Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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The BMlboa j c i * *■ <i' t DECEMBER 3, 1910. Dependable OPERA CHAIRS 8QYAL METAL MFG. CO. St. ILL NEW LINE OF STOCK PAPER -FOR- WESTERN MELODRAMAS will fit most any border drama. THE D ONALDSON LITHO. CO. NEWPORTiiggga. Incandescent Lamps 16* MM CM i GAN AVE. e' as r i « SO lo esd, T e. . Send for catalog 10. 'HALTON. JAifSEN * LeEOY CO., Largest Mtn. of Tricks and' nin- •looa Is the World, 148 LaSaUe at., and Z510 W. Madlsoo St.. Chicago. EX CEP- SPECIAL SALE OF- Beautiful Soubrette And Ankle Dresses • BY- B. WALTER, TbeatricaJ Castner. 244 Fourth Ave.. NEW YORK. Back ii the Retail Business Superior Magical Apparatus illustrated Catalog, free; Mammoth ProfeealonaJ Oatslos. 23 eta.: lost oat. New Bunl> ■beet asm sew Book lift. Immesae and cooudete stack . Goods shipped asme day: BO waits. "AT T BW BOM OF THE SQUABS DEAL." A. BtrTCBBEBO. Ill W. Ontario St., Ohloaca, m. _ f white rcuc \ VALLEY VjLnO TbeaoGemeexe ebemiealwhlte aaccbJm. Cant be told from hard they cant be Bled and will eat aleaa. Brilliancy guaranteed a j«n, All n 11K solid tolddUmoDd mooutllixs- Wlllsend. etrfcertns. pin or smd on e uuiuii —all cha ins no money la ede an po. gr Write tor Fl HOROSCOPES Printed rortnnea, $1 pes LOOS: F utar s Photos, risible and la risible, ft per 1.000, Palmists and Fortune Teilera* limnillea ■taam far samel as J*. 3-1 DOTJX, Utr Myrtle I I llll skwktra; ». T. Want Crowds? Then jrive away a stick of Chewing Gam with YOUR AO ON. HELMET GUM Exhibition. Model Morlng complete, and In splendid eon- dittos; projects s perfect picture. Also largest modd Colombia Grapoophooe. extra .load and an new; cast S100. win fate aw ti>r tbe entire outfit, tudndlnf ■ 111 aaiii Ii a. picture sheet, rec- etc. D. G. HARTMAN, Kenton, 0. ";- INDEX TO GONTENTS E ■ " • late, - - • EDITORIALS EDITORIAL BULLETIN . . . \ . . . ....... '. • .V.'. '• ... . • •> • • ;« THE AMERICAN. DRAMA AND DRAMATIST..;I . ..,...... THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN AMERICA . V THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN CHICAGO. .'^ .y............. THE VATOEVTLXJB WEEK IN CHICAGO.;— 1 •■• ?> 5 THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN NEW YORK ... ....... VAUDEVILLE AND MOTION PICjTURES .; THE VAUDEVILLE WEEK IN NEW YORK : . . PRINCIPALS WITH LEADING BURLESQUE CO. (Illustration)... BIG TOWN AMUSEMENT NEWS V> THE AMUSEMENT WEEK IN EUROPE. BURLESQUE AND BURLESQUE P. S. . . THEATRES AND ATTRACTIONS. . CIRCTJS NEWS eeeeee. •**•••••■ READERS* COLUM1V ...•••ee*.e ____ - _______ SK-ATEN G R LIS K Nlte WS ...s**eoeaseeee* FTT.M SYNOPSES tf' 11 iM RELEASES •*• TR A D ES DIRECTORY • Perform-rs Managers and Agents. . Burlesque Stock and Repertoire.. Dramatic-and Musical. Skating Rink Attractio Bands and Orchestras . Minstrels .. Circus ..... Miscellaneous Carnival ..................., ................. • .. - f - .... ... ...... Page. ... » .. 4 .. B . .6-7 . . 8 . . 9 V 10 .. 11 .. 12 .. 13 14-16 . . 16 .. 17 .. 18 .. 20 .. 22 .. 24 .. 26 .. 29 .. 42 .. 48 30 35 37 38 39 41 41 41 46 The ILL. 7 OOTJOT SIAaTonM DONT SEND A CENT Genuine Diamond Innovation an* In Years. —A AFtEl jii iin liuilln til g9998 h fm. rxpms aflM rjESXTRIPTION—Each ladles' rtmc. men'a ring, atea'e etn a or eearf ads and ladles' Is act In nlatlnam with SSTVEK PKBTEOT BLDl-aBITI OsUtUIMM DIA- MONDS. Imported direct tram Amsterdam br held la 14k cold and the work Is so ■analt Tbe serosa; of nlatlnsm la irmly ooa ly ln xaalooa that the aeras diamonds _ to blend: OIVINQ AIX TBS FOtsL BMAOTr'AMO baUIXIAwOB OF A _ DIAMOND. Mot tbe old. Oat d aster effect, bat tbe raised aettlnx, TIFT Alt T BTYLB. It yoo want the most wondarfolly bemtifal bit of Jewelry on the market tovday, at • f pcetsl card, (but so ■oney), ordertnf p^^rbod or rtas (alrtss alas of Oarer with place of stria*), and we wul ship at once. Open tbe ee^kaxe ta roar expreae otSce. If not an we elslm tee It, keep roar money, teress the SS *»* ™ PV *»• **t**m .ebArfse botb ways. Castes of any artest. sat with? fsaalae dismoods ioU like «m tw>. nth . r naM „ t*o. tw, ton. DIAMOND IMP08TERS EST. 1874 Columbus Memorial Bldo., lOS State Strecl, CHICAGO THE LATEST MUSIC FOR PLAYER AND ELECTRIC PIANOS ON SPOOLS AND ENDLESS ROLLS PRICE, 50 cents to $1.50 Per Roll 60 pieces so new every month.that they are old by the time others produce them SEND FOR CATALOGUES AND BULLETINS UNITED STATES MUSIC CO.,v^SKSKtS P JaMtraCUn chahaj to atoek and east ahfcf ImaaedlstelF. WnSm band chan, tlst saaMat far sat^s- doe e nee. A d s. Pe st. B, BTXBL rUUtl- TUB! CO.. Orast Ifasa. CARS AND SLEEPERS For Show People Southern Iron Equipment Co. ATLANTA, GA. B. B. & B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TKUNE 3-YEAH GUARANTEE IS-la.. M-ia.. SO-In., as in., at-la.. M-ia.. M-ln.. to-la. . LOOK AT THE »RICKI 110.00 EM mm Km savaa tfJi KB Km Bound with oar New Cold-Boiled Steal BlaWU lauf. Three-ply B. B. 4 B. trunk wood, hand-ri rttod tipping tray. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE. C00 deposit rsaalraa ob C. 0. D. B. B. 4. B. TRUNK COMPANY. 447 Wood St. iM redereil L Factory : 32-40 I as tM I la St., I PITT8BU HQ, -A. When in the following cities aawe TTHB and EXPRESS "The Same, from the < New York, N. T.. L Cblcaro. 1U.. htarahall FtaU * We. Akron. Obis J. ~ - Altoons, Ps. Altooaa Isather Aonsta. Os. Aa Baltleaon ..a j. Os. (1 OS. OA Usore, hid. on. llaas.. O.... . K T. Balls, Meat... Cincinnati. O.. Clereland, O... Columbus, O. CrawfordeTUle, las. 1 Cumberland. Md. aL B law. d. jton, O p. T .aia b i r sr s_aaa) Dstrolt, kllch. , ohadbolt A Chase Foatorla, Ohio The Paur dotaisf Os Grand Baplds, W. Wl '.'.Frtak O. Philltaa Trosk Fastan / * Oarew Os Be ek . tt Traak Os WallaaTi orand Baplds. htleh. Psai aBraes Bamntos, Ont Hamilton leather Oeeda Os Hlddiatowii/O.'.'. Sewark, OMs Farkerabara, W. Vs. Philadelphia, Pa.. Wat. OSXtJ Help Portland, Ma.. Portamoatb O. ProTtdeoce, E. Richmond, lad Bacwsw. hllea.... Bprlosfleld. O....;. Byracoae, N. T Timn. Ohio........ te o^::::::: Tre as on, VL. 7..... Waabiastoa. D. C. Wheel lax, ^ Ta.. Wilkes-Rarra. Pa.. T aneai in e. Ohio... . .J. Is, Brackett A Oh sseessssses*. aTOasU ......... B*rT7 4k Ob. ,. .htniee n a ra aaa Oa ,.... .Lleoerrss = ~ --.. i '» ...Zlresr Clotblny Oa ..BborUa: Department Store .Becker's Leather Oeoda Os arts A sal fan rrey h. Ksmmssat .Ttm Warner ator. The Theatrical Profession will hppraei »t* the saving of time and — thill