Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 17 3* Burlesque and Burlesquers THE WORLD OF BURLESQUE. By SY DNEY WIRE. Wben the theatrical producer take* the musical comedy vehicle, and attempts to trans plant it. body and soul—ryes, boon and all ai It were, on to the bnrleaqae stage and to Ol od r ""bor 1 ! "'a* "adl 0 n'c»'"the" ltlr o I i t t r 'la t0 "f ly lb* ssme. I. R., rAILUBB. The reason la not far to aeek and to tboa* who have the situation closely, the aolutloo la r well-kaown slayer* tbe principal role*, rood, looks well a ad apparent. Toe buriesque audi race ot to day la blase and la far too Irritable to allow IMelf to be bothered with My Intricate plot which require* Ions atretcbea of tiresome dia- logue to explain. It la looklag for action and rapid Are comedy. Good muale, good singing a good-looking and well drilled eboraa of daintily costumed glrta. and If tbe book does contain plot or story. It moat be told la a synopalaed manner with all asd every bit of au peril do ui dialogue eliminated. - Situations moat be hand- led with all the celerity poaatble. entrance* and exlta made with all the apeed that good Judg- ment will allow, and tbe smallest stage wait muat be carefully aTolded. If there la any fault to be found with Phil Sberidan'a new abow. It la tbe lack of action which la at time* distinctly noticeable. Tbe Brokers* need*^ 7ew'sees««D»^^ B b^ k 'Me»aril! Yorke and Adams, tbe story of wblcb la too well known to and an excellent has beeo engaged to Ed. Morton, a* B. handles his part with every satisfaction, wbll* AI. Hall. In tbe "Row Do I Know" character of Wood-Be Holmes, sraa tbe hit of the abow. Tbe parts of Plats snd Scbultx. formerly band- led by Torke Jr. Adams, are well taken care of by Dave Tine aod Mark Adams, and although Mr." Tine appeared to be suffering from a bad cold, hla arork waa excellent. Mr. Adama was possibly tbe beat of tbe two and hla work la con- siderably more gracefol than that of his partner. Fyrt* Dencn. wbo. by the way. apeaka with a pleaalng English accent, made a capital Lulu Haaleton. and made an impression with several nicely, her ballad in the and I - m. aa Mollis well. The _ weU taken care of by those to whom tl and with tbe exception or a the action drags slightly, tax About tbe chorus, I feel loath to speak, as Phil Sheridan, tbe owner of the show. Is old and eery dear friend, bat I know that he will agree with me wben I say that the numbers are bad. eery bad. Tbe abow baa recently un- dergone a complete reorganisation and tbe re- hearsals were confined to a few daya only. Th musical numbers are. In coraseqneoce. eery poor and with the present corps de ballet, little Im- provement can be looked for. Tbe girls are not of the hlgbeet standard either In looka or In singing qualities and their work la nnusual!< tbe show, with a few rbi of the chorus wilt probably "♦ Although undergoing a strenuous process of modification, the Sam T. Jack Show la by no means the worst attraction the Western- Wheel has got. snd from a alluring; standpoint It would stand a bully chance with tbe beat of them. Tbe show ts beaded by Bob Tan Oa t e n , always ~ bat nevertheless fanny with a dry and luring humor entirely hla own. Aa the aaow atanda at present thee* la not mnch show to It. aa far aa tbe book la concerned, bat what by fenulne comedy, of Bob and the t of the clever prima donna. —r. who I* possessed of a sweet jotee of unusual range and power. Her ballad. Lose Once Again ha the Springtime, waa a tbea't'y'witb *sn u^kln™ Uonght J for 'the"thaw of _ other In rapid s ucm sa tun that It was. at times, bard to believe that the girls had time to make tt» The chorus la an exceptionally good lection of all bard workers and evi- dently good singers, ss some of the choruses sounded nicely noon tbe erenlng that I wit- nessed the abow. Tbe favorite numbers were. Come Out and Play Ball With lie. l-acv Anna Lou. Maybe You're Not the Only - One Who Lores lie, Betty Brown, Jangle Band, Tbe Beautiful Bag, and Tan Oaten'a Agony Band. I moat not forget to mention th* clever - work ot Billy Meeban and bla talented wife, Violet Pearl, wbo were the life and soul of the show. Their work In the olio, and In fact all through th* action of the abow made them easy fav- orites with tbe audience and It seemed a pity their wonderful dancing specialty and ee- wltb lota of good comedy, bright scenery, plenty donna role, and doea It In an easy and graceful manner. J. C Hanson. William Harris. George Martin, Virginia Ware, Josephine " 1 did nl nicely and a to do his court-room atoff. which, how- ever, got them laughing. Bla agony band la also bat a change of the song would be minor parte, strong olio helped tbe show mi I The olio Includes Helen Tan and Bonet Martin and Ware, and Mile. Emerie In a pleaalng Charm Ion act. Joe Watson la do- I Ing bla parodies during the action of tbe piece. where they seem to go better than they did I In one. Tbe Lady Buccaneers la one of the | beat Western Wheel shows I hare seen this season, and It la sore to get the money for Its deserving owners, and two better fellows newer Heed than Harry M. 8trouae and the popular Wash Martin. 4> On the beautiful state blgbway. a fwv miles from Albany In New York State, and with- in sight of the main road, there atanda a pala- tial modern dwelling which la surrounded t 200 acres of tbe most fertile land, all of wblcb Is under cultivation. It fat one of tbe room prosperous farms In the vicinity and la the prop- erty of a well-known burlesque comedian, whose favorite character la German. The thought of this tactful and exemplary member of th- There la an olio with the abow which is good enough and which la opened by Billy Meehan and Violet Pearl. In a singing and dancing act. They are followed by Farnnm and Delmar'e act, which consists of some good singing and some ludicrous pantomime and acrobatic work. The Musical Stewarts have a' pleasing musical Set while Elmer Collins and Lew Christy, killed a few mutates with a stationary cycling ar- rangement which although billed aa an added at- traction, created but little Interest. ♦ ■ When the Western Wheel can show a few more attractions like Harry stronse's Lady Buc- caneers, they will certainly have to build larger theatres or arrange to secure bigger houses to take core of their audiences. Harry's snow, last season, waa good and this season It la better. It Is an- old style burlesque I know Through bla and beer. And now he's aa rich aa a lord. It would be well If many of na could take an Inspiration from our frugal friend above men- tioned, and a little effort at economy would make a deal of difference to Iota of ua in tbe snow business- It's astonishing what a small amount a man can lire on wben be goes to b. at nlgbta after tbe show. ♦ Tbe roster with Harry Strouae and Was') Martin's Lady Buccaneers la: Harry M 8trouse. manager: Wash Martin, business man- ager:. Joseph K. Watson, atage manager: .FreV Asbbach. musical director; Prank Gorman, car neuter: Tboa. Gresfaam. electrician, and Mrs MEMBERS OF THE FIRM OF HURTIG AND SEAMON. of changes of good, clean wardrobe and a chorus of well-shaped and pretty girls, all of whom are workers and singers. The eight ponies could carry off tbe tea cake for this aeaaon's line-up and would win eaally. Jos. K. Watson, tbe runny little comedian with the thin vol re. I* again the principal co median and la a great favorite. Helen Van Buren. stately and beautiful, bandies the prima Blaine, wardrobe mistress. The caat include* Jos. K. Watson. J. C. Hanson. William Harris George Martin. Harry Wise. C. Frase. C- Pearl. P. Anderson. B. Morehouse. Helen Tan Buren. Tlnttnla K. Ware. Josephine Boort. Maxle Merril. Llraie Bogers. Cleo Marshall. Stella Billiard. Marie Gray. Fannie Andrews. Margaret Harris. Gene Howard. Ellno Lena Franklin. Holdla Gil more. Delia with tbe abow' . with Pbll . baa been compelled to owing to tosa of bis Bla part In tbe esat of tbe show will be by Joe Freed, a young and rising dialect comedian, who opened with the at Cleveland thla week. ♦ W. E. Kerns, general agent fur the . _ polltan Shows No. 1 during tbe past season, la now In Chicago, making arrangements to take out on tbe road a burlesque abow, featuring that "Indian Girl Stelle." The roater of the company is aa follows: W. E. Kerns, sol* own- er and general manager; Doc. Bros dwell, gen- eral agent; George Adama, electrician: Miss Bessie Busaell. musical director; Frank ' stage carpenter; Frank Henlt. trick Scott and Ferguson, comedians: Maui Clara Scott. Besate Miller. Maudt . , Johnson. Mae Adams. Mayble Boon. Doris and Grace Harris. ♦ Everyone wbo bears Felix Adler sing hla fanny Spsgstte medley. Is wandering where be got tbe clever and bizarre orchestration which goes with It. The accompaniment la a double time Turkey In the Straw melody, which la cleverly arranged to suit tbe harmony of tie* song. It Immediately catches tbe ear and la tbe cause of general comment. Felix aaja that the orchestration In question waa written tor blm by the leader of a Fort Worth orchestra, and that It coat blm but two dollars. Phil Sheridan baa temporarily retired from active work and has returned to hU home at Bath Beach, where ^^{.^^^""'r^S t , iken*2sre* < of by Sam L. Tuck, the weB known theatrical manager. Tbe Aeon Comedy Four, which waa to have been the added attraction with the Star and Garter Girls during their engagement at tbe Gayety. Pitaburg were obliged to cancel ow"-- to th* sickness of s member of tbe set. T. were replaced by Charlie Case, who made a hit teUlng his audience* about bla father. Charlie Franklin, tbe well-known agent ]s ahead of Morris Walnslock's Rector Girls (Western Wheel 1. which show Is now headed be Francis Salllrsn. The special attractions With the show are The Rrianxa Trio and Ay*s- The present executive staff of Pbll Sheridan's show Is: Phil Sheridan, owner; Sam L. Tuck, manager: Jos. Shaddock, leads: stage msnsger: Ben Morner. *t Ed. Bauer, electrician, and Mrs robe mistress. ^ Harry Clark. late manager of Sam Bowe'a Bialto Rounders. Is In Sew York, and will re- main there for several weeka. P- Ill-feeling between himself and i states that be may rejoin the sbos weeka. nd win re- Ithln s few Ethel Underbill, a young and rising melodra- matic star. Is considering an offer from •» Eastern Wheel manager for next season. Miss rnderhlll Is young, possesses unusual rstanty. snd Is sure to be warmly welcomed In burlesque. ♦ It Is ststed that Jack Singer will have a third show on the Eastern wheel next aeasotx. ills present attractions, which are playing_to biE business, sre The Behman Show and That The exeeutWe staff with Charlie Robinson's Crusoe Girls Is: Cbaj. Robinson, owner:!Bd-Da- v Id sou. manager: Harry link, advance repre- sentative; Harry Anner. musical dtretinr; Joe NOTES O F TH E ROAD. The Empire Theatre. Quanah. Texas, man- aged by L. M. Cobb*, Is now being booked by Sullivan at Considlne. Hoiser and Goes, comedy acrobats, wbo have just finished a seaanu of thirty-four weeks with tbe Mighty Ussg Shows, open December * *t Kansas City, on th* Ted 8parka time. Jos. J. Kelly baa been released from the White Cross Sanitarium. Jaekaoo. Mich., where he waa confined for eight week*. Be resumed work November 31. opening at the BUoo Thea- tre. Jackson. Tbe Interstate Vaudeville 8how. under can- eaa. opened Its season la Lit bonis. Oi.. No*. Is. The executive ataK of the company in- J. O. Kvlna. proprietor; A. C. Erlns, F. B. Glen, secretary. O. P. Ball. Benny Miller, agent: Box* Carrol, superintendent of canvas: 8. Cllovanall. band director. Performers are: Aerial Seboena. The Crafesux. Wm. Meeker. Vsxsseno. Qua Klrslfo. John Vol sin sad Dexter. Nerve, the akelrb which was headlined orer the Orpoeum circuit last season with George Bloomqnest playing tbe principal role. Is now being presented over the Eaatem TJ. B. O. time, with Tom Derles In Mr. Bloomquest's part. Ruby S. Thorpe I. .mi with the act. and tbe other part Is being filled by George War- rlngton. Mamie Lincoln I'lxley and Hamilton Mott bare joined The 81ns of a Father Company. Thomas Dixon, tbe author of tbe play, wbo has been with the company for several weeks play- ing Ibe trading role, left the company at At- lanta. Ga., November IB, and returned to New Tovk. Llbbey and TTayer, those clever singers, scored tbelr usual bll at the -Empire Theatre, Calgary, Alia. One of Ibe local papers thought so much ot Llbbey ami Trayer that thry mentioned tbe fact In their editorial roll Tbe Bijou Theatre, at Kingston. X. Y.. owned by tbe BUoa Theatre Co.. has been purchased by Seymour Warner. George W. Carr, the former manager and part owner, baa gone to New York City, where he will be connected with WUmer and Vincent. . The Gilbert and McKolght Tanderllle Com- pany baa been organised, and conxjata of Mc Knight, hypnotist: Adelslde Austin, eonbrette: Gilbert and Daeta. comedy sketch artists; Jere Lee, monologist, and Stanley Trio, In a play- Ooea and Jowphlne opened tbelr second ses- son on the Orpbeum Circuit at Spokane, Wash., November 21. At the completion of tbelr tour of Orpbeum theatres they go Into rehearsal with a musical comedy, which win open In July. The Terre Haute Theatrical Exchange, a Terre Bante, Ind., has changed hands. F. P Jones, formerly of the vaudeville team of Jones and Atbertoa. I* tbe new msnsger. sueceedlug Wm. Klott, who has retired. Edward T. Haekker. former manager of this theatre, will, on Jsnosry 1. open s ww pic- ture and vaudeville house In Lexington. Mo. Vau- deville routings will bo furnished by Sullivan and Considlne. Leavltt'a Theatre. Sanford. Me., was open*d recently under tbe management of P. C. Lea- wltt. agency. Sol Dan, wbo la connected wHth tbe Shubert Theatre, Bltrmtngham. Ala., has published a vatuabte reference and diary fnr vaudeville artiats. Tbe book should find a ready aale. Cbas. Kenna "Tbe Yankee Father'" now playing tbe Wm. Morris circuit, will fulfil return engagementa In England next spring and summer under Mr. Morris' management. Owing to the death of Mr. Ketaler's ^mother Th* Retaler* have .been called to Wichita. Kan., where they will their father for several weeks. with W. B. Hlnes. tbe lessee of tbe tre. Alliance, o.. baa sold the Cowans, of Cleveland. O. vllle will be continued. O'Claire and McDonald have received contracts for nine more weeka of W. V. M. A. tlm*. They are just finishing a tour of tbe Miller Circuit In Oklahoma and Kansas. The Musical Flake, after thirty-fire weeka' season with the New York Show Boat, dosed at New Orleans, and opened on the Green- wood time at Pensacola. Fla., Not. 28. The Great Williams, trick barrel and bottle jumper, la now owner and manager of the College Girls All Lady Minstrels. The set Is now playing the Don trick time. Mile. Clifford, sword swallower. and Karl Eauton. late of tbe Gollmar Bros.' Show, opened their winter season st the Lyric Thewtre. Xoungatown, O n Not. 28. McOrall and Perry, theatrical agenta. with lees ua Oh* >e business i on by John F. The Pendleton new set for vaix sketch, with a t present playing dates on It, but after the holidays wlU work with a lady partner, doing a singing snd dancing act In one. Frank Milton and DeLong Staters are booked solid for over a year, land until May, when tbe Orpbeum Circuit. Prof. H. Wilson baa forsaken the road and located la New York City, from where he will direct the destinies of all of Woodford's edu- cated animal acts. .Ti* < i!?•i«.? ),T " w • hT P n0 »» , »- «re booked solid until 1912. They pis, East of Clevc- they open for a tour ot , Irwin Family soon close with the Vaudeville Show and^wUl ^ro » The Wm. J. lrwln Fa M. A. Bailey "~ Steelvllle. Mo., ter circus. The Three Troupers. O. F. Alger. Fulton and Frank Tan Dnacon. opened Norman Jefferles Southern time at Mobile. Ala., Not. 93. . Hampton and Basaett hold contracts to open on tbe Pantages' Circuit February 23. They are now playing In Chicago for tbe W. T. M. A. Jolly Wild and Company sttred an Immense bit st HammerstehVs Victoria T » and Lotta opened at Dea Moines. I... 24. for a tour of the S. 4 fc. tlm. of the Adelaide Hermann Is appearing at Hammer- stein's Victoria thla week. In an entirely new set ot spectacular magic and Illusion*. Theatre%lsnsfl.dd. , "o°"w5 of Mr. Hilton. After one year's separation. Grojean and Mauser hare re-united. They opened In a new act at Kansas City. Mo.. Nor. 17. Billy and Ere Merrlam open December 19. at Seattle. Waab.. for a twenty-four weeks' tour of tbe West. Hilda Hawthorne and "Johnnie" opened on tbe Orpbeum Circuit at Spokane. Wash., Not. 20. Th* Three Musical Lore It as opened on th* Interstate time, Knoxvllle, Tenn., Nor. 1*. Odiva baa returned to hunting trip In Northern Selroa Braatx, the ope January 31.