Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 27 rocatlons; we eee womnl water carriers, quaint nailer rarta, aiul men with note leitn orer their Ifiih Beep off tb* ana's Seres r»r« «. thej work. There la an air of aorolty shoot to* encreedlng picture of elepbaate at work. Hmt are seen dragging and rushing huge Iocs and then, the day's teeke orar. they scramble, wtlb exrrsordlosrj oatllrr. eonaldering their ErV t bnlk dowo a ateap slope Into las rlter. _ .« ther roll la the mud. end aqolrt walar through their trnnks. to the discomfort of their keepers, who moat oot lease them. THK DEATH or ADMIRAL COLIOSY (Urs- release Ok. T: length. «OS tot).—The ore deals with tb* plana of tb* wtrked qoeeu- oifapr. Cstherlne d> Medici, aimed at tb* pe- tlrsl InHnrnr* of Admiral Callgnr. trader of tb* optioalilnn rarlT. Sb* flrat arranges an tempi oo tli* life of Collgor. Tb* crime vm □□avenged, m l tb* Haguenote mnrmnr at tb* death of tbrlr beloved leader. Catherine mikea tola an *xena* for prrsusdlag her wretched *«n Cbarlea IX.. In sign lb* order for Ibelr maaas- ere. Tb* snhseiuent scene abowa tba qneeo- motbrr nbtalnlDg tba reluctant consent of Iba unbappr Cbt rise. After tb* 'deeadfol dar I* done, and tb* streets or Paris are detuned In blood, tb* Klnit la haooted br the 'boats of the men. women anil. ebMren t *™,Jg£j£} n l'ATHB FBEBK8. A BORDER TALK (Col- ored drama: released Not. »: length. «7B feetl:— A band of nmnsylera are writing at tba tiTern lo a wild part of Bohemia for eTeniae, in order lo carry ' nOBt* Sfnods serosa tb* frontier. Tb* entrance of Itanael, a enatoma ofn- beTe. tbej know that In.IB lor* with Mairl- aa. th* Innkeeper - a daoxa- tar. Zlncara. a grpsr delving girl, a nemler of tb* b nd. of/era to felt fortune*. Tb* rants are abnlBed and Malrlna rats a heart, far lore, aad a spsd*,. tb* sin of death. Hansel Is or- dered to II* In watt for tb* smnswlers that nljrbr. Zlarara Is forred by the ordera sad threats of tb* rhlef to direr! the dinarr br luring Hansel Info, their power. Tbla kbe doe* bot arterwsrd* releases him at tb* ee*f of her lire. Bn the erll omen of the cards cornea true. Her brae* art. however, alforda Hansel means la collect Ma m*n In time to Intercept death Is avenger! hr that of hands of Hansel himself. A FRKAK (Acrobatic: releaaed Nor. M: length. 3S3 fret).—Tie fore the ramera s eontne. tlonlat-of remarkable ability perfbnaa hla act. WHO IB NKI.MK (Comedy: released Nor W: length, oso feet).—Oeorsr Bobbins thought that he would aurpriae hia wtf* and bay her a anna for her birthday. Ha selects oo* esJlsd Nellie and sire* hi' check la payment nil wire ttls- corrni hla check hook, and Is sorprl>*d to And tb* stab of the laat cheek marked "Far Nellie. Hon." Of course, aha mtamdarstanda, and de- rides to return to mother, leering a Bote for George that be ran so to hla Nellie. Bern raise home, tb* knabaod lads the note and check hook. He heal as to unrlersteud. He arraagee a meet- ing with her. aod satiafaetoHly explains ererr- F1 NLAND—FALLS OF IUATBA (Scenic —A eol... of the fails leased Not. 90: lenxtb. flu reel > A colored picture abowuur tha Of Imatra. THR TAT.B THR ItTRROR TOLD (Drama: re- leased Dec. S: leoxts. Tots feetl— Loul.a Oerrln a widow with a little boy of alt years, la drarorlng to etrvurgle her way thronah life. W I en .... With •IsJoaa of election from ibelr lodgings before her. the mother appropriates a pane containing tire proeccdln, ' . : »ltr,.-.r.l - employer by means of a mirror. The employer eaten Loolaa's room and flada the landlord-a letter demanding payment. Ha reads behind Louisa's back. A few seconds later Louisa's son com as la from school, proudly wesrlsa; a medal presented to htm for dlllreoce. Tha) em- ployer, rompaaalonate for hla mother, hands him roar sold eol Be wader the pretext of wiablna- to (Ire him sa addition. 1 reward. . WHAT A DINNER (Comedy; released Dae. t; lenxth. *44 festl.—te. Crimp is decidedly eenn- trtc and apparently tikes to chew bla way Ihrourb a food dinner before retlrlny to rest. It la probably tha excellencs of bla Laat meal that la rrsuonalble for tbo weird nlalnmarr that aa- aalled him that alfht. When the doctor awak- ens la tba aw rains; ha toda hlaueir dssperiUly Ifhtlmx tha bed clr- _ THE MAID OF NtAOARA (Drama; releaaed Dee. S; lemrtb, M6 laat).—Eaoomalt. a yanas warrior, haa obtained tha consent of Chief Red Doa to bla mnrrlaao with tbo chiefs danabtar. It Is time for tha annual earrlflcw to propitiate tha Spirit of tba Cataract. Tbla la tha selection by lot of oo* of tba ami •ui danrbters of Iba Irsaraola aad plarlnx s canoe to Boat te death orer the fall a. d Doe'a dausbter la chosen. RBOOBsall Her life la nit, dlaeonaolate, plaafea Into tba water and la quickly sacked uoder. bat he knows be will meet his toes in the Happy Rnntlna Ground*. 8ALE3 CO. IMP. (Carl Laramie.) THE ASPIKATIOV OF GERALD AND PERCY (comedy: re- lease Dee. 5; lenictb feetl.—Gerald aad T. tlrlnc of th. hum drum occupation of clerklnj; In a depart- ment atore. become In- tereeted In dramatic pnrsiilia and aaplre to become rmotlnnal art or*. They finally se- cure en rare men ti< btrt are quickly dlachiraed. Next they pallet la the army. Tlrlne; "f military life, they ileaerl. Their escapade, .re numerous ami ludicrous. TWIXT LOYALTY AND LOTB (drama: re lease Dee. 8: length 900 feet).—Frank MeCrack- ea la placed la tb* mansclna editor's sent hr tbo owner or Tb* Dslly Csll. Mis promotloo mskes It pnsstM* for blm to marry Marys ret. daughter of the Hon. Hiram Johnana. n-fo-m can lldate for mayor. Rdwaril Cranston, private eecretsry to Johnson. Is secretly In lor* wltl* Msnraret. and tows to break off tb* match.. II rifles Johnsoo'a safe and uneartha erittenre S CENT SHOW SOUVENIRS Imported Chlnaware. per 100 tS.OO All leather I'nree. per 100 3,00 Trick Matrh Roy. per ctoss T3 JapSDeSe Zithers, per (TOSS , .73 Fancy Wood Whistle*, per mo an .73 Jai aieae Turtle la Glass Box. per groan .00 Fanry Colored Return Balls, per cross.... 1.2S Horn* shoe Mirror, asst. colors, per moss.. 1.00 Norelty Acrobat Bkeletno*. p r jrros* Trnaa, half deposit, balance. C 0. D. NEWMAN MFG. CO. MMfT Woodland Arsons. Cl-relsnd. 0. FOR SALE— PASSION PUT FILM MO SLIDES Brush Electric Lighting Set 3 cents a K. W. — what it costs with a Brush Outfit— and the 8 to 15 cents which you are now paying the Electric Light Company. Also save one-half of the ' Oss, Oaaalrne or Kara nan; 10 H. P.; weight • Iba. List aano subject to discount. subject to dlseount. TO-DAT rOB OATAiOODX. Of 120. Use Direct Current, which is far superior to Al t era at ing THE CHAS. A. STRELINGER CO, Box B-3. DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. Fast Ufa Of P. O. I Pradbral Sob. 170, u.olll.. Ind. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES STEREOfT ICONS, HIDES, ACCESSOIIES. Yob Can Start • Paying FILM EI6IUIE on $120.00 For aal*. PAJtTICIlLABlt seat for a 9c a tamp, near TO liyht dynamo, machines, model teats,. Math*- chain, caae bottoai ehalra l*ATRsra hsnit-rolored Passion Play. S.114 ft. far rant or aal*. Bsat aim serrlcs at hi ■ s o l CHAWOay Pri ce Bay. Owner and kUmsawr. SO* W. 4t% Iwtoo OW**faat»Taf*f''*. KjT* FIGHT PICTURES are always cood paytaa; attraetlooa. Write for oar special fealnres and low rental terms, FTJ- TIAHA FILM KXCHAKOE. 1*M B. Troy St.. tom aAXX—Three Zdison two-pin machines, all complete. «S0 each: two Edison one-pla naa- II complete, *t(» each; Fflma for Bale; flrat claas condition, tt to 918 per reel. SILVERMAN, 10} tth Ave., I'ittaburt, Pa. BAJIOAl* IV TILXS AID 80HQ SLIDES -100 reels Btaa. elegaat cnadltlon. Ft per reel aad ap; 30 seta son* slides, perfect condition, $1.73 per set. with music, r Send postal for Hats, Oood fllm sereke faralsbrd at lowest price* la the Sooth. 8applies, lUryslna In near and second- hand M. P. machines and yss mak Lux oo tilts, P. O. BOX 800, New Orleaas, La. S wanson-Crawford Film Co. | FILM RENTERS 723-734 Century Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. LARGEST FILM EXCHANGE IN THE UNITED STATES. WE BUY THE ENTIRE OUTPUT OF THE INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURERS A FULL AND COMPLETE SUPPLY DE- PARTMENT OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH OUR FILM BUSINESS. NERVE! Well Mr. Eihibiter, We Tbbt So READ OUR EXHIBITOR'S OUTFIT—(Packed in handy cartons.) 50 PINK LABEL ELECTRA CARBONS, (oared) 5-8x6 in. 5,000 TICKETS, any color 5c and 10c (numbered) 2 PEARL-WHITE CONDENSERS.fruime size) 6H, 7K or9 1 CAN "EXHIBITOR'S" MACHINE OIL 1 BOTTLE "EXHIBITOR'S" CEMENT, "that sticks" SORE I Anything too oood in bi*xer Iota. Machines. Jbehino Parte. Chairs". Supplioe and sell paying Moving Pietar* Theatres. Wo hair* four good one* for aala now. $3.05 We bay UUT0RS SUPPLY HOUSE, Sutt 1, Lyric Thutri BM e . Fort Warie. M. Bettor ordor your Marry Crtrlstmss and Now YoarSllrJsa now. NOTE—Throosh error The Billboard and Moving Picture World Advertisements offer 100 carbons —should be 60. SIX KEELS OP 1*1 LIB. one. shipment, with Si do a aod SJldra. SIZ.OO TWELVE KEELS, two abJpoaeBta. mth Strfaa aad SMdoa, 91S.OO YOU PAY EXPHttMOC BOTH WAYS WARNING—Yoo eaua't c*s gold doUnra for tOo. and yaa omn't awt good Alma for lass roocer SILVER SAVER WILL SAVE YOU SILVER ^S^'^\.'SL^S^iZr bMtn - LIBERTY FILM RENTING COs. VrtS THE CINCINNATI BUCKEYE FILM CO. 8100,000.00 INCORPORATION OPERATING THE ■— CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE BUCKEYE FILM & PROJECTING CO. AMP T HI 315 W. 4th Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. =jf 309 Arcade Building, DAYTON, OHIO. Biggest Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Independent >ut. Reference:—SALES CO., 111E. 14th S t. y New York. If you are looking for a real Film Service, drop us a line-