Billboard advertising (Aug 1918)

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Aueuvr The Blllboartf ClHBito Mid- BAwlK OUtOrd. control- BOK Iba NmUonKi tad Imperial tba>- Im, an tn 'Mew York arimDBlns for road attnieUaiia to vlalt the two bouaaa durtas th» comlDC ataaan. Vaude* clIM provab « bad venture (or tba Im* psrial lut BCBMO and a new policy for botli bouscB hu been decided upon. Uio the recent death of tba Interna- tlnul CIrcDit makae the nutter ot piaciulDC mltable attraetlona ei- when a navel seaplane swooped down Upon a smHll Boat in which he naa salllns. knocking' off the maat. nblch emahed his skull. Just as he waa aboat to Jump overboard. The accident oo corred in full view of the Naval Air Btatten at Bey Gbore- A naval boat SbS b* was found lying in the bottom tftlie boat dead. Mr. Kobbe waa form- erly the editor of The Uuslcal Review and bad b«n Identitled with aavaral New rork papwa «a w«n H popnlar - Play's Line Strikes Homo ChleaKD, Joly n. —When reelUng tba Una, "Tod aee, t bad no son to gtre to mr eonntry," At Sheas, ^ ■tar In Friendly Sbemlea M the Wooda Theater during a taeant parEaimaaca. «rake down complaMlr. Ow Wdn- berc. pUunnx tha OPPMit* role. Mod to prompt the com«dlan,bnt8h*an«aa almost in a state of coItapK when the Mitala .fell- The explanation was tMmd In tbe tact that Shean had RabUs' Scois To Aid Wfu- Harry Nenr'Tork, Jnly IT.—OtScc m-entty onanfxed RabMs^ S atricRl Benevolent Amclw elected dIBg^ as fottons: Hondlnl. president; Al Joto prealdent: Iniag Berlin, secretary; Bert Cooper, flnanclal secretary: Wal- ter Baat, traveUnr representative^ and tha Howard Brottlen, sarseanta-at- Prealdant Hondlnl rtates that It Is tbe pnn>aae ot tbe onpulnUon to cM ■K Hw MUB ot nbbla wko. are tat tke Empey Gets Disdiarge TBshlngion, July 21. —Arthur Guy ipey, author, actor and soldier, who s rspenlly commlaaloned a captain the Xnllonal Army and assigned to Adjutant Cleneral'a Corps, was hon- Mnr Vmk, -Mbr M. KStm A m B UMtt. Tim BrtW cm mtK taM A Ml BaM« tor vnkMkk « broadwaya^!^ byways; By William Judkins Hewitt | Tti» HIalto gat Ita nrst real taste of it very much. Everybody that Iiad tha promptly duckad. Thoae tbst could not dally during the first few days. The thermomeler'a readings, do not convey much meanlnE to people July it the Inatruments of the metropoUa only July 22 thpy had only climbed -- — considered hot. but no^ The trouble here is that the air la damp—mtnrated' with moisture- does not take up the pereplratlon, hence no breeea feela eoel or brinn the briefest respite. One simply uizslea and scalda tbe whole day thru, aod'even the nlKbts are far apent tMfore the tricks and maaonry ot the buUdlogs and the asphalt and Branlt* of tha atieala haya ooolad- mnoh. Tht, advent of tba hot wave waa aepaatelly dteconee rtl ng aod annoytn? to A. H. Woadiv -wlM illtfia » j tatmot tba Aaxectar comady and patriotic drama, FtMDr ■WWUMh wUtft Mjand wk « flm nm In Chleaso, at tha If the heated term coiitlnAa^'aM ItMlt If thactt'la •asht lB:1lM law __ avetagea. other mana^wn wan-&m •«shisi IH'' la mUawM'' Wuuda* iMd win be few- and far between. nilB ^htfi y oC nmponl fi Chicago, July 37.—Rollo Nmponl. erstwhile manager of the HUnols, will take charge ot the Blaekstooe when Henry Miller's company comes to that house with A UaTTiage ot Conveni- ence, but hla real habitat wm ha the Colonial. whMk will ptar aUractiana amngeS by Hany Powets and his aa- sodates. Bdward Wapler. who was buBlnees manager of the Blackstoaa, will take the managerial reini of the Edgar L. Davenport Dies Oaow ofWdl-Known SVunlly oC Aetoia Boston, Jtdy 27.—Bdgnr Loomls Davenport, an actor, who haa appeared in the aapport ot many noted stars; died at hiB home here ninrsdajr at the Ur. Damwort ' hambers In Traak I f'udd'nhead mto Byes of TontK attar.* Irfng ^ ea iha Mazliie Binott. w July S2 to tboThlrt^iifiitlifitreatTfaeatar.' Ita popnlaxll^ B( ~ and even tbe torrid ir-'""''— —" ***—" ■ FROM BEER? TEAST, Vwas inak'lng beer, not khakU lrought~fome to fair MllwhaJd, ut so-Ehall.yeasts, tool tbald,. The packers are said to have ral-ied a that was cut up omoDg 16,000 p . ever. 1 am compelled to.keep on chsjitlDg, ' Unifomu for. New Tork, Jnly. 17.-—At a meeUnc of tba Theatrical Police Reaerves held In B. F. Albee's omcea this week It was announced that uniforms for tbe men would cost SlO.OOi}, and It was decided to ralae (he tnooey by assessing every theater In tha city about tlSG. Collier's New Fanto . New York. July Waiie Collier will be starred in Aaron Hoffman's lateot force. Nothing But lies, this season, and rehearsals begin shortly, under the direction- of Anderson & TCeber. Ruth Shepley will have the leading female rale. The Sooop Vmi Bm S^Tont be triad «nt In. fUm oltr at tha 1 New YOtk, July Sft^-AIaauler W.- it 'flHB edXdtt -«Slac-: . y the C unit aha Immediately canceled all the- and volunteered her were accepted. She with the Uttle band that wm so to Bk«noa to oke^ Uie Chattanooga. Tenn.. July 17.—It I« nbable that an andltoriinn and aol- _.eitf olub will be Inillt here, the plana for the building havlDg been approred " 1 Fosdlck I iiiiiiiilwiliiit and ilw Building Cob DEtructed ta pweigj wHb' tha