Billboard advertising (July 1916)

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Xhe Billboard vat »OR THE BIG TBiE, NOR YET THE SMALL TIME, Bt]T FOR THE ARTIST ALL THE TIME. ^ VATJ iJLLB MOUNTFORD ATTEMPTS HUMOR BY PRED ICTING STRIKE Nwcmbn U Set for EmlAtl Wallnmt of All WUte Rati, if Any An Lett Id Older at That TlniC-'Fiumer Mcnbm Icriiaing New '. Attodatigo in Large Nmnbcrt Inioli, and I nppBTatna. which ha naad In IflBB - 'bsD ho producod lea ■kfttinc and LDclnc mt tha New Tork ThaMOT and a PoTOr WtlUanu Theater hers. NalUa DonesaD will rotam to the tea In olMalo bnUet dancei on bar toai, Inelndlna the Favlowa Swan and othm. Tbe oompan; wilt Inelude about twolva or fourcaen aMtan, and pTadnctlaa will prob>llly pier >r tbraa woeke In each of the biK bouMB, with poailtity n loncar mn at the Palaea. ifaw font. Jbm M-^^anr ford, IntarantloBal asaoutm ot tb« Whlta BatSt baa laanad k maalfaato whtob ha srodleta that ha will oall a ■trika ot all Whit* Bau aailr next Knambar. Tha word haa ' " eamlnatad amoni tba law muntion ot a oneo itronc orcanUs- lion tt)Bt 'bf tfovambar tha with tha H. V. Jl.: In te benhlp of tha aaw or nada up o( tbo eranw di ■- - prefMMoB. n b tk«M aMtata wko I rapidly dopWad. « Wt« bam wholMtia daMrUeof, raanj ot.tbam aaloiDBtlcallr oeaalnv to bo iBambara throosh thair fallsra ■ Katharine to mHde. Uiaa LaBi will bsTO the onir iliiiInK part in tho production. -Her sraatect aacceea on tho Cooat tvnr lo nndovilla have boen Tba7 Didn't Bellato Ho and Slnsar Coopar Weds Bm FroMdn o portabio ti I, on tha N«w Skrtdh fWn Banle oomadr akotob, eallad joat Sod. WllUun C. BoS, the aowtpapar man and plarwTlctat ot Dea Hoinaai la. Tho Bkalch will be la two '— ~ which will ba an III IB*, and tba Mooad In fun alaaa. Patriotlim Zi Eiu»iirac«d New York, Juaa K.— tho KfUth Vandarllla arcnlt, Onttod Bookinc ORlEaa aad tho liar- daw Vaudarlll* Asanor> wlui go camp or acUva •arrlGe aa mom- o( the National Ouard. wUI bo- carried on the payroll** aeviral Eompanlea during tho onliro porlod ot thoir abeoDca, and thetr poiltloiu hold open tor Uiem nntll th«y retura. A. - 1 Koith aad B. F. Alboa, ]olnt era ot tha KaltB CIreitlt. and ftm- \ aad gwaral MMHan rwfta iw — If tM n a.«. iMM jMi MMH «■ • wnploTMa ot the D. a. MtaMd fer X tMttMV Vt San OHI RATS If a eat'a area don't epan tin bIm dan aftor Mrtb, how low will it taka tor a raVa ores to opaal no Oormaa aoldlara are aot erlglBat la tbatr panllar mothoda of ' warfare. W* kaow of ion* "Ku btunr* la tha «Dod old U. ■. A. Tbt traaa, malllac vultaro of Portr-ebtUi atroel haa taught manr •c lb» sdnolB to Mr "VboIa" Vnnr MVB> WiMB U'a all orar hare and tho daavar of "Sappar* !■ part b LUBUB, lonMB* la golaf to alt b««k aad aay. "t got mia* wbna It wa* aoauog aaar." Watob tha Uoa ohaaga lato a lamfe, loeB, Taqrt^oa, Tho now orgaaiaatioB wfli pnt an ead to Uw iiiliiiHlwlliiiii Ohugt In WMt Portltad, Or*.. Jnna tl.—ABDouBsa- ant waa BMda ihia weak that Bd _ jahor'a Saaltio agency bee ukan ovar the booking of tbe bow Sinnd Ttaaa- tar bare, and that B. Uorton Cohaa Hal Clottd hia houiaa in Taeama. Port- ~ and Bpokana Indanaltaly. Thaae ea have boon ualag W. V. V. A. aad It ia anppoaad that tho claa- Ing oomoa eolacidaatal wllh tha palloy S'rtJJ Psrldi sad Pin BoBtod Fellstisr mn iMdnas bark la tho ▼aodoTlllo [arga acala. Foliatiar ii ■bont to iNsln rehearaala on a aaw •mcdy-druBa. Doabia Stakoa. »pOw- -ful atorr ot Wall atraot, and ba alao t:W ArrtvaL Ho liaa aaroral other playleta, alt trom hie own pea, faadr to proditea and looka tor an It Ii gtfd that al- the Intar. a Circuit. Th- at Kalth'a Thaaior, Lowall, HaM.. Brptember 4. Seturatng to tiM phaum Theelar. Brooklyn. March Ii, they will play return engoganiaBti !■ b'i the Keith Now Tork honaaa. aad^ Ing May E at the Proipaol. E" ' Bookings for Hndco law Tork. Juaa 34.-^Bany Wab- and "Tlnk" Humphrlea ara in with the propar au> _ rd to racmltlng a reg- of partanaara tor aarvica in Uazico. Praparatlona are under way to hara lb* force Uiorougbly orgaa- l**d at an —"- New York. Jane 14.-1 V'oalt haa acqulrau Ihi. rlghli of Through tha Oeon Relchenbaeh'a nary, which — In Uuniay'a Uagaxine. aad 1. baala for an -olTerlDg for iwell ia vaudevllla. Absndtti VsndsTiUt aw York. JDiTiT—aam B. Wbllg and Lou Clayton, eccantrio Hi illl Wi. whv apiwarad or Uio bill at the FbI> '