Billboard advertising (Aug 1918)

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AUaiMT W, tttt LAST WEEK'S BEST VAUDEVILLE ACTS IN NEW YORK ^ILLIAR'iS SBLECnOiiSi n* tmm^ Mk fiM.i cluBloD of bis offcrloK. At the City Tbnier ""-^-r. trwllBI . DuprM and Dupr**, becanae of thiilr e1everBMi,«n.«liMla. b«emM of Misa Dupret'B atti&ctlve fono, which Bfae BO (nunnidj dtiplkya. ba- cauae of the cloas exhibited la all ttwr do, and beoaiiae tfaur cIobIsk Isat la Terr sensationaL At ibe Palace Theater Monday matlnm- Tom Kelly, because lie was the hit ot the abow, faecaoae ha la K paat tnsater ol Irfah Bonr and irlt. becauae he baa kept abreast.«t the ttmea. Edwin bla cohven ronld convince yon tbat h« V s mlnulca In tba suicidal No. 1 position ha i IN CHICAGO avaallns tbe type of atallsr timber tbat will a de^rterity at the keys, coBalder utue lass r but also one of tbe best nuts In v B MaJeaUo and Calvin, male slnsers. wltli a CDOd-oheer meaaave. had everything their own way wltb their aons oOarliiK. Interspersed wllb tallc. They npparealty set a, (real dMl ot plaaaora out of Iheir easy- SOina lnt«pratatlana of lively aenca. and. far tbta peaaen. aueceed In Injaotlnf aonaldarabls plaaanra Into thalr audlanea alao. At UcVlcker^ Monday morBlnc, Llara Hsttnan^a Mdi-elass atat/toK ot ooncnt atyta aongs Is In to- (reahlnv contrast to tbo ajlUtad volea praaan tatl ena uaoally embnced In this kind of an act. bstand ot thm attfC and toiaiBl dlsnlty that so many BUparalnserB aasnm» staa )»• a natttnU, womanly nuuiner that serves . ••— -■ignud for bar wan aeleotcd aonss. At the laaoa' offariitv wbleli, while eonvencLonal in danean have vlatlsd ua with almltar offer- Individual points ot merit which make It erase bllL At McVlcker>8 Mondi^ momtaK WANTED FOR CHOATE'S COMEDIARS THE PUNCHIEST AND CLEVEREST "KAISER" SONG OF THEM ALL WrltUn by ROGERS, WALTON & ROBERTS WHEN THE YANKS YANK THE GERM OUT OF GERMAN And from Teuton titey take oil (lie "toot," ... Take from Hainburg the "ham," and from Fotsdam Ite''dni^'' ' -' " -. Whip the "hel" out of Wilhelm, the brute. -. Start today, ri^t away, in the Bchoote now totaallh Go and bet all you get, to the world you can preuh - - That the "burr" id Berlin will be caoy to reacb When tbe Yanks yank the "genn" out (rf Geraoao. CmrrUfai itia. Jo*, w. am a en. r»BtfMiIon»l ce^e« to r»t:o%n\-rmd pntc t ii amn hAmo m— tfoo TlM'BUlbeBrd 5FERN * CO. 1BS» Sreadw^, YORK RIVERViEW DESMNER DIES J. K. Vsung, Show World ^^yetaran, OUeua, ABK.S.W. K.'Tegac. lits apM <M ■4 b(n tbs AsV'lSBlSHS sad XdmB ON THI eANTONMKNT OIHOUIT t. but sadw <te ■ (MMrlT. CKNBlBr tk* SMK BDUirtiM Clmlt COWBOY ELLIOTT With Iha amarteat boraa In, tb< worid. DOS rULANa want* to Join MM-rinc dfoni^ w wD bMk with A