Billboard advertising (July 1916)

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M Xhe Billboard . PMrlek ha* „ ) lENPMltloB. eC'lWT. H* wu than Chlaf InduMHal -* ———4 Air Ua*. — ■ --• •—■ —"-' — „. „ I wUl for bin. Tbu whlu Mom mooob of \ Anada Conntr, No. CarotlBL was eemsoMd of anaduMUd paopla aod not OM o( tham. Inalda ol tbftt erowdad hDUM koaw I bad maa* K miauka. A faw yaan lattr Mr. Huntlar e ' at aMi b iUb aar th* TaHmi oltiM alone ttia ■aaboatd Biflroa It wM Naali and ■ aar th* TaHpna « , Brary dar th«* waa aoma kind at sBT. H waa iraa te all aoolettaa to hold inaatlnn lo. -xam amar part vaa flttad Into handaoma sneai. and aaeh nairapapar In NaahvlUa wu g>vn. (rsa of ooat, ona of thate ofDcu as that tbalr •dtton, raportart, pnntara aod trlandi could hava a homa of tbalr own on tha Bxpoaltlon irounda, Of oouns. It wu a mart advar- tlalnc plan of tbla ahnwd Irlahman. wboaa mother wu bom tn BooUand. a CampbalL "Tha CampbalU are ooinloi" and wa hop* to or naar Cincinnati. Ona day Mr. Caotrall. who wu tha DIKrlct Acent for tha ■aaboard Air iJna M KiahvUia, and who la today one of tha r invltad to cMwa tB yw aad jfcafca haoa VOOBK old Southamer while ha la with Tha BDnowd ■ patron. Ha 1« an all-round nod taUow, u luuir wttb th old ktd boya u with tha bla^oaa adltnn anOAowaaaB. CoL Patrick li helpln* Ma naphaw. Ow. B. Vavkar. M WaAat- boro. In thU Cotton Plantation ■utarprte and mm* of tb* fair manasara havo alraady kaard from Xr. Parkw mX WiSaabom. V. C ■"-- -h^^lll do^w411 tor_tli«HlVM If tbay wlH '- ~" Patriok.