The billboard (Oct 1916)

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The Billboard OCTOBER 7, Wit. TO WAGE FIGHT FOR VOTES FOR TRA VELING P ERFORMERS Acto rs' Equity Association Cal's Special Meet- ing for Friday Afternoon,'October 6, When Arrangements Will B«t Made To Have Representatives Go Before Congress Mew York, Oct. t, —The Actor** Equity Association i» perfecting plan* to have representatives gn before Con- I greiB during 1U nest HUlOl b) ur(re The DMliif Is for the purpose i Kanlng n. campaign to obtain tt HIM- of a bUt similar to the ol la itrorig for eaoal Jams. Lee* Laid law. (rage worker, will be among the prom- inent speaker* at the meeting. Holird Kylj,itcitl«:)- ot Ihoaiso- Tom N&wn and Hal Davis WIH Tonr WHh Foot One-Act Flays Chicago, Sept. SO.—Tom Nawn and Hal Da via are deserting vaudeville this aeaaon and have joined forces li an organSiatlon of their own whJcl of Chicago j Albert^E. and Grace nu. nade for a pe- York, Oct J.—■ the gallery with a pound of In the or- chestra with lues and Bedford Place Place at a figure eald to elgnoorhood of a half- Oleott in New Play w York. Sept. 30.—Much aeorecy undsd the new play George H. 1 baa written for Chauncey Ol- but why probably nobody ■ but Mean*. Cohan and Oleott i nude late this week that the production 1* entitled Honest John O'Brien, and opens In Detroit Monday nl|ht- it Si an American play, and will have In its cast, besides Mr. Oleott, WUIette Koribaw, Grace Good all, Calvin Thomas. George Fred- ericks. Mary Ramsey, Joseph Kllgour. Edward C Gillespie. George Sidney and George Schaeffer. Dearth of Theaters side the Loop, j the NEW i-LAVS Arms and the Girl ltusf4u*t*T .................Cu™«n ^^^^Kmni '.'. "^^gu^SS New York. Bept. 10.—In the word* of He oh old Wolf, "War hss Its abun- dance of tragedy, but—Oram Stewart and Robert Baker be praised—It also has Its comedy." This, In short- Is one novel situation about Arms and the tilri that appealed to the flrst-nlghlen last Wednesday at the Fulton. That lomedy goea Just which artist* of that It registers strongly no on* baa. ventured to say. although Cyril Scott's role waa mentioned as one of the most Important Incidents of the perform- e cast did nothing on the first nig Invite criticism, end thus they s msldered above par. bly, if s er the < tlnuing, Thi Pretentions New Show Chicago. Oct. L—John F. Lydlard, of the music publishing: Arm which bears his name. Is turn Ins; his atten- tion these fall days to producing a working In close cc Lydlard and Jules la betas- fea- tured. Aldrich Katherlne Tray- ifik date will be near October II. but the place has not been se- lected definitely. In the K of 1