Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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26 Xtie Billboard DECEMBER 3, 1910. FILM PRODUCTIONS of All Films Booked for Immediate Release by Patents Company and Sales Company—Release Dates and Subject Lengths are Given for Guidance of Exhibitors .• ; ■• ■ PATENTS CO. EDISON. THE CAPTAIN'S BRIDE (Dram*: release Dee. 9: length, 1.000 feet).—Tii.- Captain's Bride U writ tea by John La- ther Loos. The story Is that or a yuung girl at sea on her honeymoon, who. when the ship Is wrecked. Is separated from by life-saving crew. Physically _ for the experience, bat her has completely- left her. Alone among the rough but good-hearted men. It U thongbi best that ahe aboold chooae one of them for her huHbaod. and she selects her rescuer, the cap- tain. Her real husband, meantime, has been picked up by a passing ship and arrives just ia time to prevent the wedding- The way that the yoong wire's memory Is brought back and are superb In their ' SELIG. THE QUEEN OF HEARTS (Drama; released Not 28; length. 1.000 feet).—With a a reverse fortune overtaking farmer Aden, banker Black offers him succor, his underlying motive being thus to wend his wsy Into the affections of Al- len's daughter. May. The girl has a sweetheart. Dick Harmon who, though poor In purse. I» in manhood. Dick decides to he may return and iter. Daring Dick's dad in furthering bis friendship with May and Her father. The wed- ding day is set—the honeymoon begun; almost at the name moment a message cornea from Dick telling of hla good fortune and asking May to defer her marriage with Black until hla arrival. But too late, for May and her hnsbsnd are al- ready on their wsy to Europe- I-ater we find Black and his wife seated In their villa at Monte Carlo—their experiences In fsr-away It- aly are not at all pleasing, and many times Hay's mind would wander back to the title farm and her girlhood friend. Dick. A succession of events transpire rapidly and we find the mort gsge.on Allen's tsrm held by Blsck'ls bought np by Dick, and -what appeared as an accident. falls to sleep. In this condition wifey and mother find him. Wifey and mother are wise ones, so with the sld of friends they devise a " n to cure him of bis drinking. To this end they Invent "the other woman*} pressing Into ten-ice a lady friend who writes a note to Wflklns accepting an offer of marriage which the pretends be msde her while In his cups. Of coarse, he Is In no condition to remember where be wss or what he did the night before. The lady also accepts an invitation she pretends be extended to take luncheon with him at his hoove. The scheme Is worked out and causes Wilklns much annoyance. Bat wifey and mother accomplish their end, for Wilklns, thoroughly In earnest exclaims "Never ' OADM0NT. (George kh*1 dp.) SAMSON'S BETRAYAL (colored drama; released Not. 26; length 619 feet).—DalUsb, tempted by th,- Philistines, resolves to betray Samson Into their bands in pay- ment of a sum of money. Delilah learns the secret of Samson's strength, which lies in his hair, and she causes a man to shave off the seven locks of Samson's head. And for the betrayal wss Delilah paid by the Philistines eleven hun- dred pieces of silver. The production Is said to be elaborately staged. CALINO TRAVELS AS A PRINCE (comedy; releaaed Nor. 20; length 480 feet).—Callno. por- ter to a prince, by using his master's transpor- tation and letters of credit, is enabled to make s considerable cruise to act the part of a dismally. THE FLAT NEXT DOOR (comedy; released Nov. 29; length 722 feet).—Mr. Tonafauo. be- cause of ids youth snd glib conversation, wins a young widow's heart, but thraagb cowardice loses hla tmsnre to bis bated rlral. Mr. Old- boy, who are tbe charming lady from TAKA3CON ON THE BHONB (scenic; re- leased Not. 29; lenjrtb 243 feet).—Subtitles of s showing to this subject are: Bridge span tbe Rhone between Beancalr and Tsrascon s built In tbe fourteenth century; tbe mar ket street and town ball; statute In memory of the town's deliverance from a dragon; the villa Tar tarn; and the castle of Ilea uca ire at son set. • ..••■••••a. .... . % — ..••..•■......•..........••.•a resulted in tbe death of a final re-uniting of and May and her first love. THE STEPMOTHER (Drama: released Dec. 1; length, 1.000 feet).—A happy brother and sister await some news from their father, who bad gone to the city for a visit- In time s letter comes and casts gloom over the happy Ut- ile, farm home, stating that he had a great sur- prise for them—that be bad met a lovely wo- man and tbey were now the proud possessor of a step mother. The new bead of tbe family ar- rives, and at once trouble la brewing. Snbse- uuent events prove that tbe step-mother is an adventuress and bad married the farmer only for his money. With " band aends away the happiness Is reston " little family. THE WIDOW OF MILL CREEK FTJVT (Com- edy; release Dec 5; length, 1,000 feet).—San- dy Donlln marries the Widow of Mill Creek Flats. The latter bss visions of a life of sun- shine snd roses and Sandy la to be ber gardener. Sandy's duty Is to get in the wood, peel pota- toes and indulge In other exercises prscticed sround the home. He Is down-cast. He plana to escape the servitude snd embraces the first 'opportunity that presents trance. His absence Is Uniqoe Is on. BIOGBAPH. A PLAIN SONG (d 1 -ased Nov. 28; length 997 feet). —Edith Is a salesgirl department store snd tol In j tolls most arduously to eke the Uvea of ber decrepit father and blind mother. A traveling repertoire ■few "^kw ^aW manager, who enters the store ElSS ^^kaaaSW' advertising hut show, meets ber ■Mud persuades her to go away with him. She ■paves a letter for ber parents that she is tired Pwof the drudgery and longing for pleasure has none away. Arriving at the railroad station, where ahe Is to meet her tempter, she sees a party of old folks on their way to the almshouse. One of them la sightless snd a voice from her soul speaks to her. Realising that ahe has been playing with fire she turns upon her heel, and runs back home. Her eyes have been opened to the falseness of the world and she Is now more than ever determined to perform her sacrificial duty of caring for the old folks. EFFECTING A CUBE (comedy: released Dec. SI length 997 feet).—Mrs. Wilklns and It mother leave home to spend the night with friends, and will return some time next day. tED BY A PHANTOM (colored drama; re- Dec. 3: length 712 feet).—A colored film, ; the story of thst melancholy ruler, the LUBED BY leased telling king of Thole, whose sorrow at sweetheart drove him to lesve follow s vision to hla death. NANCrS WEDDING TRIP (comedy: released Dec. 3; length 273 feet).—In thla film is in- troduced a furious ride by Nancy on the back of a mad bulL Danger ant blned to produce laughs and A MAN OF honor (drama; released Dec Si length 834 feet).—The hero of this drama, at a great sacrifice and by endangering his life, saves the woman be loves from the tongue of scandal. PROF. SCHLKMIEL'S HAT ((comedy; releas- ed Dec. «; length 171 feet).—A trick film, reel lag off s tale of a mysterious t " and mystery sre combined In the THE REVOLT (drama; released Dec. 10 length 943 feet).—la a realistic mannei exciting story of tbe days of Charles, tbe Dsupblo. In France, is told. El tonne Marcel (tbe mayor of Paris), aided by a band of woods- men known aa "Tbe Wolves" snd by the peas- ants, sweeps the nobles out of power for a time, but through excessive violence loses sll thst be has gained for tbe people, and is himself killed. THE PHANTOM RIDER (mystery; released Dec 13; length 279 feet).—A atory of a mys- terious highwayman, who is visible to tbe officers or tbe law until they are about to capture him. when he vanishes In the sir. to appear agsln Just beyond their reach, and to lead them Into more trials THE CLOSED GATE (drams; released Dec. 13. length 676 feet).—While her mother enrage* In an Interesting flirtation with an army officer, tbe baby heroine of. tbe tale flndi egress from the grounds of ber home, snd Is soon lost In tbe streets of Paris. She narrowly escapes death several times before she is found by the USB AN-ECLIPSE. THE RETURN AT MID NIGHT (Drama:. released Nor 30; length. 034 feet).— Because of bis love for a poor gypsy girl, tbe hero of this story Is driven from borne by He merries 'We hammer away on QUALITY always, became QUALITY is the solvation of the moving picture business! " We are going to release an Imp on Mon- day, Dec. 5th, which we believe is the smartest comedy we have ever made—even better than "Fruit snd new release deals with Gerald become grest emotional actors t troubles Iesd to s terrifically clothed In nothing but barrels. If yon ssy again Is to send you tbe II ASPIRATIONS OF GERALD AID PERCY" Decern ber 5th.) After thst, on Thursday. Dec 8, com drama. Tbe scenario was written by s the geme from printer's devil to mana|_ this Imp, Invite the newspaper men In jour city to del performance for their benefit. They win be ke. and will hare more n title of this release Is '"TWIXT LOYALTY AID LOVE" [(Released December 8th.) Are yo n doing jour (hare toward getting TWO IMPS XTZRT WEEK1 Hundreds of exhibitors, by constantly ding-donging at their exchanges bare i week- Jon can-do toe^same thlngJOou will only keep evertaat^ ■ Independent Mooing 'Pictures Co. of America. 102 IV. 101 st St., New York. Carl Laemmk. Pres. All Imp Films are. REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 AI BANl ST. BOSTON, MASS. Send for ■.- ■ ». a f*fiffl REELS -SI A REEL PER DAY- Aoortc. ALAMO FILM EXCHANGE.™ ■tMOTal^U!^ IF YOU SEE IT IN THE BILLBOARD, lti,i, THEM SO.