Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Billboard 33 OM. P.: 3306 So. Wellington at.. Maritoo'A'BmlK Mar Tint: The _ Martin*, Carl * N. Y. 0. Martinet tie * Sylveater: 8726 Leeds at., Phil a. Maaon Chaa. A.: 121 W. 42ml at.. N. V. 0. Wathleaen. Walter: 843 W. Ohio at.. Chicago. Maxwell A Dudley: 108 W. 00th at.. N. Y. Maxwell, Joe: Room 12. N. Y. ■ nSfc'W**** 144 B. 4Mb '■«•. N^Y-.C- Mayo A Howe: care Bert Levey, 144 rowell at.. : Ban Franclaco. Mean. Serceant: White Rata. N. Y. O. Melnotte-Lanole Trio: 48 Maryland ave., Cum- berland, Md. Melroae Comedy Four: 8100 Qroveland are., CM Melv'ue, Marvelous: Interlaken, N. Y. Menth Jno. B.: 283T Bo. 41st are.. Chicago. Merrill. Norman W.: VanBuren Hotel. Chicago. Merritt A Lore: Fair Haven. N. J. _■ Meyer. Davla (Lyceum) Edmonton. Alta.. Can. Meyers, Belle: 442 E. 188lh at.. N. Y. «. M.jers. Jack: 212 E. lOflth at.. N. Y ; Milan A DuBola: Welllnj Miller, Larry (Prlnreaa) Miller, Thereaa: 118 W. City. Okie. MUlm.n Trio Wfc^gfj-ffla; Not. 1-30; (Winter Garten) Dec. 1-81. & Crelly: 3430 Rhodra are., Chicago. * Clara: 111 E. 128th at., N. Y. C. B. Tbo*.: 018 W. 48th at., Lo* Angeles, otrell. Chaa.: 104 B. 14th at. N. Y. C. Moore*. Vive Flying: 800 F at., Mancle, Ind. MoocT Tom A Stasis: care B. A. Myera. 1402 JSSFV: £': T Bo«" 31. HanraeUle. Ala. Morgan' * Cheater: Pboebas. "V*. Morris, Leon: 83 W. 7th at., Mt. Vernon. N. Y . Morton. Oeo. C.: Oen. Del.. Augnsta. Me. Son * Fry*: 588 7th are.. N. Y. C. . . Moat Twlna: 344 Fayette at., Brldgeton. N. J. Mowatta. Pearleaa (Lelblacb'a) Brealaa. _p*r.. Not. 1-30; (Apollo) Nnremborg. Dec. 1-31. Murphy, Harry P.: The Billboard. Cincinnati. Murphy. J. C.: 425 80. 5th are,. Nashville. Murray* Myll* A Orxb: Moacoda. Wl*. Mlllson A Bo«« <Red Mill) Vlncenn«L Ind.. 1-3; (Majestic) Mat toon, in., B-7; (Bite.) Part* 8-10. • Moore A Elliott (Proctor's! Newark. N. J.: (Shnbert) Dtlca, N. T.. .8-10. _ . Murray, Mr. A Mr*. R. J. (Electric) Frederick. Okla., 1-3. Ma nolo* Family (Temple) Mnakegon. Mich. Merrlhewa. Moalcal (Family) Carbondale. Pa. Marrln Broa. (8lgma) Tlffln, O. Montrose. Kdlth (Lyric). Dayton, O.: (Empress) Cincinnati 6-10. ,„ Morette Slater* (Family) Lafayette, Ind.; (Ga- iety > BprlngSeld, 111., 5-in. ' Marlo-Aldo Trio (Orpheum) 8pokane: (Orpbeum) Seattle S-IO. . _ ,_ Mack A Walker (Poll'e) Hartford, Conn.; (Po- H 1 *) New Haren 810. Monre. Oeorg* Aualln (Orpheum) Montreal. 5- ^\g£ m l&2- <BU*n> M*rl»*.«.. He) Carterrtll*. 111.. 5 10. Mil"" Slatera (Ornbeom) Seattle; (Orpheum) Portland. Ore.. 8-10. Markee Bra*. (BUon) Oahkoab. Wla.; (Cryetsl) Milwaukee 5-10. McN.-ni Lorlne (8lttner*a) Chicago. • Mitchell A Cain (Regent) Hal font. Eng. H@J?%O^SiW Win- nlpeg. Can,. WO. . . . . Metropolitan Minstrels. Wb. J. Doe-Wy, mgr.: <MaK-Ptir) Botte. Mont.; (Waahlngton) Spo- kane Waah.. 8-10. MeOee. Joe R. (Orpheum) Baaton. Pl.t (Colo- nial 1 Norfolk. Va.. 8-10. Ma I reru Troupe (Cryatal) Milwaukee. Montgomery Marshal (Maryland) Baltimore; (Bronx) N. Y. C. S-10. Marke. Dorothy (Park)' Erie. Pa. McPhea A Hill (Hatbaway'a) Lowell. Maaa. Morria Felice. A ("o. (Orpheum i Oakland Cal.; (Orpheum) Lo* Angele* 6-10. Maaoo A Keeler (Maryland) Baltimore: (Orph- errm) Brooklyn 6-10. McKay * Cantwell (Oroheum) Kanaaa City. Ma.: (Orrihetinn Slonx.Clty. la., 5-10. Melraee Oomrdy Four (Prince**) Wichita. Kan.; (Orpheum) Leavenworth 8-7:, (Columbia) Kan- ™ ^ »* >) Hamilton. Can, ,Ma- 10. (Cry.t.1) Bj U. Vega*. N. 2025 Frultvai* are.. Oakland. N.^dene. O.w.ld A Borger: ISO B. 128th at.. Nemo. Qarl: TS1 N. 2nd at.. Qnlncy. Rl. " Newman. Harry: 113 Fifth ave., Chicago. Nlblo * Riley: IBM Third are.. Brooklyn. Nichols «l Croix: White Bat*. N. T. C. Nlchola A Smith: 012 Addliiton are.. Chicago. Nanette: 184 Henry at., Brooklyn. Norton. C. Porter: (1142 Klmbsrk sve.. Chicago. Norton. Great: 044 Newton at., Chicago. No****. Moatral: New Rrlghlon, Pa. National Cnmlqne*. Three (Grand) Tacoma. Waah.: (Grand) Portland. Ore.. 5-10. Nelaon-XIchola Troupe (Star) Ithaca. N. Y.; (Crmcentl Syrtcnae. 8-10. Naftager*. The. (O. II.) Edlna, Mo.. 6-7: (O. II.) LaBell* S-10. Newton 01 ay da (Empre**) Montgomery, Al»„ Nor. 14.Drc. 10. Novsroa, Three (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) Rochester's. Y.. 5-10. Nannary. May A Co. (Grand) Portland Ore. Xawn Tnm, * Co. (Poll's) Wllkea-Rartc, Pa.: (Kelth'a) Phlla .0-10. Neiiaa A Bldred (Orpheum) Ogden. Utah. Nlebola Slater* (Lyric) Dayton, 0.; (Mary An- demon) LonlaTllle, Ky„ 8-10. Nugent. J. O. (Orphetim) Lincoln. Neb.: (Or- pheum) Sioux City. la., 8-10. Nrvln* A Krwnod (Ornticnml Dululta. Minn.; (Or- pbenm) Minneapolis 8-10. Noble * nrooka (BUon) Jaekaon. etlea) Terre Haute. Ind.. 6-10. Silver?" SSL.. "SV'orenVh.w .1 :. (V.rl- O'Neill, Bay B.: 712 Fulton Bldg.. Plttaburg. Pa. Orbaaany*. Irma. Cockalooa: care B. Ober- ' mayer. 1431 Broadway, N. Y. C. Oaborn, Teddy: 711 Coortland are.. Kokomo. ' Ind. Oyerfleld, A.: 880 Glenwood are., Buffalo, X.. Y. Owen. Dorothy M*e: 3047 Both at., Chicago. Orren (Orpheum) Gary, Ind. • Odlva (HnmmeMteln'a) N. Y. C; (Kellb'a) Boa- ton 5-10. ^ ' nt) p I d pre 0?Naill M Tr1o (Orpheum). . Waterloo, la., 8-10. .. . , ■ . lOlympler. Fire (Orpheimi) New Orleana, La. Parland-Newball Co.: 431 Roaaell are., Coving- ton, Ky. Parrla. Jr.. Geo. W.: 2534 N. Franklin at.. I Phlla. Panlln*. J. B.: Dantrllle, N. v. Paull A Walton: 726 Bth are.. Plttabnrg. Pa. ream A Aylward: 265 Michigan are.. Chicago. Pearae A Maaon: Van Bnren Hotel. Chicago. Pelham A lmlg: Platen. Pa. Peter* A Chamberlain: 268 24th Place. Chicago. Phillip* A Newell: 218 So. Howell at.. Owoaao. Mlcb. Pike*. Mualcal: 103 W. Oley at.. Reading, Pa. Plane. Fred 8. (Prince**) Duluth. Minn. Polrler*. The: White Rata. Chicago, porter. Chaa. F.: 606 Lincoln are.. Bay City. ' Mlcb. Potter A Harrla: 1715 Leland are Towell. Eddie: White Rat*. N. Y. Portland, C— J.: S24 N. t:-1758 Larrabee at., 8at 6. Chl- PriceA BeU: 182 Floyd at.. Pall a a, Tex. Price. Harry M.i 034 Longwood are.. N. T. C. Percy. Gene A. (Majeatlc) Ft. Worth, Tex.; ! (Majeatlc) Dallag 5-10. reraonl A Halllday (Ma)eatle) St. Paul. Prlmroae Four (Colonial) Norfolk, Va.; (Alble) ! Eaatoo. Pa., 5-10. - . Pearre Slater*. Three (Empire) Ft. Dodge, la.; (Cryatal) Waterloo 8-10. Peter* Phil A Nettle (Washington) Spokane; (Majeatlc) Seattle 8-10. - J>hllllpa, 8*mpg__P. (NUon) Phil*.; (Park) Pl blf)*S* y - bltIng-(MaJr*llc) Chicago; (Colum- bia) St. Loola 5-10. Ploeti-Larella 81etera (Majeatlc) Bott*. Mont.. 3-10. Quaker City Quartette: 403 Macon at.. Brooklyn. Queen Mat> A We la: Brlll'a Hotel. South 10th at.. Phlla. Qnlncy. Too*.: Jacksonville. Fla. Qnlgler -ro*. (Orpheum) Spokane; (Orpbeum) Seattle 6-10. Satin. John: 6001 Cbontean are St. Lonla. Randall. Billy: 1.000 K. 8rh at.. Ttayton. O. Rapier. John: 473 Cole are., Dallaa. Tex. Ray. Engenle: 8802 Prairie are.. Chicago. Raymond. Evelyn: 48 W. Erie at.. Chicago. Beading 81 at era: 411 W. 30th at.. N. Y. C. Reed A Marlow: 793 Main at.. Dallai. Tex. Reed. Wm. D.: Gallatin Pike. Naahvlll*. T Reeve*. Roe: 155S Bro*dw*y. N. T. C. Rellly A Lewi*: 64 W. 118th at.. N. Y. C. Renafaaw. Bert: White Rata. N. Y. 0. An.lrla. Dec. 1-31. Rboad*' M*rlooeHe»: 33 W. 8th *t.. Cheater. P«. Rice. Frank A Tree: 6340 Vernon are.. Chicago. Rlrharda. Two Aerial: 288 Jencka at.. Fall ulv I er, Maaa. RIea-rorte. Harry E.: York Spring*. P*. BlnnerRrndo Trio: 238 Seventh at.. Grand Rapid*. Mich. Rioter. Tom: 336 E. 123rd «t.. 1*. Y. C. Retort. Dainty June: 1310 Hal»ey at.. Brook lyn. Rlvenhall. Fred: 290 Central Park. N. Y. 0. Robert*, naye* A Robert*: Cedar Manor. Jamai- ca N Y Rohe'rta A Little: Block HUnd. R. I. Roberta. Little Lord: 454 E. 47lh.t,. Chicago. Rohlnno. Bobble A Haxelle: 5128 42nd are.. Bonfh, Minneapolis. Rotrar* Twlna: 2312 ! Roland A Francla: 31 133 17th at. Wheeling. W. :.. Zanewvni*. O. oshlng are.. Rronklyn. Reien. Chaa. B.: 45 W. 117th *t.._N. Y. i cago. Romanoff*. I Va. Romola. Bob: SIS Root A Whltej m t„ . ^ T c »t.. Brooklyn. A Green: 74 E. 114tb *t.. N. V. C. Sister*. Three: 83 Cnmherford St., Provl- 'j.: 43 Merrlmac at.. Rochester, l«: 1J16 W. High at.. BprlngOeld. Redmond A Smllh (BUon) Pierre. 8. D.. 1-A Rntan** Ron* Plnta (Orphenml Canton. O.: (Snnl Marlon 8-10. Ranf. CTaude (Poll's) Wllkea-Rarre. Pa.: (Broadway) Camden. N. J.. 5-10. Rathskeller Trio (Slttner'al Chicago, 28-Dec. Hl Reeklaw Troone Reekie** (People'*) Phil*. Rnsvell A Smith's Minstrels (Orpheum) Gaston. Pa.: (Colonial) Norfolk. Va.. 5-10. Rlanns. Fonr (Orphenm) Sioux City, la.: (Or- pheum) Kansas City. Mo.. 5-10. Reltr Clsvton * RellT (Maleatle) Madison. Wis.: : (Empire) Milwaukee 6-10. Rollsn,i. Geo.. A Co. (Francal*) Montreal: (Grand) Cleveland 5-10. _ Rawla * Von Kaufman (TJntquei Minneapolis; (BIJool Dnltith 8-10. _ • „ Rohlseh A Chlltlress (Prl*clllal Cleveland: (Or- pheum) Alliance 5-.10. Roode. Osnde M. (Colonial) Lawrence. Ma**.: (Auditorium) I^nn MO. Roaalrea. The (V|lnnl Winnipeg. Can. Bos., fcddle G. (Matestlc) Dallaa. Tex.: (Males- tic) Houston 5-10. • • Roskow Mldgela (Ornhenm) Salt Lake Clly. 1'tah: (Orpbeum) Denver. Col.. 5-10. Ry*n. The*. J.. RlrhfleM Pa. (Colnmbla) St. Loul*: (M*testtc) Mllwankee. 5-10. Rice Snlly * Seott (Shea'a) Toronto; (Lyric) Dsytnn. O.. 5-10. _ ■ Recti Bros. (Orphenm) Slonx City. I*.: (Orph- eum) Mln^eanoll*..Minn.. 6-10. Rocamora. Suranne (Orsnil) Intllanapolla: (Co- lumbia) Cincinnati 5-10. Ravmond. Bttby (Trent) Trenton N. J.: (Tem- ple) Detroit. Mich.. 5-10. Roekway A Conway (Grand) Knoxvllle, Tenn.: (Alrdome) Chattanooga 5-10. • ■ .... . WORLD'S GREATEST AERIAL ACT NOW PLAYING ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Address BERT BANVABD. Manager, care The Billboard, New York City. OPEN AIR Flying Baldwins Aerial Batnrn Act. T. W. GBEENXEAF, Mgr., 314 V. 3rd St., Quincy. HI. HEAD M. NOW BOOKING FOR 1911. Pails,Fairs, Cihtatiais, Etc. the: act thev all talk about. FLYING WERNTZ DUO .Sensational Aerostatic GymnaaU of Qnallty ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS TO MCAD U. WCRNTZ.40(7 Broadway, CLEVELAND. O. M am i Alvarado's Acrobatic Goats . THAT QUALITY ANIMAL ACT Largest and best troupe of Educated Goat* in the World. Play- ing Vaudeville. Time booked solid. PtnuMit Address, can White Rats, 1553 Brndwaj, New Tilt CRf Earl Withrow & Edna May Glover -PRESENTINQ- High-Class Singing and Talking Sketches Juat Co. VAUDEVILLE ACTS THE GRIFFIN CIRCUIT all the principal opera honaea and picture theatres tbrongbont Canada. Immediate and me to acta with das*. No limit for feature novelties. Write or wire to-day. aumx em e u i t, variety thzatab buildiho, tohonto, "**n ff n WArtRSON PEN Entlr*ly Now ■ATE I BUT FBIMTIIN PCM Hrvmm - IB.OO - . . Sample, JtOe. aseh mmU-FUlmr Fountain fmnm. OSS.OO Or- wHiTEsoN co^^tms^^imitmvLmm,^ The Only House in the World Manufacturing Our Own Goods Catering direct to demonstrator* and streetmen. Oat my catalogue for tha holiday*. Pen* In solid gold and gold plate. Send and get a sample of mr new button package York department atorea like hot cakes. Knife Sharpener*. Potato Knlvea, 0 Telephonee. lienor Hone*. Gas Lighter*. Band and gat tb* Information. - " ■ J. FINANCING MANAGER WANTED FOR THE- eltlea. Next season with did prospects. Only tnorongtaly rsllsbl* person write for spring and summer time. 1911. Address BECktTABT. Buite II Auditorium STREETMEN DEMONSTRATORS UDKIOf UTK PEMCHLA. Non le.kaMa. rnbbar BftUbad. Big 25c seller. " OOWAJfT. 401-401 Mftk Paaplalnaa Qnaraataad UP JMk BampJ* bv alnna aftnaat, Ckioago. Ifl. gtv* aa1 Me. OC OOMJtEEOIAL SOTXLTtn WANTED! LOOK! W ANTED! H. Sanger Indoor Fair Co. will open their winter aesaon December 12. near Chicago. Can place Human Bonlette Wheel and it will get big money. Also Glass Snow. Penny Arcade. Flea Circus, 4-ln-i. FUtform and Freak Show*, ra fact, any Novelty Attraction that can set up In small space. Will aell ezcloalre. the following Concessions: 1*41 Rack. Knife Back. Cane Rack. Ice Cream Cone*. Fortune Telling, J*p Bowling Alley. Juice. Peanut* and Popcorn. Photo Gallery, Glass Stand, and any other clean Concession. Want four flrat-class Free Attractions. Would like to hear from Aerial Act and Trick House Act. This company will play large ctttea under auspices of Merchants' Asaoclatlona, Lodge* *nd Bands. In large Skating Rinks and Coliseums. Merchants In each city wilt have display booths at Fair. There will be A BAND and plenty of novel attractions In esch city to draw the crowds. Can use two Queen Contest Promoter*. Will guarantee 14 weeks' work. Address H. SANGER, Oaneral **nag*r, Revere Room. CHICAGO. ILL. A sober, reliable hustler, with $1,000.00, can interest himsejf ,with an experienced manager owning valuable show property and prospects of big summer profits. Bank references exchanged. Address: SUMAfER ATTRACTION, care of Billboard. Cmcinnati