Billboard advertising (Aug 1918)

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« Ths Bill ADMISSION TAX TO B E DOUBLED Ways and Means Committee, Framing New War Revenue Bill, Decides To Increase Tax to Twenty Per Cent nVE-CENT SHOVS INCLUDED IN NEW SCHEDULE One Cent WH Be Charged on Every Admission '1^ Indoding SeveaCait»— Hen In Senke Exempt Waahlngton. 'Aag. S.—Th* -Xmima' Commlt|ee on Wan and Kaana^ irtilcli Is mrolliK the utw War ReTcnne But bMB deeded upon the doubllne applyliw to all admUMon* ot ten cents or over. TIMer tha nrlMd acbediile B b* twaMr par canb Md Perrari Will Come Back New Tortt, Aag. S.—Word was r and conductor, nho waa conductor «t Chu Chin ctaoiv last ~ atmfi In -Omt to direct MxmJm at tha Matd o( ths MOBM U jl M OA CMttnrjr Theater. ssssr a and UuflulIIdK ' obaac* nocwnlMd tha hct that tha ami ahaw la wnnitUHr tha msBTa ■hoir,'* bat tt waa (alt that unneb aa the patroni of thaae ghova do <not In moat caaes contribute thins to ^* Ooranunant In the Of Ml iBBOua or ir^—■ proAta tax, they CNmld aSord to cantrlbuta this small •nonnt to tha Oovamraant. Alon« with their deelatoa to doabli tatlvely decided to BOBUt Mldlm aUlora and muUM «M|^jg^r Some Night Almost Keady Nair Tork. Aue- S. —Some Night, Joaeph Klan-s nrst offerlDS. la almOEi prapared for Ita taitial opening ai AabntT' Park Ausuat 19. Forrest Win' ' aat wfQ ha bMrd In the leodliw role -.TO* wni ha ramamharad aa a auccesi la WUUntham. and Chaa. Fnlton- Left $10,000 Estate any .mad is Sun-ogale'a Court. ilKX7 Drpm a Hun tranapoitattoit thnt ulgtlt Opens Sixth Season the Bronx Opera Hou? hrate^ the opeolns and an ai piibUo procram has been ar Muuar J* RoHhthnL Woed, who la appaaHns 1 CBllabarated with ha lhar. Busana Wood, the novellal, VTiane b one-act aketch called The Slesplnx Beauty. A performance of the play win be siven by PhlUp Goodman, of the Washington Snuare Playera. Idbnl^ (ttnttU Tout • will Be Maito by DavM WarlMd Now Tork City, Aug. 5.—The War Depanment, thru the Theater Di- vision ot the Commlslon on Training Camp Activiilm, announces that ar- e I.lbart]' Theater Lewiston Tlieater Wins £ Lewiaton. Mo., Auc. 3.—; Oaku. of the Superior Court fai droKOSgln Couniy. has Ju=t hi down decisions in tno auUa re( claimed to be due plalntllTs a miaslons In connection with i of defendant's theater propt the latter to tour i Circuit In the Auc The artists of Mr. Warfleld'a com- iny will dva their services cratn)- tously, and the manageraent will eon* ta all money received over and • IhB actual cost at transporta- and operatlnv expense to. ha to buy SmileaKe books lor the soldiers. . Wardeld will open his Liberty Goodnow a Candidate ibtcaea. Auk. 5. —Municipal Court lES Churlea N. Ooadnaw. prestdent af lh« Amc^^lca^ Th-atrical Hospital !>., la a candidate for the Repub- n nomination for chairman ot tha int>- Board ol Commissioners. Dr. \ Thorek. surseon-in-Chlat of the I hospital, addressed a meatinc tha- trical folks tonlsht, at which h« liowed tha ImparMlve need sf "la*^"! German Plays Planned New Tark, Aus. I,^—la b. latter the New Tork StB«ta*»ftunB Faul Philip, buiincEa mansser or the Tork- TlUe Theater, aiatea that tha mnoKa- meut has In mind Ear the ettmlni son the prodtiMlon of plan tn WHOOPEE! ROUGH STUFF, tKiS. SHERMAN SURE WAS RIQHT. TAX ON THKATKRS, CinOUSES, CARNIVAL COVPANIU AND THE MOVtBS OOUBUBb WE ARB A LUXURY AFTU ALL. ' -iTUimBAOiDTwr. WILL w> •TAHtt rn.. raUilaasly handled by tha Commlttaa on Ways sad*Meaaa aa Ituurlaa. Iiloeaaa taxes on tbeatars, tnol movlns picture houaea, ware douhled. Under the tantatlra i reached AuKiut 1 thaaa ratea wm aitply whan tha new bl^ la enacwa nt p Dss a nmst pay tha tax In- dicated. The law WlU imvlda IL ■ Every edUea wad far tha p , representations, plm OT PManiMNMb toT mMhIM M . .—t — ^BdNWr taW of anaocUa not talDTB wffl ha $tW bwtsfd vt tU*- TMa bmi sa nm o n iTil t k «o at—asS. It li.a lli^U i'.nw WaiTfta win he GiAeoted tn the aama Knta^ SteMbiB gallTlsa M to gat U, leo^ but la what extent waa not deddad. On the other hand, however, the way was paved for the IsaiUUice of mileage tnioka. and Dlrector-Oeneral Ma&doo will now be able to do bi)i7ieiiiing for Chautauqua and vaudeville artlHts. and there Is a cliance — a iiare chance—that manoeers owning their own equipment and trav- eling in paaaenEer service may set aecond-claas rates for their people; Hnd ir they load and onlOBd their bagsase and handle It entirety thorn- ^tlvea tbe tjovemment may haiil It at a very low rate and even free of ^ But. whether these not, Tbe BHIhoard _ __ _.iee they have recovered ihellsfaock and regained the power of s iba to noses, and, twlddlins their Haters i I person; "Tou never touched Be!" "Can we pay 1C7 Surely!" "All of Qsr' "Well an of us can at leaat try to, and. If we do our level boat, those t us who succumb will not only have dona anr doty. I»C earned tha rlgbt^to shake tbe band ot & r Latk ^Utany eS.- ' assured of a sqnars dcal.'T It la wall known that Jodce Ooodnow has »I- baen wIDlBC to (o out of his way In order to urist perrormars and tha- rical Intarcata. hia sstlvltles in COOr letlon with tha hospital rafla^lBf s ailaciance (o iheatrtealK anS than New Tork,. Aii» S.—Haam. IMdal J. J. Shubart will eonduet tha Oeiaady Theater on Forty-lint Street, hatwaas Broadway and Sixth Avenue, begin- nlng early In September, with a new line ot hish-claas comedians. Nannan Trevor and Cyril Harcourt have haan engaged to do the actual producing and staging and also to act in the women, will make h WuhlDgton last aprlnc Vogel's Hinfltrsls CIosss . John W. Togers MlnstrelB cloaad last week at Plalnwell, Mleh, Mr. Vo- id opened about a month ago. plar- Al Tint. Lund Bros, and Joe Do- becksre went Intn Chicago to play ludevllle dates, while several other membara of the troupe will Join tbe JsdE Muou To Wtttgb Bsrns New Tork, Aiut t.—lack Kason. vhD ataged tha dancing numbers ot me paaslns Show of ISII at the Win- I da, Caurvllle. Mr. «• Gp)ir*UWa plarferaw sRer tM