Billboard advertising (Dec 1910)

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DECEMBER 3, 1810. TH «2 I llboard 47 PARAGRAPHIC PENCILIN08. By dtlAElLB A. WHITE. Chicago.. 111.. Not. 23 (Special to Tbe Bill- board).—George Ad* recently Informed me that ; dimp cloth wet applied to hi* Intended ca- reer >f dreu* nreet-agent when be adhered to facta Instead of exaggeration. Townaend Walah, who ha* t Sir. Otis Skinner for the Cith blaaer, will reat hla - uncbes his new play, for New York City. I connected with ' Oar _j knell hiring been eonoded for Drew'* offering. Servant, list be may devote bla attenUon to tbe reheerelng of a new play, lined for an early preijnUUom. Tbe Deep Purple baa made a deep Impression In Chicago. The before and after breakfast salutation being: • Good morning! 1 Bate you i Tbe Deep Purple t" It's Tbe Deep Purple [, noon and night. From the Ilpa or 'but'worda'of pratee'fur tBa wonderful In Mr. Frederick Donegbey. U shier A Co bare a scribe who appreciate* the Talus of getting under tbe akin. Hla human Interest The Calumet Stock wUI glra a benefit , striking garment maker*. Upon pernalng a letter from Oeorgs W. Good- hart, the following word* chilled my blood: "I bare Juet finished gathering a lot of worms, and I am DOW filed." A few minutes later my blood warmed upon recalling tbe fact of George being an angler. Jerry Delhi, manager Mingling Brother*' car ■umber 3. la la Lancaster. Pa., engaged in tbe manufacture of cigars. Tom Good bar t. boas bUlpoaler car number t, la al*o spending the winter Tolling tbe weed. In that part of the Colonial Theatre called the "Foyer d* Laze," 1 beard a well-groomed gentleman remark to hla companion: "Some person must hare hypnotised F rob. man." After the final curtain had descended I waa of the same opinion. How In tbe name of common sense the far-seeing, well-seasoned Char of ibr.trlr.Is seer became tangled In the meshed web of Our , Miss otbba Morris gar* a*- to. un- derstand, worked Itself Into fever-heat over Pauline Mr. Morel, alao circulated that the aame foggy London cut dldoea of ectasy orer Our Miae Glbba. Bsmaey ffi • trt — therefore, bla abatement may bear the exoneration of Mr. Frohman. Be that a* It may, this happen* to be America —better etUl. It la Chicago. And suffice It la to aay: Chicago has not betrayed a single degree of emotion orer Our Miss Glbba or the once heralded pink pajama girl—Pauline Chaae. And la reckoning the cause of depreealon In tbe box-otnee one moat not heap tbe blame wholly on atar and play, bat consider the hair hundred watery-eyed choristers who are adept at unharmoatalag. atiff In Joint and of low ebb us looks. Then there la tbe stage direction with us earmark! or crudeneta, and a cooglom- rrstlon of so called music that undoubtedly tor- ture* eren those who haee to earn their dally atlpend In tbe orchentra pit. Without question, Bert Leslie la tbe thread that baa preeented Our Mlaa Glbba from being scattered to tbe four wind* of failure. Aa slithers, a glib-tangoed American crook. Leslie ranks superb. Down in the American Music Hall, where ran- deruie i* offered in exchange for coin of the realm, Jaeqoe* tos Mourlk de Beaufort, a count of many nneettled accounta. Is gurgling, twice daily, shout the girl whom be deems the apple of bla monocbled eye. .. At • freak of Interest this royal-blooded per- ACTOR HAS NARROW ESCAPE. oils. Minn.. Nor. 20 (Specie! to Tbe —While Watchman Ryan, of tbe Hotel Nicollet, waa oaktag his round* last sight, ha observed smoke Issuing through tbe sides of a closed transom, of the room, occupied by Roger* Barker, the atock actor, who until recently waa appearing aa leading man with the Lyric Theatre Stock Company, upon break- ing Into tbe room be found Mr. Barker semi conscious, and the furnishings of the room In s blaa*. He extinguished tbe fire with a chem- ical, and called for a physician, who worked orer the actor for a half bonr before rerlelnir ENGAGE C ORBET T MORRIS. fSSSFbJ &gZ If &&&& Lyric Theatre, operating tbe Lyric Theatre Stock Company engaged for bla company Cor- bett Morrla. who will ri Mr. M, ' PRINQLE TAKES LEA8E. Beerett, Wash., Nor. M (Special to The Bill- board).—Tbe Everett Theatre, which bat been eloaed during the earlier part of the sesson on •rcount of dlBcultle* between tbe management •nd tbe atage hands, wss reopened this week a lotto held by Johnnie Prlogle. Tbe Btoer Company it now playing at the Solax Film- THE BEST FILM MADE Friday, Kor. SS ONE TOUCH OF NATOUE Tbe .lory deala with a coun- try girl who marries tbe city chap, abandoning her country lore. Later they separate, the husband taking their little boy with him. Years later tbe huabaud dlea and the boy uses bla Influence to bring about a marriage between bit mo- ther and her former lore. - RELEASES — Friday Sao. S WHAT IB TO BE WILL BE Jack and Stanley both lore Mollte—tbe belle of the Fish- ing Village. Jack learea on a xoyage. and newa coming of the supposed wreck, Mollte marries Stanley. Tear* later Jack turns up, but Motile, after a - self. F riday. Deo. 0 LADY BETTT'S Tbe tale of a coquette ea- gerly sought by two admir- er*. Gypsy witchcraft teaches her that one of her lorera It false. Disguised aa a Continental officer tbe be- come* Involved In a duel with the fortune bnntlng lover, but finally succeeds In extricating herself and winning her true afS *i afgafaV Telephone. 1864 ^laX Company M7 Fourth Ave., New York. TO EVAN 8 MINSTRELS. George Murrsy who wsa UI for three weeke at hla home, ha* entirely recovered and la again ahead of George Brent' Honey Boy Mln- etrele. BOTTO 18 TRANSFERRED. Chicago, ni.. Not. board).—Mort D. Botto at the 23 (Special to Tbe Hill ar baa transferred Walter CINCINNATI LODGE BALL. meeting tbe At the lttt regular Lodge No. 33. T. M. A., tbe annual nomlna of officers for 1911 took place. Vlce-Prealdent Wm. Keensn was nominated for president, and will be elected wltbont opposition. Mr. Kee- nen la a member of tbe I. A. T. S. E.. and la w.dely known around tbe circuit, having been atage carpenter with Loula Jamea for aeveral year*. Andy Hetteabelmer. treasurer of the Walnut Street Theatre for the put eighteen K^^^WrealSer without opposition. Kdward Hollenktmp, tecrettry, and Frank Xng- llab. treasurer. Will alao he re elected. There are several candidate* tor marshal, trustees, end President Henry B. Herbert and Andy Hettes- Vs.. next July. '*"** Tbe Ball Committee 1* extending aa invi- tation to all performera. whether they are T. M. A.'s or not. Who play Cincinnati week of December 8. to attend the and milk and dress given by tbe lodge at Central Turner "Tg. Decern! —ROLL TICKETS- ••THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE" Your own special ticket, amy printing any colon, avrxnirataly numbered, en guaranteed. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE BIG ROLL TICKET 5,000— $1.25 10,000— 2 60 Caen with the order. 100,000—10.00 NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shamokln, Ponn ACTOR8 TAKE CHARGE. Zan ear tile, o.. Not. 20.—The George Tenon Stock Company Instigated by Baab * Keller, of New York, three weeka ago, baa merged Itself Into a commonwealth, and as now owned by the acting folka and W. 8. Canning, of tbe Beea Circuit. Baab A Keller got tired of the gsme and left, whereupon tba atage people got together and made an arrangement with the Circuit people to continue under the contract, whleb wat la force with employer*. MARRIAGES. hslla. ^Tealng. nber 8. John 0. Weber-a Band will rurnleh tbe innate, and the ball will be the biggest one Cincinnati baa seen in i long time. Flnt Grand Vice-President 0. W. Schweltaer bit been chosen chief for that evening by the committee la charge. CHICAGO LODGE BENEFIT. The Sixth ananal benefit of Chicago Lodge, No. 4. T. M. A., will be held at the Chicago Opera House, Friday afternoon. December 2. nun. The committee In charge of the benefit have promised an excellent bill for tbe occa- sion. ' T. M. A. NOTES. With the Initiation Into tbe rani* of the T. M. A. of Wm. Crookshenk. Bernard Benchart. and Carol Toelle. at Norrlatown. Pa., recently, tbe Batten Daniel Boone on tbe Trail Com- pany boaata that every male member of tbe company, except, the Indiana, are T. M. A.'s. Tbe Company alao baa one lady member of the T. M. A.'s. Mlaa Leila Hodgea, of Pueblo. Colo., Lodge No. TO. MAGNETIC TO JOIN GENERAL FILMT John r. Hennegan tg In New York and It 1* rumored that be la In conference with O. K. Kennedy and tbe directors of the Patent* Co., contemplating tbe aale of tbe Msgnetlc Film Service In Cincinnati, to tbe General Film Co. SARAH TR UAX ENGAGED. Minneapolis. Minn., Nov. Ifj (Special to The Billboard,.-Min.gc-r Charlet P. Salisbury, of the Lyric Theatre Stock Company, playing the Lyric Theatre, announce* that be bat completed arrangement* for • tlx week*' HMMl of Ssrsh Trnsr ss leading lady of hla atock com- pany. Mlaa Tnax will make her orat appear- ance on the Lyric boards. Sunday marine* of December 4. aa Lady Urania. In Tba Adventure* of Lady Ursula. Miss Tnax sloes ber marriage to a Mill City man and ber retirement from the tttge. bit be en making thlt city b er borne. NEW L EADIN G MAN. Wilmington. Del.. Not. M (Sneclal to The Billboard).—Mr. Lewie J. Cody entered upon hla duties aa leading man or tbe Avenue Amusement Stock Company, pitying at the Avenue Theatre. Wilmington, Dele., thla week. Mr. Cody Is not aew to tbe bosrda, baring achieved quite a au reeaa to New York City. HI* eneotng bill to Wilmington waa St. Elmo, be portray lag admirably tba character of St. NKWHON HAAS—Billy Heat vaudeville per rmer, waa married to Mlaa Llaale New son. a ,n profeealonal. In Decatur, Ala.. Not. 14. H. Schafer. MABTIN-EMBLETON.—Mr. O. Wellford Km bleton. superintendent of llghtt with the Sella- Floto Show*, and Mlaa Clara France* Martin, were married at tbe M. E. Church, lath and Wabath, Chicago, Nor. 14. They will reside at 3613 Wabath Avenue. Chicago. MKLIJ.NGKR WELLS—Mr. R. 8. Wells, man- ager of the Novelty Theatre. Topeka, Kansas, wat married November 17, Is Newklrk, Okla.. to Mlaa Gertrude Melllnger. formerly illustrated song singer at tbe Novelty. BRADLBT-WABB.—Alfred F. Ware (non-pro- feealoaal), of Chicago, waa married to Juniata M. Bradley .of The Six Music*! SplUers, Novem- ber 22. la Lima. 0. PATTERSON-ART*.—Harry Art*, electrician with Tbe Parisian Widows Co.. and Sophie Patterson, a pretty young woman of the tame company, were married Tuuraday morning. Not. 24, us Waahlngton. D. C. by the Bar. Dr. v. ▼. Tndor, at tbe latterie residence, 021 M street. A aumptuou* wadding breakfaat waa served at tbe residence of tbe groom'a parent* on N street. N, W. Mr. Arts, senior, la a promt neat Weehlngtoulan. being president of the local Master Plumbers' Association. The young couple will remain with The Parisian Widows till to* end of tbe aeaaon and will then take up their residence tn Washington. Mlaa Patterson', duties with the Widow* consists of posing In a series of living plct urri. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Slrlgnano are tba parent* of a too. Joaepb Felix, born Oct. 29. The baby It a grandson of Signer Slrlgnano, bandmaster nf the Banda Roma, the Italian band. Mrs. Slrlgnano was formerly Mlaa Boa* Bandeau, of pittsaeid, Mass. to Mr. and Mrs. Pliny F. Rntledge (Jeanne Pickering), a son. Thursday, Not. 24. Bora to Lnomlt and Sandy (Mrs. Q. a Loom- la), November 10, a eleven-pound girl. Mother and child doing nicely. Mr. Loomls la playing trap drums and ringing illustrated songs at tbe Lyric In Rock Island. 111., for the winter. Bon to Mr. and Mr*. Jamea 1 City, on November IT. MELVILLE.— M. Melville, Lost in Society's whir) Co.. Stillwater. Okla.. November 2. HUBLT.—Tom B. Hnrly died In tba ... Can., November aeaaon he waa tn the ad Dramatic Co.. and during id cbargt of tba cart. Ha at Medicine Hat, Alta. typhoid fever. Laat vanca of Burt Imaon the tenting season had leave* a wife and baby, hla era and two listers. Tbe remains were Bowbells. N. D., for burial. ■VANS—George 0. Bran*, local mi the Orphean. Theatre, Douglas. Thursdsy. Not. 10, at 0:3O p. m. Of kit death It attributed " tbe heart, coming aa a old tubercular truant*. Mr. Kraae took charge of the theatre this season under tbe leasee at Frank Bleb, of B) Texaa. Laat year be waa secretary t* n#On. and was associated with hla posting business, body wat thlpped to bla borne In Keoknh. Iowa, la car* of the Kike Ledge. . FITTERS—Wm. J. Fetter*, prominent ecealt at hla^bome_la Philadelphia. Nov. 10, to S I aged 73 Of dlsesi . Barrett, Fanny Davenport, other stsra of yean ago. MENKEMELLEB.—Henry er of Henry Menkemeller. J tbe South with - at bit home, at aa advanc LAZARUS.—Bernard (Ike) Laaama, aged 00 and killed himself at the Ford Ha- te), Rochester. Pa.. November IS. Ijitsrn. wsa carried by various circuses at different time* aa detective. HEINE.—Alfton Helnt, a head balancer wit. the John H. Sparke Show, died at tba City Ho* P"*J. -Janata. Qa Nor. 20. after a brief 111 aeta. Death waa due to pneumonia. Deceased wss thirty year* of age. and * member of ▼aldoata, Qa.. B. P. O. E. and B Lodge of White Bate. Tbe body waa to Brooklyn by tba A agnate Kike. VICTORIA, B. C, CAN. « m SL "SS J*"*. wm 9*— hm December 5. Tbe Society of Londoners sre preparing . warm welcome for ber on ber arrival here. The first of a series of Snaday evening eon cert* by tbe Vsneoover City Band, during tbe coming winter months, was given In the Do minion Hall laat 8unday. in addition to the band nnmbera, vocal selections well known vocal' ' or the hall part ol defray 'Mai ■£' J ec, | !o =» were gtren bj and a eSS^uS? Is* taken'np"te picture* Vanconver to be shown In connection of la alt lecturer*. Mr. Warner wUI also secure motion picture* of scenes In tbe Rockies and Selkirk*. Irwin Carver Co.. Ltd.. of this city, has commenced suit against the Starland Limited of Winnipeg, Man. The suit Is for $1,334.88 for labor and material oaed tn repair* and altera- tion* to tbe Lyric Theatre. The Starland Lim- ited attempted to nn the Lyric aa a picture bouse laat summer, but hsd to give It up. Tbe Ber. Merton Smith In a lecture on Tbe Evil, of a Great City, delivered at tbe Royal Theatre laat Sunday afternoon. aide of life. tine; that they He fortber stated that