Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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22 Tine Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1010. Readers'Column ADDRESSES WANTED. The address of the Ben Greet Players la de- sired by Chas. E. Darts, care Western N. X. A I'a. Traction Co.. Olean. N. T. Chan. H. Smith desires to locate hla son. Cbas. E. Smith, who. when laat beard of. was with Terry's Uncle Tom's Cabin Company. "The Booker." P. O. Box 191. Uarham, N. C. desires to learn the present address of Bea- Addr«v«. of Donee IJnty. formerly of Jae. P. Lee Stock Company, la deal red by Miss Blanche Carr. of Ibe Jess M. Flnley Stock Company. C. G. Osborn. whose address is Terminal Ho- tel. 35th and 8tb are.. New York City, desires to locate Mae I. Osborn. also known aa Mae Anbrey. formerly one of the Petite Slaters. Mrs. F- C. Gay. of 304 W. Main street. Lex- ington. Ky.. Is anxlona to learn the present whereabouts or Mr. and Mrs. Fred s. Cutter (Cotter and Soole.) Julius Klelst. care Oliver Bottling A Supply Co.. Pontine. Mich, wants to ascertain the ad- dress or Bnrton C. Evans, singer. Madame 1 aclare, or Grand Crossing. Chicago. HI., would like to be Informed of the address of Nellie LaQ 11. elms rider. Mrs. Bacbel E. Pearson, of Rowland. N. C. desires to learn the address of her son. Lenton Pearson, who has been traveling with a caxnl- ral company. - The present address of Walter Thomas Webb, last winter with the Bhoda Royal Indoor Circus as property man, and this season with the Sells Kioto Show. Is being sought by Mrs. Bell Webb. 308 E. 33rd ^Bonlevard. Chicago, JU^ ■ Mr? 1 W."^ re Neimoud 1 *ta dSreeTbj* Harrj^Klne ley. of 813 Front street. Columbus Ga. Relatires of Lew GUck are anxlona to learn hla present whereabouts. Address alias M. Barn tt. I'JV w. 14th street. Chicago. 111. Mr. D. Wragg. General Dellrery. Worcester. Msss., desln-s to learn the present address of Chas.^E- Hgtoer. formerly^wlth th-.-^Dralc FOnr. Fit. neslr» B to e ieaixi ,> tne l aSesaof"WoL* Warner! lecturer. Mrs. Felix Slrtgnano.—The Banda Boma la ea route with the Kranse Greater Shows. The 3 la Francis Normandy.—Harry Overton has left Bt. Loots and gone "to Chicago. We hare not b en Informed of the name of his new musical production. ♦ J. B. Wilson. Pari", Kr.—Address the Ring- ling Brothers, Baraboo, Wis. ♦ Miss R. B.. Shenandoah. Ia.—The address of Trio la 1802 Park Dear Sir—Vonr burlesque number Is excellent, wish The Billboard life-long i Yours rery truly, J AS. 0. BAR TO, Barto A McCue. Midnight Maldel ♦ . Belolt, Wis., Not. 10, 1 Editor The Billboard. Dear Sir—My attractions this week drawn good bouses. On November 16. 1 l benefit for the dry band here and had a good house. Friday night I bad an Irish automobile race, with a fair crowd present, . I hare recelred letters this week from points ss far East aa New York and aa far West aa. San Francisco, telling me of different attractions to pnt on. Gn?as that shows The Baboard Manager Broad f*. Rink. John Forsett.—The wlnterquarters of the John Robinson Show are located la Terrace Park, 0.; or tbe Forepaolth-SellA Show and the Singling Brothers* Circus. In Baraboo. Wis.; the Hagen- beck-Walace Show In Pern, Ind.; the Barnum and Bail y Show In Bridgeport, Conn., and the SVUs-FIoto Show In Denrer. Colo. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. (Continued from page 19.) C. w. Foster arrived here several days ago to Join the Great American Shows as general maMger.^whlch leares Nor. 25 for a season Ned Foley, the well-known carnival promoter, who Is associated with Tony Gorman, has had almost all the successful csrulrals in the Star*- this season. They win - hare" charge of the amusement, of the North Beach Carnival Thanksgiving week. AH the scenery, c ostum e. Ing to the Kolb and Dm at auction and brought $2.' to terminate the partners!,]: DDI. Bitty Bice, proprietor of a saloon adjoining the Orpheum Theatre, waa arrested Saturday. November 19. on - a charge" of ''scalping"' or pbeum tickets. The arrest of Rice marks tt-' climax of a war that haa waged between tbe .Orpheum management and a number of saloon who sell Orpheum tickets. While It la - that Bice ami other ssloonlsts In the •■scalp" tickets. Rice maintains tickets merely for the accom- ttrona and delivers at regular tbe oootinntHl til 5 puff 1 jr*^Injj fan these matters, the police determined to make a test case, hence the arrest of Rice. The outcome of tbe ease Is being watcher* with keen Inter e s t by hundreds of patrons of the Or- Bert La Blanc, a well-known character come arlan. la now perfecting- a comedy aketcb wife eight people. Including a singing choral. It Is called Tbe Pawnbroker's Pastime, and Intro- duce seven alne-brer numt-er*. fire rhsnr-s o* w ardro be, and epedat scenery. It la Intended for randerllle theatres and rata thirty minutes. 1. N. Cohen la special agent for this produc- tion. Rons aDd^ ^onx ^Ieft^fr^r^gs^Ar^rles^t Rose Hoey Stevens, known aa The Prima Donna with the Smile, opened In Spokaue. Nov 13. for a tour of Pantages* bouses. The second offering of tbe Max Dill Company at tbe Garrlck Theatre. The Girl and tbe Baron, opened before a rery slim audience and failed to make the expected Impression. The follow Ing nights failed to aee much Improvement In attendance. An the members of the Great American Shows arrived here from all over the country and left November 23 for Honolulu. * The Seqnoa Moving Picture Theatre, the finest of its Jtlnd In tbe city, opened Its doors In Sac this week. It Is fully equipped wit i lieautllul ly* decora t edand^hna^^caparity Tony Lubelskl. formerly amusement i of the Portals Cafe, and now at tbe brad of the American Circuit of Theatres and Cafes bas been appointed exclusive manager of amuse- ment department and booking agent of tbe Otleon Cafe, ti.e largest and most centrally Iocs*'* csfe In tbe city. It la the Intention of using folly 11,000 worth of acts weekly all of tbe highest class. Mr. LnbclakI will leave for New Tort at ones to engage talent, celre from four _ weeks or more at bouse In addition to work at other cafes. Another nickelodeon Is belnj Market street a few doors from the New Em- press Theatre. IN OAKLAND. Lady Betty, tbe Bostock monk, failed to play the Bell Theatre, owing to sickness, and Prince You turkey. King of the Wire, was sub stltoted, being hooked by I. N. Cohen. A deed of $2,000,000 made by the Realty Company was placed on record Nor. IS Tbe deed la made out to the Union Trust Com- pany of San. Francisco. The property Included In the deed consists of the Oakland and some of the company'e other theatres. The Oakland property la already sub Ject to a mortgage of $125,000. Lisa Lehman, famous composer, and her vocal played a matinee performance Frl- 1C, at Te Liberty ■ni—itre. RUBE COHEN. and Attractions. (Continued from page 19.) CENTURY (Jog. R. Donegan, mgr.) Week 20. The Cherr y Blossoms; week 27, Cozy Corner Girls. GAYETT (Burt Mrl'ball. mgr.) Week 20. Al Re-res' Big Beauty Show; week 27, Bobie'a Knickerbockers. BT. JOSEPH.—TOOTLE (C. TJ. Phllley. mgr.) My Cinderella _Glrl 20-21: The ~ Tottery :C. TJ. Putney, mgr.) Just Out of College 20-21; Thre-> Weeks 22-23: Cosy Corner Girls 24-26; The Man Between 27-30: Bohemian Bur- leaSuuera Dee. 1-3. PANTAGES (H. Beaumont, mgr.) Week 20. John L. Sullivan and Jake KB- raln. Mason, Wilbur and Jordon. Robert Tan Allan. Tanner and Gilbe rt, The Cllnper Duo and and Pants reseope. MAJESTIC (Fr-d Cosman. mgr.) Week 20. Miss Its la. Dorothy DeSebflle Company. Dorothy Earl.. Tbe RInaldoa. 11- ated songs and moving pictures. BUOC Co P ' re'hca'nin mK r' ) week 20? V "" X - NEBRASKA. XJHCOXJT.—OLIVER (P. C Zehrung. mgr.) Tbe Lottery Man 21; Just Out of College 23; Henry Woodruff In Tbe Genius 24: Margaret mingtoo in The Whirlwind 25. LYRIC (L. M. Gorman, mgr.) Strongbeart week of 21: Fifty Miles from Boston week of 28. ORPHEUM (H. E. Billings, mgr.) Bemeses. the Egyptian won- der worker. Linton and Lawrence. Irene How- ley. The Kress Trl Hsrvelle, Williams week of 21. OMAHA.—BBANDEIS fW. J- Burgess, mgr.: K_ A K_ boo kin ra) Biehard Carle In Jumping Jupiter with Edna Wallace Hopper 20-23: Tbe Dollar Princess 24-28. KBTJ0 (Cbas. Breed. mgr.: Stair . Jr. Harlha bookings) Mr. Raymond Paine In The Millionaire Kid 20-23; Vangbap Glaser In The Man Between 24-28. GAYETY (E. I_ Johnson, mgr.: Eastern Wheel booklnrs) Clarke's Runaway Girls 20 and week. BOYD (Wm._ Warren, mgr.) Woodward Stock Co.: Lange In under Two Flags 20 snd NEW. JERSEY. NEWARK.—NEWARK (A. W. Bobbins, mgr.) Tbe Bohemian Girl week of 21; Helen Ware In The Deserters 28-Dec, 1; Mme. Sarah Bernhardt Dec. 2-8. PXOCTOB'8 (B. C Stewart, mgr.) Fanny Ward and Company, Mr. snd Mrs. Thorn- ton Frlel. Goldsmith and Hoppe. Field Bros., Wot ui w ood's Circus. Marti or. Carle and Ru- dolph. Lulu Dixon. Laddie Cliff week of 21. COLUMBIA (J. W. Jacobs, mgr.) Barney 011 more in Kelley from the Emerald Isle wee 21: The Climax week (Lee Ottolengue, mgr.) of 21; Toe Beauty " week of of 28. WAtDMANS The Golden Crook week week of 28. EMPIRE of 21; NEW YORK. ALBANY.—ttlBMirm BLEECKER HALL (J. Gilbert Gordon, mgr.) Two Men and a Girl 21-22: Grace George 24: Albert Cheraller 23- 26: Thomas A. Wise 28-30. EMPIRE (J. H. Rhodes, mgr.; Eastern Wheel) Queens -of ET^ ,n ( 6^S^cS-"mgr V rWe.. F ern r lies of tbe Day 22-26. BROOKLYN MONTAUK (Edward Trail. mgr.) Tbe Arcadians week of 21: Kyrle BeTlew In Raffles week of 28. TELLER'S BROADWAY (Leo C. Teller, mgr.) Tbe Lily week of 21; Tbe Bohemian Girl week of 28. SAM L. &7IU- BEBT"S (L. J. Rodliquel, mgr.) The Passing or the Third Floor Back week of 28. MAJES- TIC (W. C. Frldley. mgr.) The Summer Widow- ers week of 28. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (J. H- Springer, mgr.) Harry Kelly in Tbe Deacon snd tbe Lady week of 28. COURT (W. F. Middle ton. mgr.) Thomas E. Shea week of 21. AMPHION (Q. A. Netma. mgr.i Thronsh Death Valley week of 28. EMPIRE (George McManus. mgr.) Broadway Gaiety Girls week of 21: Merry Whirl week of 28. CASINO (Charles Daniels, mgr.) Merry Whirl week of 21: Follies of the Day week of 28. ' STAR (James Clark, mgr.) Bice and Cady'a Big Show week of 21: Tbe CrackTjsek's week of 28. OAYETY (H. B. Denny, mar-) The Kerensders week of 21: Queen of Jsrrtln de Paris week of 28. PHILLIP'S LYCETJM .(Lonls _Phllllpa. mgr.). Stock. PAY- ngr.) All the Comforts or Home week of 21. PAYTON'S LEE AVENUE (Corse 1'aytoD. mgr.) Paid In Full week of 21. GOTHAM (Pauline II. Boyle, mgr.) Forbes Stock Company In Tbe Girl From <>..t Yonder we. k of 28. CRESCENT (Law Parker, mgr.) Crescent Stock Company In Such ' Ittle Onsen week of 28. QRBENrOlNT Benedict Blatt. mgr.) Lily Lena. Fay. Two !oleya and Fay. Wright and Dl-trlcb. Brown and Ayer. -Hal Darts snd lues Macaulry, Bobby Banfor and Brothers, Hanlon Dean and Han Ion. Sam Mann and Company, wetk of 21. 0B- I'HEUM (Frank Kllhols. mgr.) Lillian Shaw. Jean Marcel's Art Studies, Chaa. King and Elisabeth Brlce. Bothwell Browne. Yorke and Adams, Seven Belforda, Henry CI I re and Mai Walker. Juggling Burkes. The Man From tha Sea week of 2L BDJOHAjiTON. —STONE OPEBA BOCSE (O. S. Hathaway, mgr.) Tbe Girl or tbe Mountains 21; Tbe Lottery Man 23: Reuben In New York 24; Grace George in Sauce for tbe Goose 23; The Blue Mouse 26. ARMORY (Stephen Os- wald, mgr.) Royal Venetian Ban< Morrlsey and Rich. Mabel Carew, Covert, and pictures 21-23. TT.HTBn —LYCEUM (Rela Circuit) Tbe Lot- tery Man 22: The Bine Mouse 24: William Col- lier In 111 Be Ranged If I Do 25; The Nigger 26. MOZABT (OTw. MIddletoo) Bobjns-Eor- n r lisyr's In Ibe Squaw Man 21-26. 8YRACTJSE.—BAST ABLE (S. Bastable. mgr.) Soul Klsa 21-23; At tbe Old Cross Boads 24-26: Rosary week 28. WIETING (J. L. Kerr, mgr.) Grace George In Sauce for the Goose 23: Grace Van Studdlford in A Bridal Trip 24-20: The Dawn of a To-Morrow Dec. 1-3. CRESCENT (J. J. Brest In, mgr.) Caylor and WUtaie, Jos Kelsey. Sa Hrras. Luetic and Yoast, Eugene West snd Catherine Henry week of Not. 21. TJTTCA.—ORPHEUM (Ford S. Anderson, mgr.) Mebxn's Animal Circus. Cyril snd Farley, and Maud dement 21-23. MAJESTIC (J. Q. Brooks, mgr.) Grace George 21: Al. W. Martin's Uncle Tom's Cabin 22; Two Men and a Girl 23; S-reo Days 24: Paid In Full 25-26, HIPPODROME (P. F. Clancy, mgr.) Guild Musical Comedy Company. Charlotte Meyer and Eatyle Ladd. Martin Guild. Miss Florence Gets, Murray and Moore, and pictures week of 2L SHUBERT (Wm. D. Fitzgerald, mgr.) Tbe Rolfonlana. Danover and Arnold. Gerald Grtffln and The BeU Boy Trio. " of 21. OHIO. VIHCIM H ATT.—GR *, NP The House Next Door week of 28- KEITII COLUMBIA (Harry K. Shockley. mgr.) Bro- thers Rlguletto. Flo Irwin Company, The Horse D-aler. Oscar Lorraine, The Three Lelgbtons, Amy Roller and Boys, Bow en. Una and Moll, La\ Pla and pictures week or 27. LYRIC (Jss. E. Fennessy. mgr.) The Midnight Sous week or 27. OLYMPIC (Geo. F. and -L. Fore pa ugh Fish, mgr.) Brown of Harvard week or 27. WALNUT (W. F. Jackson, mgr.: Stair A Har- lln, bookings) Tbe Virginian week or 27. EM- PRESS (E. H. Robinson, mgr.; Sullivan and Consldlne Circuit( Silverado. Ceo. Hays awl Clancy Twins. Saraghan. Lennox and Company. Hartrngton. Mildred and Lester, Holmes and BUey. Youugman Family and pictures week of 27. PEOPLE'S (James Fennessy. mgr.; West- ern Wheel) The Passing Parade week or 27. STANDARD (F. J. dements, mgr.; Eastern Wheel) Lore Makers week of 27. HEUCK'S (Geo- AKRON GRAND OPEBA BOUSE (O. L. Elaler. mgr.) Paul GUmore In Tbe Bachelor 21; The Merry Widow 23. COLONIAL (F. E. John- son, mgr.) Billy Swede, Hall and Jennie Col born, Eurendall Brot" Sparrow. Ned Dandy, tastes) week of 21. CLEVELAND.—OPERA HOUSE (A. F. Harts, mgr.) Raymond Hitchcock In The Man Who Owns Broadway 21 and week. COLONIAL (F. Ray Cornstnck. mgr.) Eddie Foy In Up and Down Broadway week of 21. LYCEUM (G. M. Todd, mgr.) Thurston. Magician, week of 21, CLEVELAND (G. M. Todd, mgr.) Joe Bortla In Oar Ftt-nd Frits week of 21. STAB. Sam T. Jack's Company week of 2L EMPIBE. New Star and Garter Show week of 2L KEITH'S PROSPECT. Vaudeville: The Great Elton, head- liner. TOLEDO.—VALENTINE (Harry Smith, mgr.) The Girl I n the Taxi Nor. 23-24: Elsie Janls 25-28. LYCEUM (Wslter Moore, mgr.) Paid rleES!!-?^',^ 0 " 23 ' Newlyweds week Nor. 27. AMERICAN (T. H_ Tiemey. mgr.) Tbe Majesty snd M.ld week Nov. 20; Our New Minister -eS Nor. 27. EMPIBE (Harry Winters, mgr.i Rob- inson Show week Nor. 20; Tbe Star and Garter Show week Nor. 27. AUDITORIUM (Otto Klleves. mgr.) Week Nor. 21. The College Widow; Qulney Adams Sawyer week of 27. PENNSYLVANIA. ERIE.—MAJESTIC (John L. GDaon. mgr.: Beta Circuit) The City Nor. 21; The Smart Set In Hla Honor, the Barber Nor. 22; Alias Jimmy Valentine Nor. 23-24: Ian Robertson In The Paaaing of tbe Third Floor Back Nor. 26. PARK (Jeff Call an. mgr.; Agent, U. B. O.) Week Nor. 21: The Herring-Cnrtlsa Aero Plans; Pollard comedy juggler: Uxxie Erana and Jefferson Loyd: PhyUla Lee. and Albert Harn-a: Five Brown Brothers, saxophone players; Minnie St. Claire^ COLONIAL (A, P. rYeacbler. mgr.: C. K- Cummins, aast. mgr.: booking Independent) Week Nor. 21: Bnrkbardt, Kelly and Company, Don Tin Yaw, Chinese Baritone; Modetaky Tronpe, Buntan singers and dancers; Boyd and Mo ran: E! error Otis and Company: Jack Dresden and the Orrtwa y Girts, alnglog and dancing. H ARR18B TTR0.—MAJESTIC (M. H. Mefrlck, mgr.) Jos. King's East Lynne 21; Local Mln- ■fri',' **Z- F1 ?. , i3' , „"L'' n| xht Sons 23 24: Daniel Boone 23. ORPHEUM (Floyd Hopkins mgr.) Onanlp-Primrose Four, Hopkins. Axteile snd Company. H. T. McCou'nell andI Company! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, Mnalral Johnstons. Lena Psntser an d Company week of 21. JO H aT S T OWH .-CAMBHlA, (H. W. 8hPrer. mgr.) The Iron King 23; The Wolf 24; Rector'a Burlesque 25; Hoyt's Comedy Company 26. -LANCASTER—PULTON (C. A. Yecker. mgr.) The Rejnvenatlon of Aunt Mary Nor. 22. The County Sheriff 23. Tbe Minister's Daughter 24 The Midnight Sons 23-26. FAMILY (Edw. Mo- Zart, mgr.) The Trenton Burglar 21 and week. AVATEtTRS—Six new vaudeville ae and arranged especially for amatenr u . dnclng Dntch. Irish, robe. dude, tramp. Het tongb, and black fare characters. All for M. B. BEI-U Bearden. Term. GOOD LTJCX m TEAR nuajf f Great novelty for post card dealers and atreet agents. Slags money. LTTHO. OO^ NEARY & MILLER America's Cleverest Oancins Duo IN VAUDEVILLE OPEN FOR BURLESQUE CMAS. RUTH BURNS & CLARKE THE M EBKEW AND THK LADY Now in Van da rllle. Add. oars Whit* Rata. The Lafrasers li (itir ttrM-iii erat#j ckttet "GETTING EVEN" IN VAUDEVILLE I HE THREE SHORTIES — In Their— IN VAUDEVILLE. ACT EDWTJI HOBBY, Sensational Aerial Gjssnaet and Dp-Side-Down siaa. Dates wanted. Indoor Exuoaluous. Rinks. Greater Vaudeville, etc. 8. Adams Street, Peoria, HUsois. HYDE & BEHMAN AMUMMCMT COM MM V Temple Bar Building. Brooklyn, N. T. Star Tbaatra • Brooklyn Oayery Tha alia .......... BraaHlyn O a j ety Thiaua ........ Vtrnssaraj Star ass) QettaT Always Onssrat Tl an ■ for Wm Musical Glastes Ass. Hiklja. a. K Sketches- WRITTEN TO ORDER Original warn. 1 Mi ra tea. Wrtaa aadaaata, asrlmlng ataaap. K. T. MALM tU ». Glabra ■tmt, Oasaa. Vr» Tark. Re'moh Gems ■aaey aaMsaSaaS laadaraliksad -haa aa> aaaSa, fatl ae Ml H ala l aas» las. lavsaTtaa «««««« si Bat aady la «JK a»M — lau> i all sail inssiliailil ganv Bet aa kaltatkav Oaaraataad a* aaaaala as UTOS,«M|,| - ^ MANUSCRIPT «•«-•' . PLAYS - SALE I a -a-a t A S! ill Musical Bills J. C DEAGAN Clark Bt. Inventor and Mfr. to the profession. Write for oor new Illustrated cat- alog. New hits. Al- waya reliable. TO TRAP .tall :»ani amvWanwtamlatl rode. Xaaaaroo, Aaformn " nil rfiih WaahU tnnurt of a daja' I rial C ■, Zaldlar Drum Co. tnrt.0. Oamlial gjj* Plojsii Oatslogua of Prafi Skatchaa, kt Becttatlona, M t rRjj mux * _ »« Ti 1 * Aaaateor liUatral