Billboard advertising (Aug 1918)

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4 POST ER AD MEN Hidl HaUonal Conventioii in Chicago at Wlilcli Sjgnificance of Poster Advratisiiig on Pairiotian Is tlie Keynote . TEtEGRAHS FROM GOVBtllllENT OFnCIALSREAD Point to bnportance of Posteis in Govacnment PuhUdtir-r-B. C Clieddi& of Uadolk. ' Va, Beded PiesUeDt ' Fi JUr IT.—The riKQtflcsnce «f. M«ar'sdVMtlEtns'B influence ovei •n fOnoa oC twa-intlBtn Conned ttie nMBbw k^Bota of tlie natloaol con- ventlon of the Foster Aavertlalng Aa- HOOlaUoD a.t the Aaditorltun Hotel tbic The< atire ^etlDfi^ay aCteruoon n ttaO It iB doabtfal It a finer representa- tion or real American and Canadian ^trlots waa ever aaaembled under one not Tar Bom b^g oratorical pn.- blott ooly theee enterprlslnc people (Mva-to tbdr credit the aebleremeDt «eb««l«oo|DlMa as "the l«ft huid" taxed tli« cmpacttr of tha nuth Ilaor maatliiK place at the AuSltortum, dep- titUed SecretaiT W. W. B«U. of Pitts- Tmg. KUL. to read the telegrams re- celred from various departments of the Qavamment at WasUnRton, In- my Department and Secretarr Gar- StfO. All these telegrams pointed to fba importance of posters In promul- ■Mtaw TarlODS phases of Covemmen- UI aetlTities tor dvillan understand- E. Allen Frost, attorner tor the or- canlxatlon. In fntroduclug- lite Stvt en- Bonneed speaker of the afternoon, paid a beauHfol tribute to Franco, spoke of United atatss and Canada in the post- er aeld and won treniendoua applause wben he stated that every member of the organliHtion took pride in the tact that Ueulenant Ide Spiers, son nt a New Tork, Jnly 27. —Dr. Oscar M- UeSaei, known as the "actors' doctOT," uid beloved by the professioti. waa rappaeed to have died intestate, but a >m hu bem found and by Its provi< ikam the Actors* nmd of America la Dr. Ldav died Mtdduilr at the IMnnr Onhn Avlbai of tttw speaker, pointed out tbst the fOSUt advettlslnE assodatloit had donated more tbtut a mtlUoB and a halt dollan' of the eledrlc sign" ordn' eoHir tn the ^ ins, but the police soon notilied the offendeia and . darkness relene^ su- whlle living up to the spirit of the ruUne. did not seem to be Directed. Crowds thronged the avenne and the various sttiacUone in Iiona dl;! splan- Aetaress' Kin Aids War Chicago, July 31.—Mar Hobson. star of A Uttle Bit Old PashlDned. has learned that hei: nephew. Geo. Klnck- Kew Torlc, JnlT 17.—While llT. Mra Robert Stevens were praparlnK to attend llie fanaral <a Hr. atMcaT. father, B«lM>t' Mwrwfc Sr. Menu theatrical wmmgur. w«d'wa» K. • a. bmm koanit mtt'.tX Btrtey, Endand, Iiea donatad UM.M* aad lit acre* of land to tba €n«b ta ba b«M w k lant ' m a, Jldr n—Vha Uar- r, taOt at a «oat of mora a KVMM tar CMmW. Jfn:^, M MlaiWB loalcUly npan the «lty^ a ia fgndnB an loop houiea to take out UBMais with the antisoalplDc claose Included. Biswever, the tfenea of the other theatera omWaead In the I elasaincatloD ta Tory omlnooa. IlnforttinatelT some of tba tour hotiaia InaueuratinE the new antlsealplu regime with sincerity are not meetlns Uielr new attitude will do much to in- fluence publio potronaEs In the fall. Bnt the coDsensns of apinlon Is that the jieople wifl want to go to the honsea with "hits," and, nnless the theaters noted tor saccessful produc- tions fall Into Un^ the sood IntenUonp of the plncky four may go for DBuaht. But there la the hope that the city an- thorlties will force the recolcltranla Actors Join Oanadian Forces New York, July 37.- 2Z, who has been pla] Together at the awlNi in the Ro^ Air Wm -Paul Blfufox, Air Forces. Id ApHL UIV. ifea aa* aC Oaiwar Herbvt waa KOM M aCjUaa'at^UnK Tueadar ttm* H b «ha V> > MaAac of tba Snaa Titan I«awa' CBMj W; Field's IGitBtnlfl at Cantrat here Ansnat S, U 3. D. Kenaed) the Falber * 8 1919 season. The bonss tt early JoM aad I leaa» wfll ka tka wHkirM IM-MaiR The Giii Behind the Chm Opemt tn AUanUo City AncitM M Mew Toi-k. Julr 2S.—A muslcsl earn- ady. The Qlrl Behind the Gun. lyrics br Our Bolton and P. G. Wodehouee. mnalc by Ivan Cotyll, Is this season's by Klaw A Brlanaer, in which Donald Brian will play the leadlna role. He la supported by a stroor east et'iDualeal comedy artists, and Her- bert Greshsm and Julian Ultchell are eo-stSEe direclora of this elaborate presentation. It opens at the Apollo In Atlantic City August 3S tor one. week, followed bj' two weeks at the Forrest. Philadelphia, and then for s Hew York maatoBaofacK:*B. Near Toric July n^-A el •ntltlsd Bawdoat aad Si U B. rates, wm be pn