Billboard advertising (Aug 1918)

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Auaun- Wr.iMi T'ne Bfllboara Al a< ndd Opens SMMm CMtOn, S.—JJothlns eeein M imerrupt the onward march of Ai a fielff ana his incomparatiie min- rtroiR wlio openeil Ihe thirty-third vMr of Iheir aucceBsrul career here jaic niEht In a manner that ausnrs Mil (or Ihe aueeasB ot the comins ■ascun^»«<^ • nla nlE^t tor the tnlnitrels. Uuaic Is the bo»I» of the new Flel greatly Improvei f, li a productlOD that ) an act that will bs after wreral rehearS" -mallonH ars magnin- f the Bcen« palnter'a Mr. Field. dlsenulnK rallroaa rates, claims that no larc* company can par the ratea now exaclsd »nd llv*; but nn M'wni ktep ma Bmnpany «nt hopinK that tha aonmnwilt wm p*-*- coBEiitfona t4 tM tkaMrlMl Pt> lAldl ■t • i^aadnv Mtandad by most of c flwUrlaal i&UMm anil 'producera Kiw ToTk M the office of E. P. Albi Sutecriptlona amountlnB to Were pifdied. Marcus Loew waa a HMnled chairman of the committee ta obtain Hbacrlptlona solely fi theairlcal manoBera. produeora other memboTS of the theatrical [ try. Lyddf To Manage Burlaw Charleston. T Burlew Opera I mile attraction Vs., Aus 3.—The 1 plBT leeltl- asaln the eomlnC etuon as In tne past QaorBs O- Whtidaa has moved on to wlriar ■Wda and Pat UTddy, manacer ot The nan (labioM* anfl vandavilla) for >n yaant pa it, will manaBe both the Ran. tnd the Burlaw the eoratni asa- m. The Borlaw warn September S *)lb Baarta of the World. The Plan MD spen Saptembar )) with ibo Jlm- »■■ Hoon muelcsl cmne^r company. Thnrston*! 1301 Jbunuil Tour Tbaraton. tha wmMaa. WUt- ■W, coidurioK, wiOovttt l l la^O M aid all that ■Imller entartalttmaat con- ■Uai. will open bla twaUth atwnal tour September It at the Shnbart Ua- J«nte Theater. ProvKlenc*. K- L 'Ur. ThurstoR'B boslneta he* Brown to such an extent In Plttatnirs, Cleva- land, Detroit and several other cttlea thii he will appear m tham for two weeka Instead of the CDStomary one "^ek en Basement. Dick Fisher will aKelo be In ad- niMe, this belnr his elKhtU ussan "1th Mr. Thuraton. Worm Vacationing 'u'laa by Prank Tniataeh. - BR0ADWAYah5 BYWAYS Py William Judkins Hewitt s furtlier ansmented last n connectlny the t station the hnb at thm ankwaya. AH the n radii from tbla center. The anianee ot Klaw tt Srlamar, Cbartee B- 1 lertatd did not create mneh eurprlse, hut their m. I Raymond Hitchcock for flva yeam did. O'er heavy on Ua Jjure him to Tlmaa Bati And drive a nick li Win Doo Oarllald' Gordon and William Dooley, tho still appearing *t the Contnry Root ware e PasBliiB Show, IBIS, at the Winter Garden. Dooleyfab' t out ot Broadway^ dictionary. C«. would be be an FARADOXICAI. When a manufacturer l>ent upon expanding his buelnesa dec larce his building he calls to a contractor. Rum proceeding, eh; Everything Apdy I>escrlbea New Hippodionie New York. Aug. 3.—Very appropri- ately the title of Charles DlinDBhBm.'s neat Hippodrome production Is t BVerythlnK. No name could more ly dcecrlbe what makes up s, Hi droU#Bhow. and It was for this re that Jt was adopted. ' Since closing Us last seaaon in May the Hippodrome has been renovated, reupholslered and redecorated until It Iniiks almost like a tiew ployhouae. While the work waa boIhb on reheaia- ala ot the eboroe, which have bean In praeress tor the past two n held In tho Mth Reelment the old tavorllea remain. Anna Held Saffera Selapse jh aailtt o n tha road^.to iooviwiTb 'Imb afl lHtf ad ft ro" lapav tt la a i mb tia oad -^-har *pkstf> clan, Ssv B. IL' OvOTtPB. aaft tka obA IB thmwM to be MUL A tnr imgm mw monlB. and thta, coupled with the con tlnuenee of punMons anemia, tror which she haa been sufferlne. ha caused & dedded turn tor the worse. Morrison Adds Land Chicago. Aue. S.—Tho Uorrtoon Hold. Henry Molr prvrldent, has leased the ground at :1-S» So. Clark Street, directly adjoining tha enlarged space now occupied by the hotel, on a 99 years' lease. Since lis recent re- modeling tha Morrison hps vied with Hotel Sherman tor hish-clada theat- rlcBl patronas*. Veteran Actor Dies Zjeonard Grey Was oD Stugo tor Tbiwtl Xanaa New York. AnK ».i HoEpIial Saturday. An^^ a, ^fm ■ lone Ulneaa. Services wltl be held at ' the Campbell Funeral Church Tuesday motnins under the auspices of tho Actors' Fund. Interment wilt be made Id Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Grey was a native of Engjand bst came to America soon after mak- Inc his etaga debut. He bad played In tbla country tor the past thirty yearA appearing In The Happy Ending, Treasure Island, A Secret String, The Rented Barle. and Evidence. At one time he was manager of Isadora Dun- can, the dancer, and had also been seen In support of Margaret Auglin. Gets Govemment Job Chicago, Ask- S, —Barry . Oakea Stubbit aotor and managsr, has beai appointed by the War Departmant ConunlMlail on Training Camp AcUv- Itlea as. assistant to J. Howard Rebar. manager of tha New York booking OlIlM of the theatrical division. Mr. BtnMia baa bad extensive eiperlenco work ta A Pair of Slisa and Nothing VoDBj BreaikB AhM* Cfalcasa, Aog. S.—Wank naney, who rocsnltr 'et the cast ot Dotng Onr Bit, will spsnd most ot his vaca- tion with bis les In a plaster cast. As ha waa'allghting from hia autamabde ^esday his foot caught and hs WO, fractnHnB his ankle. After troat- inent at a hospital he was removed to his home. Chicago Club Organized Chicago, Aug. S.—I.eon A, Bsres- nlak tnMiugtat his plan to organUe a Friday njght. whan many promlnant local celebrities, raipondlnc to an. urgent Invitation raqnestlng tha ad- vantage of their co-operation, gattt- ered at Hotel Sherman and entered Attorney Berenilak explained that Chlcsgo'a foramoM poaltiDn In atago and allied rMlms enUtles tt to Its own center of stage activity and aoclal ef- fort, and he believes the organisation will, as he says, "All the void that wm Exploit Efas Bnt^ Xew York AncL S.—HyMa IlarptV has been onsaKad by win lam F. On; to do advance work tor the nso Bur- glar thia coming aeaaon. Uni^hy was to have i^Ioted Channel Oloott, hot Inasmuch as the latter baa .not yst •Dceeeded in vetting bold ot a sutt- abla play Hurpbr will exptoU tka mams aC-tha llailDonoifk^iibbMl Knr Stage for dm Ohbi (Hunr beanttful In the play, godM not be pre- sented on the stage as originally trallt, id It waa found necessary to tear it the steel glrdeis and cement floor id reconstruct the stage In a series of trap doors and altamBte sactlona which cap be raiaed or lowered by by