Billboard advertising (July 1916)

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Tli« Bllltooard DIAGHUEFF BALLET RUSSE WILL TOUR TO THE COAST Three Weeks' Engagement in New York in October Will Inaugurate Season That Wm to brace Princip al atle» flD«d han«l( antlMly W mnob ptwi In t)«r DBtiv* lonsu*. nh* U in hava MIm Uartba Had- n'a role Itila week In Ttia Booma- IE whlla Mlu Hedmaii it od ttn iMporMwct batwaas tba Atiutw ud tM IMMs csMta, pnMdad br • tbtM waaKT — g— amaat Kaar Tofk «ir ba under tba maoacapi^at .thS MstTOpoUUii Htuleal Butmil and tan* dav th* ■ftlaUe dltaetkm tf U^-jin- otto H. Kalui, dulrnuui of tba •ncaaammrt at tba CaotoiT Tbaatar hara, tba Baliat Buna want on cour Is Jannair. toiag aa t*r watt aa ' tOVlt^CtvnlBC (or a faoT iadUi: at tba Hetropotltan In _ L Wljliukr did not iolB tlw com- ■mr^m^ 1* ratarnad ta New Tork. -SMlie With Havie Tempeit Naw York. Jnna Z4.—Sanr NarlUei .ma of Anstralla'a batt atasa dtrvctor^ who Btaxd The Qrtat ~ '" * " ■ ■Mtk alda ol Frntr-Sttb atraet _ «Ht «f Braadwar. Is to b« oeeoDM M Kb eonplMlon. Nmanbar i. br tba naatM. naneata CompacBla. Tbe MMbarta at* banding ttaa iioova and Om trto Of principal riium wIm Bppwrad with Cbarlotta at tbo Hlp- droBu, aallad tor tbalr hanaa bi iropa today on tba Fortr wam»n akatan, wbo took part In tba lea ballet, aalM on the aaraa ablp. It la announead tba akatara have Binad contracta " Naw Tqi% Jnna tt, —The Bo«m' arang, at the Balasco Thaaur, tntoyi tha dlatlnctloD of bclas tba loBseat- tlved piar ot tba Naw Tork, wllb - Hallov Naw Tctk, Hay A UdVa Nama. Mar l>: If ally Oi l*i How Britain Freparad CfllB>, Mar »: Mav TUB Way, May t»i CMHsatlaD <fllm>. : ibeatenroenL The appaala tar diaatlB Btap wera baadad by Dr. Jlmaa J. WalBb ot Naw ToA, totaitr dean ot Fordbam OnlTOtaltr Medical SchnoL The Maror. harlnx tba power nwefi Astnn tiondon, Jane 14.—Loodoa Uked Choice, ao weO wben It waa praeentad -* the ApoDo neater Tlntndair nlsbt - V. SHar. of Maw York, wu » Uaad in lUl NEW PLAYS ■iae^_firli rtiu!^|T^S .^'rtSX Kaw Terfc. Jan* II,—That tba Paialnc fhow of produoad at -natar Oarden laat Mldln by tba m. •kaban. wiu be Jnrt aa mw il as ear ot Iba aannnar ibawi. and probably mora ao than a aamber of tbem, and Ibat It Is better than la pansa on tbe material (satnrea ot the entartalnmant." Tba Tribune: "Vaeb ot tiM new piaoo at tbe Wlntar Oar- dan daddadlr antanalnlnc. and tba production Bs a whole la an acraeabta aunmer show Ibat will nndeubtadlr be lost as aoecaaatal aa any at tba tftUm HIlMita preeantad Id tfeaae la abeat tbraa UmaB saoC eBMidr Id K aa one sx- les: aalther eo mooO as the rlTal Ptolllea. nor so ■a Mr. Cehaa's alrasdy baidy t the ABtor, bat 'twUI serte. lervo flolta well as a Itvoly, Jaw Ooiri Ib OooMdr Maw Yofft, JkM tt i J m i cm If ^ ban a ee n iedr I* Betty; ban, by BaM company will be Orma Caldan and Hanty 8ta- phanson. Tha place will pro- vlda Mm Cowl Naw York. >