Billboard advertising (Aug 1918)

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Bill£^ OHIOAM «T. UHJI* SAN FRANCISCO ; DBUM »t»t« Va). XXX. AUOU«T » maaxaoimw mrvice flag * * * * * * ★ * * -K ★ Editorial Comment Om* boya hare underEooe thetr bap- ttta of llr* anil iiroved Ui«1t mettla. HM only that but they bava demon- •Mtad tint America can prodiiea as ■ aod aC MMMiTM, ftr >r* D tbesB boon t(.«l We' stialt win the war erentnally, at Any other outcome !■ imtl^ilca But'lt fs not non Vet aajr mi nd poretuwea ot ivedfln And horAa Ineaaes harder a Iiet OB fDreso.arltlolsni, aorliiuitiloaa debate and tmehfliltahla oomiiMiita In poUticB, bualQesB and mnrdMr mOalra Are TBEir dismayed T Are THEX dlBGOUrB«ed over the out- look before them? Do THB7 complain or «1 Do THEY flinch? JjiBt ttala: When the war flnally IS won. tfaara wUI be oolf two jmnaam Id tbe land—thoae that helped to wtn It and thou that 'didn't.- Readers' Column Vu mnr wko molt to Leu BcuiUdt, la eat TD* Bui^^^ klAffij write AfalB, u laa tetle mu^ UliSdaa^^lB real , it m BlUbcml, Iilaten to what a critic In The New York Times cecentlr Mtd. Ha waa speaklne anthnalaBtloally of a rendltloa ot the aatham br Victor Herbert and hiB orehaBtta at Willow Oror* Faxk. Phlladalphla. Said ha: "Aa I atodled the eltecit ot this troly InaiilrlnB raodltloo ot our national antbam on tbe andlanosa I oouM not balp but think ot the UfelesB, slnS' •one way In which tbi* aplendld Uatnqiolltan Opera House plan tbe —"~ ' """" "~' ■- _ certain that bo e duration ot tbe wart" HiB point la wall mad& ^Jlaaa the antban la well played. unleaB It bpaatbaa p aU l uU en. rloBB with ebaUanva, atlrs tha,heart and exalta all hearata. It IM aat gettlnc the handllnr It daaervao. 1 tell yonr leader to pot not pep. ntl Bmootbly tor tbe one blK In And let OB back up our Prefldent no hlB variOUB alda mora aolldli I<et na vie with our twya over there. A QB match every slorlona achleve- _ient at tfcelra with one of onr own It will be leaa slorlonB. of course, bat It can b« vary Dsetul. very wise. < belptnl and no whit less devoted. lonslr in the fiice of dlscoursctng iriimntnnmB and pniBpecls. RlsU now tho demand for enter- talmnent aAd' " —'—' wbloh, .howVTeE mistaken, an well t, may hamper us fmrtlur, but we' must smOa—end carry oil RuIInn from WasfainEton. wlae and In tha :• nna tn.MMngr-W does not. ' It la Dp to tM to pravallt . No. ^ Camp CdhU ■ nfftrinr wiib SViVT. ^raut^^ba irtHMboaca SAUnUN-KBORE—UraL AlhaC A. KUt- Bu. Bl^l Certi. n. «■ A., iSat tat Out ■isajertjgi (Mama. U., July T. • (Itl. Boca to ill. ul Un. «iiht.peaBd loa. TM Bnokin, a diDibur. Tfat tatlitr li bb«b aa artbDT BrsDki 3 ai Tui^i QUIHt. Bon, to Mr. and Urv flKy »»». Ji>y 91. JOHN W. VOOIL'6 ata MINSTRILS tb* iwt 4«n ti U^cB^a.^ Ami _a ttj JahB W.-t IIU- ^TTW aad S » ™.i « Bill., ■Mia <at«) Bwia. ptlaclMl aansH ■tan sBMnr ttr HUy (sutitl dlioM. ^ mw flBlBc tie lan pBiTikB wBh VOtel'a iBhi. "—•V Hartea It dull with tk* ikM ttUt ttar ISIS.' II an Wm H. F Ilia ailiuM. The itaw .li earflat apKlal J. C ffBRI EN'S MIWaTHgLS