Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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20 The Billboard : . ' DECEMBER 3, 1910. SAWDUST AND TANBARK Resume of. the Two Bills' 1910 Season— Big, Aggregation Representing Enterprises of Col. Cody and Major : Lillie—Robinson Puts Out Winter Show On the RIalto an. outposts throughout the country, the fall I gossip Includes dtscuslon of arenic matters, and lesllons arise as. "How stand the rec- tbe past season? Is every bond ful- d?"—Answer from the Two Bills, "Aye. and every promise kept; every friendly prognos- tication, every hope and erery wlsn have be- come accomplished facts." The Cody and Lillie Alliance, merging the standard attraction of Buffalo Bill's Wild West •nd Pawnee BUI'S Par East has made a success that financially and artistically reaches the grade of an achievement. The long season covering ■ territory from the •nn-risc on the Atlantic to the son-set waters of the Pacific, has been fruitful of 8 harvest gleaned from the field of fortune, accompanied by extraordinary luck, besides being astonish- ingly effective In the satisfaction given to pa- trons by delivering "the goods." This la a summary of the result of the pre- liminary tour, marking the parting from arenlc connection of the old Scout, Buffalo Bill. worked to a they jobs am. most be across. Col. Cody, with that virility so long asso- ciated with the frontiersmen, as spry as iu days long gone by, never missed a performance—ap- pearing In seven numbers and In his shooting act displaying aU his old-time skill with un- rtimmed eye In hitting the globes at galloping speed. " It goes without saying that General Manager Louis E. Cooke, the dean of his class, direct- ing an able advance staff (Charles Dcgnon. Lester Murray. Victor Cooke. Sam Fielders and Van Osteo la the van) and perfecting details, was a decidedly ^active^factor in accomplUhing u'so^rXient! ™' ~* 4 W C On the disbanding at Little Rock, the people dispersed in all directions. The horses ..ere shipped to their farm paddocks in Pennsylvania; the cars and paraphernalia to Trenton winter- quarters. COL. VERNON C. SEAVER. Be In president and pen ral manager of the Yonne PuI~aIo Wild We bin first In clrcusdom. Although b's show hastily orgauiz d and u lions as tu weather, etc.. his aggressiveness I laced him In the blub cstee and the "wlnd-op" fonnd the Colonel with a host of n-,w frlebds. WOB ndl- hlm So pronounced has been the good fortune of the outflt, that common gossip of the Doubting Thomas kind Is eclipsed affectually by dally and weekly echoes from the fields that have been resounding broadcast all summer. First, as to Inck In weather; running be- tween the raindrops: being before or after the forest fires; escaping the Storm King; not a blow-down; not one losing day; not one lost performance; always on time; frequent phe- nomenal turn-sways reaching as high as nine cities successively; San Francisco capturing the season"* laurels, actually closing the ticket sale ten minutes before 8 o'clock the second night; the Status as a natural exhibition acknowledged In a contest In Frisco, confirmed by the coons of Texas, and admitted by the tax authorities: arriving in Texas behind a Norther, and enjoying Indian Summer weather In toe closing day late In November (10th Lit . sending all home-boom - [ packing- canvas without ' The organization with CoL Cody and Johnny Baker behind the curtain, a company of het- erogeneous character, forming a marvelonsly "Happy Family;" Major LIUIe In constant command in front with an executive ability, courtesy and tact that infected his associates, led by such experienced old campaigners as Col. Charley Thompson. George Wilson, (whose in- ner was a banking asset In itself); with Charley MeClaln and others well equipped to handle the public with politeness, an Ideal season was regretfully closed. Sympathy must be extended to the ticket Cba'rley Melius', for^ne arirMna natar/o? Col. Cody, besides bis duties with the exhibi- tion, kept In constant touch with his various enterprises In Wyoming, Nebraska and Arizona. He established a line of automobiles between Cody' City and Yellowstone Park with great success, starting from the Hotel Irma, Cody City, to Pe-ha-hae-ka Typee and Waplta Lodge In the Forest Reserve. His North Plstte ranch has bad added a herd of 0,000 sheep. The Bit Horn Basin Ranches are booming, and Bonlta Mines near Tucson. Arlxons. and 1.800 acres or placer land are fast developing into paying property;'-two quartz mills being In action and Indications pointing to Immensely pay- ing results. Col. Cody left for tbe mines im- mediately the night the exhibition closed; to the tune of Billy Sweeney's Band. Major Lillie has visited Pawnee City and fixed his fences to permit his supervision of the Installation at Trenton when be returns to attend his bank duties as president, big ranches, bis Buffalo Breeding Reserve, and see the finish- ing touches on. and take op bis abode In his new $40,000 colonial style msnslon. Next season for tbe farewell visits of Col. Cody to the large Internal cities. Philadelphia. Boston. Washington. Baltimore. Denver and Chi- cago, a program Is being prepsred which will render tbe final tour memorable In the annals of exhibitions, wben be will lay down bis scepter snd place the mansgerlsl msntie on tbe shoulders of his younger pioneer comrade. Major Gordon Lillie. The Buffalo Question Don't let yourself be buffaloed into buying an outfit of an inferior nature. Consult ue firat. Our many years of experience in tent building have given ua knowlodg that means money to yo " lAr many j ■ knowl you. We are considered the fore- most tent builders in America. Get your nam* en our list for some of that free information that means money to you. WE ARE ALSO AGE NTS for BOLT E & WEYER LIGHTS. UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. COW. r. NEUMANN, jr.. Prse. JOHN C. MoCAFFERY. TrMS. 22-28 North Desplalnes Street, WALTER P. DRIVER, Vloe-Prea. COWARD St. LITZ INO.CR, S.o-y. CHICAGO. ILL. UNIFORMS for Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part, Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc Scad for CATALOG. Be Sure and Mention Kind of Uniform Wanted. Western Uniform Co. 21-* S. CLARK ST. CHICAGO 10 IflU ii > i ■ « ItCI 01 HUT Hal GOSS' SHOW A CANVAS \> y BLACK TENTS CIRCUS FLAGS Waterproof Covers stso ton if* citiiog i«o siccus «nc usi Ihe J. C. GOSS CO. "V,',",;" Phone Canal 8864 Established 1865 Thomson & Vandiveer MAN DFACTTJRER8 OF CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT. 81« East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, O. TENTS SHOW TENT8. BLACK TENTS. CANDY TOPS, MERRY-GO-ROUND C0VBR8 and everything- in canvas. Send for catalogue. 11 BROS TEltT t HNKt N BRUSHES FOR BILLPOSTERS "Ei.Ei.Cire.s"$3.75 "Eiealtlor" $3.25 "Qutkir Gitj" 2.76 "Ii. 1 Rojil" 2.60 SideShowPainting* SIEGMUND BOCK 723 Blue Island Ave., Chicago, III*. PORTABLE LIGHTS FOR ALL PURPOSES THE BOLTE & WEYER M. • c. mi. Mgan •treat, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS TENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now Lb tbe time we need the work son can give quick action and close price QUALITY THE BEST TIE COLUMBUS TENT t AWNING CI COLUMBUS. OHIO WE SAVE FOR T.FABT.. CARS, so ft. Ions, (or snipping scenery, automobiles, advance, baggage, lirlvlli'Ki'. stock and merry-go-rounds. Desirable for sh ow a nd circus companies. Reasonable HE^mrilAct HORSE CAR CO.. Boom tit, Michigan Asanas, Chicago. WILLIAM BART ELS CO. Dsalars In Wild Animal,, 160 Greenwich Btrsst, Vsw York City. SCENERY THE FINEST SHOW PAINTIN0B AT LOWEST SHOW PAINTINGS E. J. HAVDEN A CO. af. T. RUNEY .iWxwraa Cincinnati. Ohio TKaatrteai-Citeue PaeteassgMre. Circus ai Clubs, logne. and Novelties. Stamp for call VAN WYCK, Cincinnati. 0. i ■EARS, SNAKES, MONKEY lYaske. atonssar ~ STAMW WILD AI«I .11. Y. and Show (Canvas Black and whits; new or s e c ond-band. Bargains In second-band tops. OMAHA TENT ft AWNING CO. OMAHA, Nla". West of Salt Lake City. Address, BUM TENT * AWNINO CO.. SAN PBANOISOO, GAL. Car builders. All classes. Show Cars a clalty. Shops, Harvey, Illinois. H0TCHK3BS. BLUE * COMPANY, Ml Hallway Exehaags Building, SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTINGS