Billboard advertising (May 1920)

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92 The Billboard MAY 28, 1920 matic action and varlety of ideas. ‘The settings and acting were its chief assets. ‘THE CRITICAL X-RAY ‘Me. Cody is too fine an actor to be daubed with 2 reputation for playing such inane parts. time as if he would take a header on the balloom floor. Ob, give us vomething real. ‘SUrpaBrLiry ‘Know of n0 location where this spineless Sjm would receive @ cordial welcome, ‘TO BALANCE PROGRAM Something refreshing. ENTERTAINMENT VALUE ‘Doubtfal. “WOLVES OF THE STREET” ‘Made by the rteratt Company, Denver, Col Reviewed by MARION RUSSELL ‘THE CRITICAL X-RAY ‘We cannot tell you the story of this concoc‘ion, for it must have been made up from reel, ‘with all the characters informing the andience Gf thelr intentions, ‘The villains always end ‘thelr remarks with “We'll get him yer,” and 4 truth the yonthful hero does have 2 strenu foun time in Oghting for his fe. All the ‘qntiquated morie ingredlents nd lodgment ‘dere untlt 1 38 a seething mass of, incoherent action, with men and Women fying in apd out ‘of focus in the most Tudlerous maaner. The fljeations kip from a gang of sherpers trying ‘tg corner the wheat market in Wall Street to the murder of Roderick ‘Treviya, on to the at‘tempted sseatsination of ‘his son, who takes Up the Hght to avenge dls parent. ‘This un ble lad scrapes lke a tiger eat in every conceivable situation. Even the dual role has not been forgotten, and ‘Tom Mix, Bill Hart qud all the Western qelincatore of herule roles ave been imitated fo he wildest manner. Dance halls, wild women, frenzied riding, frus‘eated Iynchings and twenty or more battles of Sate and lege go merrily on their way in an effort to fumish screen entertalnment, which falled lamentably. No, we cannot view this seriouriy, tho there must be an audience some where in this world for these frenzied fights of fervid imapination—else why the effort end coatiey? ‘SNIBBTAINMENT VALOS ‘Doubtful, “LOVE’S HARVEST” Story by Pearl Doles Bell; directed by Howard SL Mitchell, starring Shirley Mason; reels, Fox pletare, Reviewed by MARION BUSSELL ‘2f you fail to ru this ploture you will do your patrons a great injustice, for “Love's Harvest” is the sweetest, cleanest plcturisation of a young girl's life that has ‘over found its way to the screen, Shirley ‘Mason and her dog aderable and amuzing. ‘THE STORY IN SKELETON FORM A girl of fifteen is bequeathed by her irasefble stepfather to young Jim Atherton, whom sche bas never seen. She takes 2 dislike to his FREE to Amateur Photoplay Writers A wonderful book which should Be e aaeeall il i tu é i] i if 8 & SEND NO MONEY ‘The book ie yours for the asking. Adrian Johnson Photoplay System, ine. 380 Amerizan Theater Building, New York Gity TO TOT TM EO CO DO Apollo Motion Picture Producing Company of America, Inc. Suite 1001-1006 Columbia Theatre Building, 47th Street, off Broadway, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ! UNUSUAL! TIMELY! APPEALING! Picture drama from a new angle! _ The world is waiting for it! THE GREATEST PROBLEM OF THE. MODERN AGE set forth in a Powerful, Soul-stirring Photo-play, delineating the tremendous, interesting, humanistic phases in the struggle of the race to make life worth the living. IDEAS ARE THE PERMANENT MASTERS OF A RACE. It is what the soul of a people produces that is significant. From this VITAL PICTURE see how, through the application of the INSPIRED IDEAS OF MASTER MINDS, whoare working for the WORLD’S * tally chosen, a WELFARE. crime and moral tragedy. It will never be forgotten. TTT TTT ANUENUUAURAUUSUAQEUUOGUAUEULOEOUOUUSOGEUOOCOESUGOOOCEONOUOEUCUISOEOEOOUCCUES OUOUCOROOEOOUCCUOECOCUSOSUS SONU EOECRSOOUECOIOAUOTIOULE | TTT SPECIAL PRINTED ROLL TICK Five Thousand, Ten Thousand, UAE PRICES: et i i i E E friends, and with her pet dog runs away to the elty. A wealthy theatrical manager befriends the child, and has her voice trained for the stage: Re learns to love Der, as she develops into womanhood. His alrter takes Jane to Paris to complete her musical education, land she studies bara for a career in order 10 repay her benefactor’s kindness. Jim meets ther again, accidentally, and declares his love. But Hamilton, the manager, comes to Europe, bopiog to make Jano bis wife. Discovering her Jove for the younger man he gives them his Blessing, reaping # harvest in thelr happiness. ‘THB CRITICAL X-RAY Ingenious complications supplement a wholesome pleture of growing south, te story depending entirely upon its buman supply those dramatic and sospens dients which are noticeably absent. Simplicity Itself marks the progressive theme, but it Is all so natural, eo dainty and homorous that it can bo called an achievement of the screen. To fact Miss Bell's youthful romance has been transferred to the silver sheet In a manner convincing that not a tithe of ts charm has been destroyed. To Shirley Mason must go the eredit for a qualntly delighttal tmperson ulon of the child that ran wild at the oceai shores, with only a dog, Buddle, as her companion, to the budding young rose in biithesome Paris. She 15 constantiy on the scene, and let it be sald she never wearles one with her byplay, Ber perfect understanding of the heart of & gixi, and her whimsical, alluring smile, altogether charming picture, with s big pall the Juvenile class, to say nothing of the amusement it will afford older folke. ‘Locations have been choaea with an ese to accuracy, and some beautiful long shots of ocean and shore have been filmed. Raymond McKee, Edwin Booth Tilton and Lille Lesile contribute retligtlo impersonations, An TRUE LOVE, PURE ROMANCE and RIGHT LIvING can militate against the encroachments of vice, A Story that comes home to all. A Picture of the “Better Kind.” EXHIBITORS, WRITE US FOR ADVARCE INFORMATION One Hundred Thousand, BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE ‘Special Teket, uu uannonuuanacnuatt SECS Shamokin, P: ‘THE WOMAN'S POINT OP VIEW Like a spring shower on a hot day this refreshing story will. reach into your heart and hold you entranced with its rare girlieh chann. Buddie, the dog, seems as anxious to do bis bit a8 the buman actors, and he certainly will be come the pet of everybody in the audience, SUITABILITY Residential sections, ‘TO BALANCE PROGRAM Short lengths oF cartoon. Good, ENTERTAINMENT VALUB “THE GARTER GIRL” Am 0. Henry story: scenario ty Laclen Hubbard and William B. Courtney; directed by Grimith, starring Corlane Grimth; dive reels; Vitagraph, ‘Reviewed Uy MARION RUSSELL Not a very strong attraction, bat mildly pleasing, offering contrast of the vaude ville stage snd = small-town community, Mies Griffith consistently good in» rele of few opportunities, ‘THE STORY IN SKELPTOM FORM ‘Tosaline May, known as the Garter Girl on ‘the vaudeville ‘stage, tires of the attentions of her dancing partner, Mortimer, and the annoying stogedoor Jobanies, and gors to a small town, hoping to meet norm sort of people. At a boarding house nhe becomes engaged to a ‘young minister, when her former ‘partner secks her out and urges her to return to the stage and become his wife as well. She ‘then learns that the minister had cherished lng that sho breaks her eBsagemeat dack to her first admirer, pa THE ORITICAL xmay Rather a trite subject, with a poor sort of argument on which to hang a ve-recl stor, ‘The minister seemed a Mkable wort, of many chamncteristice, and {t surely was’ no crins {or ‘bim to cherish the Lit of tlbbon, ie s8ve no other indications of delng eporty, ant {in fact mado a, more favorable Impressiow’ than the vaudevillian. Lack of action and suspense told against the picture, which went ory slow with the crowds. “Ailsy Grifith te a mugaetic young woman, and if given the right um always makes good—but thie cut and dried—so dull and except the theater scenes—that no startling © amount of aympathy of taterest 1s aroused Dy ite characters, ‘DEB WOMAN'S POINT OF VIEW ‘The backround of the picture bad been care: direction averaged fine. A umber of geauine snow scenes in a country sec tHoa added realism, bat. the Tonesomeners of the scenes/made the best excuse for the girl returning to her former fe, SUITABILITY Family trai othing vulgar or risque in the picture according to way dancing is reganiel nowadays. ENTERTAINMENT VALUE amma. “A WALL STREET MYSTERY” ‘Witttgm Stelner presents Tex; five reels, Shown at Stanley ‘Theater, New York, May 21 ‘REVIEWED by MARION RUSSELL Has entertaining sequences, with ‘the finger ‘print methed of detecting crime being utilised to ‘advantage. ‘THE STORY IN SKELETON HORM ‘Ter, a famous detective, in called in to unearth the mystery of the murder of Temple, & Wall street broker, whose safe hax heed robbed of valuable stock. . Borden, a man of affairs, was beard to threaten the victim; also ‘a young clerk, Willams, who is jealous of the tentions paid by Temple to bia stenographer sweetheart. Another anspect is a Chinese servant of the murdered man, who cherished resentment against his employer. This Oriental swore robber heels, and a plece of the rubber fitting bis hoe was found in the office of ‘Temple. Relying upon his knowledge of finger-print system, ‘Tex finds tbe real criminal 4m a confidential clerk, who hed supplied a strong alibi. THE CRITICAL X-RAY ‘Like all stories of crime and the unraveling of mystery thls picture possesses a degree of Snterest and suspense. Were the actors of « better grade the story woukl have held greater Dut the majority of them appeared ly amateurish and overanxious to act —ewecially so In the case of the man Ronles. ‘The photography likewise is of poor quality io spots, some ncenes looking as if they were sun-struck. The interest te largely divided among three characters, and the best perform ance of there was given by a native Chinese. ‘What love interest exints ts very Ught, the basic iden of the story holding the only dramatic values. ‘The scenes presented for the most part in teriors of a broker's office, and the police station, with few home Interiors. SUITABILITY Industrial communitin may ike this, ‘TO BALANCE PROGRAM Btrong comedy. ENTERTAINMENT VALUB Up Extra Mone Lan a att rary Protoss Exchinee aids.,_Minvearate GOOD FEATURE FOR SALE avi ao" a pre of at Tack leneral 4 silken garter, kicked from her knee in her pmlted,t ‘vaudeville days, and this eo changes her feel