Billboard advertising (Oct 1916)

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OCTOBER 7, fSIt, The Billboard cu foal ill of tba Licks asm* of Ua mm. bat >-t ■ ■ «■ ■»«*■«"- PkU Adiu kansd tfcst ha wu tod on*™ * Tu, » ^ ! ^Jl■.x■.■' , ■^lif" , ^0 ^ , . SJ BELEABINO ORGANIZATION * Inamill TIMES SQUARE TATTLE By BEULAH LIVINGSTONE o M In hli mott lovable role of Heir d Ur. 1 _ us with ft r Wale 7 •»■»*:__: :_ not because he ha can not aecura new playe. Of tha _ of manuscripts yearly submitted there la never a (M with a bis tnough character role (or an actor of Warfleld's ability, Spesklna »: the great difficulty of getting tha right play Mr. Waxfleld said to ma between r* haanala. Just before leavlna for Wilmington, where ha openad at the Playhousi on September 1ft: "From tha daya whan I was David Warfleld. aon of a eujar- meker In San Francisco, burlesque actor, back In the old daya. t lived among tha people of the street and hare tried to so through Ufa with the open and wondering eyea of a philoso- pher. 'I don't know what tnaksa an 'Divine Spark.' o tlonal trlata. la tl Juat to be natural. I. myself, would U I honestly don't know. But of one thine I am at -a aay that wide and varied experience, with deep a great fictor. a and that la that character la tha Important tl _ care foi plays that are technically great unless they Offer la or great characters. Great plays.die, but great characters lire on for genera- tions on tha stage. WLtntli Joaeph Jefferson's Rip Van winkle and many others. Apart from tha music of his poetry Shakespeare Uvea because of hla groat characters. Hli plays have bees acknowledged by student* and crltlca aa often weak In construction. Characi a man or a woman with a heart and teara and the moat Interesting thine In art on tha stage aa well aa In life." Warrteld, " ' nth hie direct way of looking etrelent at yon, and that which ever lights up hla kindly eyes, give, one a hnunt- ■e pathos of all human life, and at the hum time of 11a Vary Good, Eddie, the Mar bury-Corns lock n cupled three different theatera thla ai Thirty-ninth Street Theater, has now moved back t Princess. I* atlll p~ " inee Chaplin Warir.g. Eleventh Cavalry, V. 8. A. of tha military prison i Qovernor'a Island, and Captain Buhl, commandant, with a croup of otht. prominent military officials, ware observed amnng those drlnklr.g tea In tha new lounge adjoining tha smoking room.. which haa been built under tha ■tsge. It la curlou, how many staid and serious college professors, literary men. wall-known lawyers and lending club woman one flnda scattered among the "tired bullae** men" at the Eddie audiences. It would aeem that all lha world lovea a good laugh aa well aa a lover. Clara Tic* la among thoae who, though an Inveterate nrai-nlghter. atlll flnda time " " .Hack alng with an lalmltable llap. 'Tho' Uy Collar's "Hhoae An Nnaaber Tawee, for the fourth tune, and she haa <eyoied thia week'a tedd pscalarilr- Ae- AT LIBERTY A-l CLARINET AGENT AT LIBERTY Company, I ?ert m New Tork at the Con Thealer on in her career as a planlatic prodigy at tha age of s. making her drat debut aa a concert artist when only • year* old- While still Id her teens no less an artist then Bond discovered that her talent for plans playing, and It was at his sug- gestion that Miriam Ardlnl went to Milan to itudy opera with lha noted Maestro Ouajcnl. with aucn excellent results that within eighteen month* after her arrival In Italy She made her debut In Milan In La Sonnanbuta. Althouah Madame Ardlnl la an American she haa sung almost entirely abroad, and this will be her drat nubile concert recital In New Tork with the eaceptlon e| ippearonce In tho Symphony Concert In Central Park on the thirteenth of last Verdl'a Eh-nanl before it 000 people, her first expert- WANTED i or Woman to perform Elephants; Man to lead earns. Apply by latter * '^'^KJCUARD V WANTED Girls for '49 Camp WANTED—LEADER (Violinist or Pianist) Musicians Wanted MULE SHOW, week bet 2-7, Hartford Cily, Indiana. WANTED FOR MED. SHOW _cotmtr. SLID WANTED CANVASMAN THE LUCAS SHOW WANTS sc stum, gyg Sirs.^sn* Waoted. a Giit Trick Bicycle Ridsr j*Mre3f|jBrtfcetJtjaaaejj WANTED—DWARF, MALE uraA«re».g^« —- AT LIBERTY 0. VICTOR BOSS lit ELOISE AT UBERTT AFTER 0EI0B[R_7_ series, ■gi.irvsj jg