Billboard advertising (Feb 1917)

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FEBRUARY 24. 1917. The Billboard 21 The Concert Field Hear Americans Fliat g pi-ople «e i*rr >IKm]ited to rappl* Bot thw^.^*! I«n tier « on) nclUI of IB* K | March 19th| % The special service for which The Billboard n S is universally known is best described by the 8 remarkably satisfactory results obtained by its advertising patronage. THE ANNUAL Spring Special Number ThcBiliboard —WITH A— j| Circulation of 58,000 Copies H Will reach every English-apeakin g country in the world. As a reference guide and encyclopedia of information for show folk it will be consulted daily throughout practically the entire season. Issued March 19th Dated March 24th The Most Readers. The Greatest Circulation. The Most Talked About Amuse- ment Paper Published. The Most for Your Money and Tour Money's Worth. THE LAST FORMS WILL CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT Sunday, March 18th It Copy received early will be given preference H and preferred position as far as possible to do so, but no reservations can be made after Sat- urday, March 10th. Send Your Copy NOW-TODAY THE BILLBOARD, CINCINNATI, 0100 March 24!h m§mm. £-5£r£s=5ssF ' ""imt"». lonte