQBAPB. Aognst— Fe*t. 33—inie Three Cberry Pits (Drama) 980 30—The Men Haters' Oub ((Ximedy) .... 985 2T—Bos* Learea (Drama) 986 30-Jean and tbe Calico Doll (Drama) .... 970 •optember— Fast. 3—A Ute tor a Ute (drama) 99S S—Tb* Wrong Box (comedy).... 985 6 C bew^Cbew Ijind (talry stoiy) 000 0—A Bougb Weather Oonrtablp (eomady) 400 •—Bow tt* Won RIa (drama).......... 080 10-4h* Ttai«a of Tbem (drama).......... 985 l>—Tb* Mmy'a Wit* (drama) oon lA—Two WaUi and a Strar (Dnaia) .... MS IT—A Ismatlc at Lsrg* (Oomody>...... 907 99—y*aa, tbe Match-Maker (Oomedy) .'...1000 SO—A Modem Kdbbt Bnant (Drama).... OOT S4—Beminelatlon TDrama) 900 ST—^B*r Adopted PBranta (Drama) 888 S»-nA lEbm* UelodF (Oaak) 907 <lctob*i>—i Feet. l-^Tb* BaebMnr and tb* 'BiAy (Drama). 4—Baasomed: «r, a PrlssBcr of War (Drama) .. .. . ..^....^..........a... 998 7— Tb* Last ot tb* Sasona (Drama) .. .1007 8— Th* Sage, th* Cbarab and tb* Widow (Comedy'-drama) tl—Brother Han (Drama) 11—Acton* Fond n*ld Day (Topical) .. 14— Ob the Ooorstepa ((Jomedy) ........ 15— Tb* Legacy (Dnma) 18—Auld Robin Gray (drama) 991 21—Dary Jones' Domestic Tronbles (com- *4r) 1000 22— Clothes Mske tbe Uan (comedy) 988 23— A Day on tbe French Battleship Ins- tice (toplcslr 835 35—Jean Gtoes Foraging (drama) 1008 SB—Captain ; Barnade's Chapsron - (com- y \ 'so****** SB—Tb* TdepboD* (drama) ............. 065 oBBAK-aauonn. (GeoiCa Klalna.) Angnit— Firt. 54— Escape of tbe Boyallats (drama) ; OTO 34—Bhlpoalldera ot Tonlon. Wtmuc* (In- dnstilal) 290 81—Baying a Bear (comedy) 485 Ol-rAnanilso In tbs Hedlterrsneaa (Trarel- ogn*) .« ................^............ 420 Stptembn— Fset. 7— Ingratitude (Drama) 4T0 r '7—MlUtaiy Kite Flying at Bhelmes (Top- ical) .. .. .... .................. a..^ 250 14—dlie Artisan (Drama) U..... 457 14— <Tba Trampa ((Vmedy) B2S 31—A Cbniean Vendetta (Military Drama) 099 31— Scenes.In the Celestial Empire (TraT- elogne) 2110 28— Tb* Quarrel (Drama) 807 38:—Beedham's Oipbanags PcstiTal. UIO (Topical) .. ........................ 894 Oetdber— Vest. : B—Tb* Dishonest Stewsrd (Drama) .... 080 - S—City ot a Himdted Ifosques, Btoos. sa. Aala Minor (TraTelogno) 390 12— Fcdled by a Cigarette (Drama) 801 19—In tbe Shadow ot the Night (Drama) BOS 19—Tunny Flsblng off Palermo, Italy (In- dnstrisi) 600 MBUB8. Ingost—. tttt. ZS—Tba Bomsno* ot CIrels Baneh (Drama) 900 September— Fset. 1—^Won In tbe Fifty (Drsma) 8B0 8—Baseball, Tbat'a AU (Oonedr) SOO 15— ^In the Mission Shadows (Drama) ..950 32— The Salt on the Bird's Tall ((temedy) 940 29—A Plucky American Olrl (Drama) .... 960 October— FMt 0—Billy's Slatera (Drama) 960 13— Out of Hischlet (Comedy) 900 20—Uncle Jim (Drama) ' i GATWOMT. ■ I ^ (George Sleine.) Aofost— Fset. SS^Nclgbbon (Dnma) 480 55— Fonr Little Tallon (Farce) . 500 27— Tb* Tow (BlbUeal Dran^) ..U...... 808 ST—In the Pyianees (Scenic Travelogne).. 122 80—Tb* Sbeiriierd and tbe Uald (Drama).. TOO 80-^Ancleat castles of Austria (Scenic) .. 399 3apterab*r— Fast. ^Unrequited Lor* (Trsgedy) .......... 584 8—Callno Takea New Lodglnga ((3omtd7) 427 6—^s Wsy ot tba Xkanagrsaaor la Bard 10—Babert, tbe Derll (Mysteiy pisy) .... 908 IS—An Bssy Winner (Farce-drama). 488 IS—A Powerful Tole* (0>medy); 480 IT—Poems In Pletnrss (AOegorlesI IdjU) 801 IT—A Danmur In Dlsgnls* (pomM^) .... 881 m—nCmevSn* Capid (Fatty-Drama) 896 W-Sonaet (Seute) lOS M—Th* Beserred Shot (Drama) 741 M—Tb* Times sre Ont ot Joint ((}omedy) 262 IT—The Sonken Snbmsrln* (Dtrsma) 040 IT—Too Hneb Water (Oomedy) 851 October— F^t. 1— <nie Dlrer's Honor (Tragedy) 691 t—^A High Speed Biker (Comedy) 4n< 4-Tbs Little Acrobat (Drama) 4<l« 4—Her Fiance and .the Dog ((Xmedy).. 535 11— ^Tbe Loren' Mill (Coined phantasy) 292 11—The Three Friends (Drama) 054 15—Tlie Romance ot a Necklace (Drama) 995 IS—Orandmother's Plot (Drams) 835 18— Phantom Ride from Alz la Bains (Travelogne) .. 105 22—Cheat (Drama) ..958 25—The Fint Gray Balr (Drama) .... 854 25—The Amazon (Comedy) ...........i.. 848 KALBM (X>HPANT. August— Feat. 24—^A Gipsy Bomaneo (Drama) 20— The Canadian Uoonsblnen (Drams) .. September— Weat. 14—A Little Mother (Drama) 080 10—A Leap for Lite (Drama) .......... 885 31—The Japanese Spy (Drama) 9TB S3—Tbe Cooapincy ot Pontiae (Drama) 975 38—The Heart of Edna LesII* (Drams) . 905 30— Spotted Snake's Scboollng (Drama) .. 885 October— Feet. 6—The Engineer's Sweetheart (Drama) ..1000 0—Big' Elk'a Turn Down (Drama) 930 12— FV>rty-flve Minutes from Broadway (comedy I 892 19—Tyranny ot tb* Dark (drama) 21—The Bdncatton of Bllsabetb (tkfc*)... 20—The Strongest Tie (drama) 28—Indian Pete's Gratltode/(drama)..... LITBIN. Augast— Fsat. 82—Cowboy Chivalry (Drama) 880 28—Tb* AnarcblaUe Grip (Comady) .100 88—Tka. Diaam Pill (Oomsdy) .........^480 38—Tba 8tnn8*r Bex (drama) 900 (Continued on page 52.) WANT£0—Man with motion picture machine tor local work. State price wanted per week. AtMrras THEO. M. COOPGR, Enfleld, N. C. 491WEST SBBSr Mtmlbrtt WANTED AT ONCE! Sipr for lllusifated Songs in picture theatre in small town. - Preference given those wbo play piano or trap dmms. Good salary and per manent position. State aU. Add. CHAS. POWELL, Bedkey, Ind. FOR SMf^ONE TO UfilT DVHMIO one Edison One-Pin Machine, Current Savera. Model B. Gaa. Machines, several different make Machines. Flln, ONB to TWO cents per toot. A wide-awake Film Service for less money tlian anywhere else. DIXIB FILM EXCHANGE. 509 W. 4th St.. Owensboro, Ky. FOB SALB—Three Kdlii>n two-pin machlnea, ail complete. 880 each; two Edlsrai one-pin ma- chines, all cmnplete. 9100 each; Films tor sale; Snt-elasB condition. 8T to tI8 per n*l. MATBB SILTKBICAN. 105 Jtb Asa., nttsbnrci Pa. WAHTZD—^Fllms and Song Slides tor TAN- NER'S FILM EXCHANGE. (3olby, Wis. I buy and sell picture machines. 3 reels ot Passion Play for sale. I rent six reels. 810 per week; 12 reels. $15 per week. TANNER'S FILM EX- CHANGE, Colby, Wisconsin. WABTEI>—One-Pio Machine, complete; state model, make and price. For sale or exchange. Film, like new; King Edward's Funeral. 330 ft.; Roosevelt's Betum. 3S0 tt.; Paris Flood. TOO ft.; 3c per toot. BOX 432. Kemmerer, Wyoming. KOTIOH FIOSnBE OVTRIB bought, sold snd exchanged. We want -a tew mora late model maefalneSa Hare aeverat banatna in eleetrle and gas ontflta on band. N^TXONAI. UtPLOT- MBNT CO.. Dnlnth. BUui. FOB SAIS—Moving Picture Machine. on?-pin movement, exhibition model, with fake-np. rheo- stat, electric and calcinm burners, stereoptlcon attachment, 2 reels Aim, 3 sets song slides, cur- tain. First 875 takes ontflt. ■ J. SEILR0Oj_ConncU BInlfs. Is. KOTIVa 7ICTDBE XAOBmBk 888,00 Are Lamps, 82; Bheostas, 83; Gaa Generators, 82.25; Fum for rent or for sale. Catalogne. L. HETZ, SOS E. SSrd St.. Hew York. f mmm PUT IN OUR EASE LS AND POSTER FRAMES AND WATCH YOUI AnENDANCEOROW. We make mecbamo- a^ attnctiooiL elo»- trio aigiiB. oe aat^ thing special m the theatrical line. Ideas devetoped— Low Fricea—Beat Work. DONT DE- LAY but write to- day. TiMlnm 11%. fit. ^InAlniMtt, Ohto SINGERS AND SINGIN6 ACTS available for moving plctore theatres and eates, write WESTERN VADDEVILLK MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION, Majestic Theatre BIdg., Chicago. WE BUY FILM WE SELL FILM Plenty of feature raels, 1. & 8c per foot. A good copy of Edison Train Bobbery tor sale. CHICAGO FILM BROKERS CSsr. Bernard 4k Afnala*. 8t»- : GHaaao. HL M0VIN6 PICTUREHUGHIIK STEREOPTICONS, SUDES, ACCESSORIES. Qias. IllLStebl»Bt» l028MaInatr««t. KANSAS GlTV. mO. targsLteS ot Edison Oasfc BABOAm IB FXCJIB AXD SOHS BLIDEB—100 reels Olm. elegant condition, 8T per reel and up; CO sets Song Slides, perfect eondlttmi. 81.TS per set. with mosle. Send postal Usts^-Good film service furnished at lowsnt prices lat-tbo South. Supplies. Bsrgalns In new and aacond- hand M. P. machines and gas msking onlSta. P. O. BOX 305. New Orleans, La. Reel Tickets TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 ALBANY ST„ BOSTON^MASS. Sand for Samplaa and Prieaa FILMS FOR RENT Imps/ Bison, Thanhouser, Nestor, Powers, Ambrosio, Itala, Eclair, Lux, Every Week.' $I.60AREEL LIthosniph Poattars With Cvary RmI. LYRIC niM & SUPPLY CO.. 720 Wabash Ave.. HUE HAUTE, IND. p. S.—Eloetra, Bio or Aroo Carbons, S3.90 par 100. Edison orPowar'aTansIon Springa, 71-2C. Whito Condensara, non-brsalcsbl*, 6So. I ■9 YihentieuBedA Rheostat ^VB<^' -aD- Which Would YOU Rather Pay? Tiiis man u oo • 220 voh diciut and as his moraia pictuie lamp only leqmtea 35/ volts at the aic. he formetly liaeda iheoitat to lednce the Toltage. In this way/ be pod tot about 3 time* at much "jnke** ax be MtaallyiKedecL 1 hen he figured be p Bc dc d thn money mom than the lifting C omp any) and be bought a FORT WAYNE COMPENSARC _ . Now he gelt • clearer, wbltef. more ptcDto unffiefceimg and i .■•*' \ bkbiUt am only about 1/3 what they wem before. Themarhmit , bat three adiinlmentt ana the cncuk can not bieak for even an iartantmpasnngfiniiiOBetoaiiodiet. No delay*, no bolhe^ BO waite, BO tiaiiga ^ no bent. , SeaJbiJsyfctourZZpatebooUat-Oimmsmicn.Rhecslsl.'' Ittdbfaahswyaaesnials BMAbMirUihlat I/3yourpnHBlocat. Fort Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wayne, IndL 1401 BROADWAY •or»»vj