Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1910. The Dill board ■ AT THE COLONIAL. (Continued from page 12.) Hooloo Ben, Ida. Sweet as Apple Cider, and uls latest addition. Molaaaea Candy, savors alao of the unique and only lend* to strengthen hla popularity with the New Yorkers, lie belongs on the All star bill beyond a doubt; furthermore. In tbe uppermost position. Other acta worthy of stellar classification were Ro- land Weat, In hla protean production, The Under World; Marshall P. Wilder, tbe hum- orlat, whoae jokes are gratlfytngly pungent and cleverly put orer; Robledlllo, the loose-wire art- lat, and Laeky'a Planopblend Minstrels. In which Ben Linn, McCarty and Gladys Lock wood atand out for apeclal mention. Tbe "- act. Tbey cllnebed tbelr right to variety. crayon eketcblngs furnish * Catherine Hayes and Sabe'l Johnaon. self- termed. Two Members of the Beef Trust. hare an amusing oddity In Tbe Dream of Old Hays. Tbelr tinging is Terr good, tbe range of Miss Johnson's TOlce deserving apeclal note. Dlnab was never more csp tl r at I □«! j rendered and tbelr Tama Man finish furnishes 'an excellent exit for them. Mattheweon and Meyers, with May Tully. In Curres. furnish a very entertaining twenty odd minute entertainment. No matter bow tbe baseball fa rod tea acted tbey would be praised bat tbelr stage work la Indeed creditable and tbey are extremely welt assisted by May Tnlly. who is one of tbe cleverest Imitators on Broad- W Erna and Jenny Gascb finished the bill tbelr acrobatic offering. Act !e very good. AT THE AMERICAN. (Continued from pace 12.) Mlna Miner In Molaaao'a pantomime produc- tion, l'arls by Night, did some twirling and •lancing that Justlfles ber rise from vaudeville to the legitimate which will take place daring December. IB tbe Boston Fadettes Orchestra, Mlaa Caro- line B. Nichols directs a big act Of unique mber Is tbe descriptive ina' Strike, wherein one by one the girls leave tbe orchestra on atrlke " leader baa but one musician, the wno. Incidentally la exceedingly clev- erer, after a number on tbe dram, tbe strikers gradually return to tbe former posi- tions and wind up tbelr act with a lively tune that makes tbe act distinctly entertaining. Taylor Granville, In Tbe Star Boot, deserves special mention. Act very good. Adams and Mack present a comedy magic num- ber and opened tbe big bill. Act very good. Max Cooper, second on the bill, merely aang That's the Fellow I -Want to Oct to the accom- paniment of descriptive slides. This act was only ordinary. - ..... Brothers Carpatu. Roumanian oar gymnasts, are featuring a double somersault -from the Brat bar to tbe third clearing the middle bar with- out touching it. Their act la excellent aa far as tbe straight work la concerned. It however, psy two snch proficient gymnasts dispense with tbelr little comedy. Johnson and Wells, colored singers and dancers are us I njg^ Cotton Town sad Do Ton Love Me over*'rrom'^aaf 0 week'. *^rhe "eelecHon" or "cards on Isst week's All-Star bill speaks enough to render another notice of hla act unnecessary. Chaa. Bartholomew entertained with a good Imitation of George Laanwood and his song to the key. wills Holt Wakefield. In tbe planologue and her jeweled staff, was very good. She talked My Old Kentucky Home. Maxlnt and Bobby and tbelr clever canine mimic were especially appreciated. For a teetl lal of their cleverness rater to the on tbe New York All star program ■ff-SK Bertoasl and Archeogellt, operatic doo, have a fine act. Both voices wry mellow—ber range wonderful. Harry Jolson Joked (long at a merry clip. Tbe Bohemian Quintette were very deserving. If they do not make tbla week'a All Star bill It will be because some one else had Just a little ehade tbe better on them. Hanlon and Clifton closed with some clever acrobatic turns. Tbe big fellow end bis fat. stubby partner make a lively team. - George Primrose, tbe old-time minstrel msn. waa alao there. Although a good many auns nave risen and set since tbe graceful exponent of black-face comedy has broken Into the game, he still retains those characteristics that won bis title for blm. His two nimble-footed assist- ants are Murphy and Franklin. AT THE FIFTH AVENUE. (Continued from page 12.) way favorltea by this time. Tbelr act baa re- ceived previous notice, and Is s recognised hit. Tbe Cbas. Abern Troupe of cycling comedians bsve alao received paat notices, sod their cy- cling act of "07 varieties," is by this time well- known. They could not be denied All-Star po- sition. Tbe number end kind of cycles tbey have are tbe most curious collection In vaudeville. A very pretty offering Is that of the Bagwell Suiters, Natalie and Aurle, wherefore tbey have been Included In tbla week'a atellar list. The conception of their act is very pretty, and an air of daintiness pervades tbe whole n Nonette, tbe gypsy violinist, pleased ly. She brings tbe house down with ber Cava! lerla Rust leana finish. Pstsy Doyle, tbe droll, stoop-shouldered Irish- man, has bis own way of putting them over. His act la good. Barry and Wolford were also on the program with their Song Booth set. look in Isst week's issue for your criticisms. Tbe bill wss opened by Wentwortb. Testa and dog. Teddy, who have a good act for this po- sition. Closing station was given Tbe Four Onettl Sisters, who swung snd twirled In fit fashion for an act In last position. Their act la very MENZELI Scloal of PTOfessional Dancing n ft, Mtfc It, bet. 5th Ave. ft B'way, N. T. 0. TENTS 30x60. 30x30. 20x30 2.000 ft. of 10- ft. CO., 1007 W. JOHN T. WARREN THEATRICAL AGENCY SENEfl»l. BOOKING OFFICE Suit* 5. 141 W. 7th St. Cincinnati, O. Dramatic and Vaudeville people, write or call. Managers, wire your needs. an with small troupe of doga that can do other turns- Magician or* Acrobatic act that change for a week. Will boy four small dogs that are well trained: alao want to buy Ventriloquist Figures (Irish and Negro), and good magical apparatus that la cheep snd in good condition. Have Tent, 40x60. with Marquee, for sale or exchange. Sal rail, write. Address DR. E. H. DeALVA. Commercial Hotel, Win- nipeg, Man., Can. Open da tea for Sundays, matinee Tsrre Santa, as burlesque shows, ferred. GIANT RACING COASTER We can build it for one-third less than the present type of Racing Coaster. LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT. COASTER CONSTRUCTION CO. WHITE CITY, - - - - CHICAGO. AGENTS $1 Box for 15c. THEY SAY "WE ARE CRAZY" WHO SAYS SO? OUR COMPETITORS.SAY SO— WE DON'T CAKE:—Our lateat snd biggest success haa got them guessing, that's all. They can't duplicate It. OUR HEW BOX COHTAIHS One SOc bottle Florodo Perfume, one 25c bottle Liquid Shampoo, one 25c bottle Cucumber Cream. Actual value X1.00, and worth It COST TO AGENTS 15 CENTS Can you beat It? Don't stop to figure HOW w* do It. WE DO DO IT. Bend 15c and for yourself. Fancy box, beautiful labels. Imitation cut glass bottles. Hlgh-grad Bella like hot cakes. Gives satisfaction. Biggest flash on earth for the money. PARKER CHEMICAL COMPANY, 233 Market Street; CHICAGO. RING PERFORMERS, NOTICE Would like to join a No. 1 Ring or Hand-Balancing Act. Recognized act only. Height 5 feet 4j4 inches. Weight 140 pounds Address "J. N. f " Chicago office, Billboard. The Herbert A. Kline Shows NOW CONTRACTING FOR SEASON 1911 of 14 strictly first-class clean aide snows and three riding devices, a atei MACY AND MATTHEWS' NEW OLYMPIC SHOWS Can place Electric and other Snows, piece Band, good Door Talker. Con Cap. Denham, M. D. Ory, it M. ville. Alabama. Nov. 28-Dec. 3. WANTED-Leading Man-Leading Lady b Juvenile. Western wardrobe. Those doing specialties preferred. Alao strong Comet Both Juvenile. Western wardrobe. Those doing specialties preferred. Alao strong Comet dooble stsge or piano. Any one useful to Western Bill snd Band Show, write o r wire quick. Booked until last or April. Must be sober and bave One appearance. Address GEO. AXTXBXkX, XaaaaTsr Boss of Z Ranch Co., Walnut Ridge, Ark., Dec t; Jones bo ro. Ark., Dec t; Harris burg, Ark., Set ^JmS^mJ^JM^'' Deef t 10 n *' **" 7i Tm * atT ' **• S; WANTED-200 Opera Chairs Cheap for cash. State make and bow long used. For sale, Edison one-pin machine, complete, $73 cash. Slides snd Music, $1.00. Announcement Slides, 25c. Sbsdea to light bouse brilliant while picture Is on. 23c each. ORPHETJM. lACrange. Ga. BILLBOARD'S 1 AT,T, l -—CALIFORNIA FRANK'S ALL if STAR HIPPODROME WILD WEST FOR SEASON 1911—LARGER AND BETTER THAN EVER WANTED - THE BEST WILD WEST PEOPLE in the business, including Cowgirls, Cowboys, Ropers, Riders, Indians, Mexicans, Hostlers, Canvasmen, People to Cook House, man and wife preferred. All must be ladies and geatlemen. Booze fighters need not apply. Every knows the reputation of this show. Fine costumes; best people; best exhibitions; best cook house; and never missi pay day. Want to hear from Band Leader that can furnish Ladies 1 and Cowboy Band. Musicians write. Will Buy Combination, also Sleeper and Baggage Cars; must be in good condition and cheap. For Sale—Eight head Texas Long Horn Steers. Have horses an! acornnoiittons for ambitious people to work new stuff in Winter Quarters, Fair Grounds, Augusta, Ga. C. F. HAFLEY, CALIFORNIA FRANK, - - - Owner and Strong Man and Flossie, write. run one id a out