Billboard advertising (Aug 1918)

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TRANSPORTATION TO BE PROVIDED SHOWS PLAYING UBERTY CIRCUIT War Department Issaes Order to That Effect' WOl Oreat^ Reduce Cost of FrodnctioD 1>7 SCanagers had Provide Ooinfortabl^ - TransportaHoB- to Artists playiDtr the Liberty Ttiealer Circuit. It waa ofBclally Bonounced toda; tmrn Waehloglon by R. R Smith, dl ' * Uberty theatem, »( in _ (nilletiD: "I am pleased I report that the War Department j ■fTlfllng out a ffvneral order to all Com MD ctv« aastBtance to the Ubertr tlttatcra hy provldLns necessary trana- portstlon for all propenleB from uta- tlon or town to the camp and return, alaa pravldlnc ambulances or traas- ponatum serrlco for personnel of ■bowB bom tbe hotel In the city ad- Thla order win sreatly rednce the COM of production by mumcera. imd wm provide coinfortaU* mesiu «t tiansportatlon to artists. Tbe Qaartenqasler ol each camp win detail an necessary tmckH. amtmlaiuws and Mnos to Uberty theater maiusers. Capt H- A. Stnart has been detailed ^ tbe Uberty Theater Division of the War I>eparUDent to aaslat In tbe en- It of thla and other War I>e. orders relating lo Ub«^ ON THE CANTONMBMT CIRCUIT ot the Ubtrty Theater at Camp Taylor. Kentucky, tias been aaslBned to the PoaltlOD or asBiatant dlrEclor of Ub- t^onjnnc I with R. R. Fluhugh L- Brown has been aotened manaser ot the Uberty Theater at Cscip Sevier. S. by R. R. Smith, illreclor ot Liberty theaters, Waahlng- Mutt Whltbum hai Theater Divtokin, i cen asalgned as butor lor the fi boadquartors PRODUCERS AN- NOUNCE THEIR PLANS FOR THE COMING SEASON Five New Plays Will Be Pre- sented 1^ Wm. Jl Brady Many OMpaalMllMtor IMreo- Hew Torit, Jatr )».—Wm. A. IS annomteetf that he will preat rw plays this eomlas aeoanL The Hrat ■ prodncUon of Mr. Brady will be ~L O. V, a three-act play, by Willard Hack and Hector TUrnbOU. whleh''wlll open at Aabmy Park on August 5. ThIB " " " — liege has called alory. I. O. U. 1 I for a ffrand open now being: en. Mary Hash and Jose Ruben On AuKiiEt II, at I^mg S principal MlBB Bi*dy win play, b7 Owen Davts. FOREST PARK, CHICAGO, IS SWEPT BY DIS- ASTROUS FIRE One-Fifth of Big West l Besort Is Wiped Oat Losses Mount Kgh in Thou- sands, With No Insurance Park Management Continaes Business Aa ITsnal ~ 3:30 a-m. Thorsday momlns, FBnl Inze and his plucky sssoctatcft wltb equanimity, arrasKed Iblnss ;he park opened u nsoal Thursday afternoon. bar father, who sounded ti Sirl proved bersell a heroine Boutbem part ot tba s out ber pot v when the flre broke out, bat. by tha time they discovered tba flaines; tba flre had made consldeiaUe headway. tt waa at flrst believed tbe en- tire resort would l>e wiped out. tear beiOK entertained tbat the vlllase of diecklnff tbe - It la conaldered nothing less than mar> olllclent features were saved to enable the park to reopen Tfanraday afternoon. The flre occmzBd SCARCITY OF DUMB ACTS IS ANNOYINGVAUDE- VILLE BOOKERS Many Acrobats Have Been Classed As Alien Enemies Patrons ^ve Been Educated, to Stent OpeniDK Act York, July St. —A report is cor- u Broadway tbst vaudevUls bookers are In a quan-' daiy owlns to the a c arc tt y ot dumb miata, wucii naoauy bm (mod pltead •erobatio opener and another "dm ' a ctoBlns position, fact, it iB this condition that has caused the No. S poMtlon on most bills to Iwcome so dreaded by the vsudeart- ist. The claim has always been made tbat silent acts wen used to open, as The Edition of Urn Issue of The BiUboard Is 35,000 Copies