Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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4 The Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. Heard in Adv. ■ beautiful Sam S. Shnhert Memorial Thea- tre, st. Loot*. Mo., altuatedat Twelfth and street*, has the following staff: .MelrUle Stolr* ..Conrad Hecker In the Management In the Box Office . derahlp In the Leade Superintendent Chief of the 01 As Advert (sing .. .'.Is, T. Schoen ..Mr. Parker .Georgiaoa Alfre .Geo. Hedges, Jr. .Caasle Hal! MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. ..Louis Hassbanm ..Theodore A. CT . ..William Teala ..Maurice Pln-ikl Garrin "Bath House John!" That's him. who? No not the one yon meant Certainly not! Thl- one is in St. Lonis and be can be found "on tlie lot" from 9 A. M. until 11:30 P. M. dally. Oh yon John Fleming! John tells a funny " l tried to Inhale sixty an<i _. aa many minutes and sno- ut later be refused- even a one-hai one.? Squared a location anyway. "Met up" with two agents recently wbo were writing books unknown to each other. The Utl of one book was "Making St. Louis on the w ter Wagon." The other, "Making St. Louis off the Water Wagon." Harry Dressell was giving the latter a lot o' tips and Charlie Hani mood was a tlppln' the other. Want to reaii "them" books wben completed! ♦ And at last Dan Flshell haa come Into his own. Deservedly so, too. Dan is one of the finest chaps In the buslnesa and bla recent acquire- ment of controlling stock In the bcnutifol Prin- cess Theatre. St. Louis, was balled with *> ■ by all bis friends nod that means evcrvhod- as everybody la a friend of Dan s. Don't have to wish for good luck. Dan, as that la yours al- ways. HOUSE STAFF FOR MR. FISHELL. Arthur S. Flshell Assistant Manager Jamea Baasford Treasurer William Timlin Assistant Treasurer Chaa. Vollmer ..• 8nperlntenden Kaltenhaler Musical Director ne Cblef Doorman em .Assistant Doorman Dlre.t a stunner: Dear Mr. North—Will you Jvlse me (enclosed stamped envelope), of The Midnight Bona chorus? Thanks. Here von sre. "O. B." (who ever you are)— Jack Reynolds, the sgent of the show. Is the sponsor for this list, so If SHE la not "thow present" don't blame me: The Ei " garet Ti Kathleen roL PERSONNEL. OF CHORDS. Shoppers, Brides, Guests, etc—Misses Rclnuardt. Glr■- Desss Gibson, .. Eater Lee, Helen Helen Irwin. Waitresses. Owlets, Carmen*—Misses Avery, Mabel Landers, Margaret Day, Conway, Bella Desmond. Eatella Reeves. Nan Fredericks, Edna MsrrUl Dixie Evelyn Bllr Mar- Mary Gardener's Guests, etc.—Misses MUIer. Johnson. Gnesta. Clerks. College Boys, Bridegrooms and Toreadors. Amlna .Boys, ate.—Messrs. Hal Frost, Harry Simpson. Martin Boswortb. Josep' Bsumeister. W. L. Hobart.' Raymond! Starth. Stanley Rhoades. Robt. MUliken. H. J. Kirk- wood. Gns Bacl. Gerald McDonald, Joseph Gnth- rle. Arthur Hartley, William Jones, John Ham- Uton. Harry Prew. Harry 8hea. William Wal tber. Fred Howard. Ralph Shlpman. A short time ago. thousands of people langbed -d cried over the humor and pathoa depleted A Circuit Rlder-a Wife, that ran serially in -| Saturday Evening Post last winter. Begin - in hopeful young manhood and womanhood, "ain story of the Georgia hills was un- to the grave. Superannuated, cut off from the activities of life, cast longer of service even In the Held the old Methodist minuter soon * was laid away. Now. the story so well told In semi-factiou form, has had Its ending In real life. Rev. Lunday Harris, the "Circuit Rider" about whom revolved the story, died by suicide In a retreat near CartersvIIle. Gs.. recently. The story created considerable attention throughout the country. It was anonymous, bat In toe first few Instalments was recognized the talented hand of Mrs. L. H. Harris, who during the recent years had developed a literary style unusual In its clearness and apt in Its crlspneas and breadth. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were during the greater part of their lives residents of Georgia. He belonged to the North Georgia Conference, and during' most of the year's "rode" country cir- cuits, where the pay waa small, opportunity for attracting attention meager, appreciation often lacking, but chance for doing good im- mense. ▲ few years ago. he held a charge at Col- lege Park near Atlanta, and during the past year or two. having resigned active pastoral work on account of 01 health, filled a position with a Methodist publishing house in Nash- ville. Recently be and Mrs. Harris came back to the North Georgia mountains, staying near Cartenrtrie ha the hope that he would regain EDITORIAL BULLETIN THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER NEXT WEEK Next week will witness the publication of our annual Christmas Number, which promises to fully justify our anticipations previously expressed as the handsomest, most thorough, most complete and most useful holiday number that we have ever given to our readers. Each feature of the will be separately and exhaustively provided and commented upon. There will be articles dealing with The Theatrical Season So Far ; The Shake-up in the Booking Field; The Status of The Motion Picture J The Evolution of Vaudeville > The Progress of Melodrama ; The World of White Tops; The Carnival of The Present; Future of The Amusement Park; The Youngest of The Amuse- ment Family; Making.Demand for Music; Since Bur- lesque Cleaned House. These articles will all be written from an intimate knowledge of conditions and will deal with vital facts and phases. In addition to these special features, The Christmas Number will contain the usual departments devoted to the week's news and information. The List Feature will constitute the publication of our revised and cor- rected lists of theatres and motion picture theatres in all the cities of the United States and Canada exceed- ing 20,000 population. The Number will be profusely illustrated with timely, appropriate and beautiful photographs of people iden- tified with the profession of amusement in both its artistic and business departments. The cover will be beautifully lithographed in five colors and will be- sufficiently attractive to warrant its .preservation by all lovers of beauty in poster effect. In fact, the nature of The Christmas Number will warrant its preservation in entirety for many months, inasmuch as the information contained in it will be of usefulness and assistance for a long time. The very advertisements, of which there will be a vast number in the Christmas Number, will constitute an interesting kind of reading of a practical nature. On another page of this issue will be found an order slip, which being filled out and mailed to us with 10c. will insure any of our transient readers the receipt of a copy of The Christmas Number, which will be so large- ly in demand that the news-stands may not be able to fill all the requests. An effective alternative would be for those who are desirous of procuring copies of The Christmas Number to make reservation and deposit the price of single copies with their news dealers early next week so that the increased demand for the special number will not deprive them of it. suffering, the "Circuit Rider" awallowed poison and wrote "finis" to a story thst will lire among the great depletions of heart 'tragedies. ♦ - Executive atsff for the Bam 8. and Lee Shu bert (Inc.) The City Co.: Acting Manager .. ... Mr. Fred Kimball Business Manager .. .. .. Mr. Bam P. Oeraon htage Manager ...... ., .. Mr. John Jex There's one of tbe finest pairs Ftcd Kimball and Sam Oersoo. O Joy "meetlu' up" with these boys. ♦ Executive staff. Olympic Theatre. St. Louts: Manager .. P. Short Press Representative W. D. Cave IJusiness Manager and Tress. .. Walter E. Mania Assistant Tressurer Dick Rlchey Musical Director Henry J. Benjamin Scenic Arils. 1*. J. Toomey Advertising Agent .. .. .. . .D. J. Llgbtner 8tage Carp«-nter Edgar C. Larrner Electrician William Lee Master of Properties William Horn Doorkeeper Joseph 8 tree per Flortat ^. ■. Blesses Floral Co. Marie Tempest's executive staff for Caste: Acting Manager Stanley Preston Business Mansger Thomas A. McKee Stage Manager Mclntyre Wlcksteed With The Midnight Sons Company: Manager Chaa. H. Tale Arthur R. Evans .. John B. Reynolds Dlekersou Stage Business Manager Assistant Tlerrbsrd DIcL Maater Mechanic Charles Fortler Assistant Frank J. Sullivan Flyman .. Bud Rebcr Ciller Electrician Jack Ellis Assistant Gilbert MacLean Front Operator Howard Ilugglns Moving Picture Operator .. .. George Letgbton Maater of Properties John W. Clinton Assistant Frank Cummlngt Wa V , . r ° b f m ' ltnt M '» *>"• Assistant Miss Bee Kelly Trap Drummer Lew Bcbaeffer Maurice Spyer hea an orchestra at tbe Colum- bia Theatre, si. Loala. that la remarkable In Its finesse snd thorough knowledge of raude- vllllan'a music. * Galettl'a Monkeya present an act. Monkeys* Day at tbe County Fair, that's a pippin. Clever monks and clever Idea. Galettl'a a clever hoy. ♦ Mignonette Kokln haa Annette Kellrrmann and many other statuesque beauties laabod to the maat when It cornea to^'form." If (bete are any more versatile chap* that the Twin Brothers Blgotetto tar he It from me to ever want to think of the time they bare pot lo rehearsing and practicing the many things Ihey do to do the many things they do. They do Jnggllng, Chlneso tricks, mimics, musics] acta. Illusions, acrobatics, aerial^gymnsjtlcs. *. MS*, ••V'.-t Vsudeville lost a mighty fine funny act when Bert Howard and John T. Bay split recent- ly. Funniest act I ever saw was their Gsuxy Twins. Too bad you spilt, but Howard tella me thst slthougb being a feature oa each bill every week, he waa unable to obtain proper aalary dua tbe act, and that waa tbe reason of the split. Mr. Howard Joined bands with Effle Lawrence and they are presenting their set st present over the inter state Circuit. Now It reads. II. D. Buckley, manager Oar- rick Theatre, St. Loula, and all of us say: "Three rbeera for Buckley and a tiger." Mighty One, deserving chap. Here's a barrel of good wlahca and best of luck to you, old pal. from one wbo la proud to extend tbe same. Mr. Hockley's staff follows: _,. . Treasurer .. .. T.". Boscoe Buckley Advertising Agent Charlei Currau Muslcsl Director D. D. Bafuaoo Chief Doorman .. .. ,. .. .. .. Frank Kurrua Chief Uaber .. Anna Woodward Master Mechanic EdwiIdWeatrup Electrician .. George Tbomi»oo Maater of Properties .. .. Theodore A. Uhl Chief Engineer Chaa. Brighton . Wm. 8m*th • > * • • •. • • BOainiii The noted artists who hare helped to make up tbe history of the Colombia Theatre. St. Louis, are legion. Including George M. Cohan. Robert Hllllard Nance O'Nell. ROM SUbl. Rose Coghlan, The Four Cohans, The Four Mortons. William H. Thompson, Grace Van - Studdlford. Minnie Sellgman, Mclntyre and Heath, Helen Bertram, VVs.ier C. Kelly, Bon and Fenton. Rice and Cohen. Camilla D'Arville. Emmett Corrlgan. Tbe Fadettes, Delia Fox. Winona Win- ters and Lew Bully, J. J. Morton, Edmund pay. Crrsiy snd Oayne, Clayton Whit* and Maris Stuart. Ryan and Richfield. Mrs. Langtry. Henry Lee. The Great Lafayette. Claries Vance. Tom Nawn, Eva Tanguay, The Great Lester, Coram, Charlei Warner. Flo lrwln, William Ccortlellh. Ethel Levey, Julius Stcger. Bert Leslie. Amelia Summervllle. Qua Edwards, Countess Olga Von Hatxfeldt. Stella Mayhew. Rifle Fay, Mabel Har- rison and Joe Howard, Margie Clin*, Sidney Drew, Pauline Hall. George. Prlmroae, Hilda 8pong. Big City Quartette. Empire City Quar- tette. John T. Kelly, Mary Norman, Cbarmloo, Marguerite Bylvla. Eugene Cowles. Marshall P. Wilder, Valerie Bergere. Alice Lloyd. Clifton Crawford. Cbarlee Evans, Walter Jones. Mabel Hlte. Edwin Stevens, Besale Clayton, Wilfred Clarke. Fanny Rice, Valeaka Burratt. Bdna Aug. May Melville. Tuorne and Carleton, Elisabeth Murray. 8. Miller Kent, Williams and Walker. Felix and Barry, Stlnson snd Marton. Edwin Ar- den. Truly Shattuck, E. J. Connelly, Cliff Gor- don, Tbe Four Fords James K. Rosen * Gabriel. Paplnta. Carter DeHaren. Jam- ton. Ben Welch, Edith Helena, Cecelia Loftus. Hondlnl, Paul Spadonl. Bert Lory. May Boley. Nat M. WUIa. and many others. Many of these bsve since acquired fame In otter Olds, while any number of established dramatic atari bare oscaslonslly appeared In the Columbia. Harry E. Bryant Is bsck with The Girl In the Taxi. Don't conflict the meaning of tbli. mean he la manager with the abow. Bryant and Cave put over some hot onea In St. Loula papers and how tbe sheets felll Wow!