Billboard advertising (Aug 1918)

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6 Th* Billboard AUWMT^ WW nor Fos THi ms nuE, bob tec tee sull mn, bdt tob tsi ^iist all thb time. TRANSPORTATION DIFFICULTIES Problem Booking Agents Must Solve in Arranging tx New VaudmUie Seaion—Pefformers FIgbt Siy of Ung Jmniis MAY REDUCE NUMBER OF ACTS OFFERED Condition Acute for Theater Owners and Mana- gers in Far West—Acts Forced To.Cancel After Accepting Route Chlraffo, JnlrSS.—Th« s"Btest prob- lem booKlns scents must race In ar- rmaglns lOT "is sesion Is thst or innsponation. rbe oev rsilrosd brB. .wIUi manifold «tn* tiutxHed. ia mo samssitft tbst psrfMmsrs o( stsnd- iBs sr« flgliilBr sliF of sanUiW ssvor- — ■ " 1 •« psr- j thsL-Bsnr wur Bolra I msMrtallr radadngi the number of cts otiend and IncrsasliiB. Jonat* sztsnt, fsatnre Dim BooklTUC asents sndsBvor to solve tli« ■ problem b; oRerlnc sucli tbno to acts wblcb. for one reason or another, tisve bean out of noTk for s conriderable time. ThU hardlr suScca. however, becanae few such sets have enough ready capital sutos a number of cabatet _ alleclne In their complaints copyrigbced son? was beUiK publicly performed wlthont permlssJon. and r the early Ml vaudevUls dfet ti Celebrate 25th AnniTersary New York, July I*.—Mr. and Mrs Frank I« Roy Provost will celebrati the tvantjr-mUi 'anntvorssry or their marrUg* on Ansnat 4 at their snmmer " - j^milnM, Ik I. Dayton, of the QrstB'Md at thawBII- knowti PrevoBt Brothers, Frank, Sol and Sddle. but now of the vaudeville team of Provost and Brown. AminaBack Again Chicago. July ai.—Amina and Wal- K^Ef?'? fealurs acts an PantaBea Time. to the fact that Amlna csve birth to a baby s>rl, bam jMt riswd up for a tour of Kallr Jt Bona ntn*. thra Paul OondTOB, 4* tha W. V. M. A. On Second XJberty Tour , Make Your Material Help Win the War of th( of sol 2. lo kindle. Therefor e, al l sweethearts should be couched In terms Tsvarence as those used when spesklnK lot ba too carefnl in this roBpeot 2. Heap oUoony, eontamelly and ezecratloB on profMeers. Vande- — -' —' tDBsslstad. have ths power to core this evH. for the there is no ootre c t i vB acenoy on earth so eotlve I. derlsCDn snd contempt. Jab It Into them. Bncoaissa uiB ijuuiiu ui tavnta at and suit npon' them. 3. Try to nso some stuff that will mske It very clear that the striker, especially tboso On war work .and occupations closely essential to the winning ot tks war. Is little U any better than a proQteer. The ni^^lHtvs relented.the strike to^the^scrap lunp. of an. Is to spread confldenc bacUnff snd support for Pn conduct of the war. He has his wisdom, his faislght. bis 1 Reap ridicule upon them, dei three Are englBes pomplnK In one line tbrowin^ a mlithty ei a help very greatly it Wilson. One line, make as Ibat would be! And > brlns abont Just that oon- New Keith House hi the Bronx New York, July 23.—The Keith in- resta are plannloB to ereot t. large, !W theater tn the Bronx after tba sr. This beoama known Batnrday when it w«« anwwwwd ttM FanlrWii s Mt iv in fMC Partners for Twenty Veara Cbloagu, July 39.—August 1 marks the twentieth anniversary of the part' oershlp of Aaron 3. Jones and Adolph. Llnlck. On that day In the year of partnership in a concern known as The Midland Machine Company. This was the pioneer motion plsture ma- chine manufactuiins company, which turned out an Instrument called AmM^ Masnlscope. Their holdlnsi^ atone with FstcT Schaeter, ths other bmoi- ber of the nrm of Jones^ Unlck A Schaefer. are vast MannscrlptB of Sketches On another pase of this Issue E. v. Albee runs, at his own espenae, an advertisement calUnc for donallansot manuscripts of old aclB. which havo been requested by the Mllltarir Enter- tainment Committee of the War D*- partmenfs Commission on Training Camp ActivlUes. There are many members of the profession in the service and they can terlain We bespeak a ' 1 fr. Albee'B appeal. s It p with Tom Lewis in Vandevillft Tom Lewj«, the well-known come- dian, formerly with The Show of Won- ders. Passing Show of 191T, tittle Johnny Jones. High Jinks, The Sun- shine Girl and other successes, will Iw seen In vaudeville at an early data, assisted by John Kearney in a new comedy -act. entitled The Sport of KlngB, an episode of tho race track. Mr. Lewis win be under the direction Orpfaeum Season Opens , Id tha irqrthwM E^al and Hoore in Hew Act New Tork. July 19.—Henry Itegnl uid Sam Hoore are to appear soon In \ MW VMldBvma sItiiinK. RtSftl was ruiBiwrti' « EBwdMr ot Bwa Md Bm- uc; nM JMnMM to amar !■ Ow