Billboard advertising (May 1920)

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MAY 29, 1920 ; BREACH OF CONTRACT inst Gillespie Brothers by Alleged Aogine Gluckeman action how boca started Inthe Sopreme. con Mine state of Sew York by Max GluckeSSitkwown, Bath American im that the fepartment wir one J. XM, de Arazon and that iets the exter of the Chilean rights to “At the Mercy of 3 Mfacines of the far Conquest.” whieh he obtained from Select Pietores. Gluckman ways that the defendant My trick and device” obtained prints of these ‘fius frm Select and shipped them to the Cine. Bavogritico Sut Anvericaine at Valparaiso, and Gat the defendant, recognising is rights, fagrecd to deliver the films to him for $1,000, det hav rerused to keep the agreement, fags be ment $7,000 In advertising and claims {Bat the reamnuble value of the Mims ts $3,000, MOTION PICTURE LAWS ‘Te Bintboart the lhws,nnd licensing regulations of each Stat fa the Union as far as these laws and regulatons affect motion picture theaters. ‘There fame mans States whlch have no epecial laws affecting motion pleture theaters, but only confalsing certuin Meeouing provisious, Where toch ie the case we only print the Ncensing regulations, ‘The laws will be printed according to States in thelr alphabetical order. ALABAMA SECTION 110 of the Revenue Orde of Alabama, provides that “Each person engaged in conductPicture show, vanlovillo each Fey on anpual license for each place of buslaes ax follows: In towns or cities of 3,000 inhabitants, or Jews, and’ in unincorporated 1 and Text Chan 30,000 tnbabittts, $0: in cities of more than 20,000 and lee ian 20,00 iohabitante; $40; in citles of more tien 99,00) inhabitants, $150. Provided that leew? the mupleipal authorities shall aathorlie them to operate on Sunday the lcense shall be double the umount as hereiabetore set out." SECTION 2—-There Ie also hereby levled for the use of cach county In the State a Heense @ prisitese tay upon each persca, rm OF corPeration engaged in or who sbull carry Om, lone, businessce, profession exercise any privilege, oF do a Heense ta charged by the State, of Atty por coat of the State Tceose oF inleze tax, except i cures where the amount f such county’ Hheenve fe fixed Uy thle oct, and facept In casey where It fe provided that, Do feenty tlcevne fe pal ARKANBAS There are my State of county Heenses for aon nite theaters in| ARRODHER ct require Heenses, whlch are $mposed by doeal orcinave. s At tis time Arkansas hae no special tavty AMfecting motion ictare theaters. Sunday exare unlawful, acceding to legal aedésloot, No law against admisolon of tlnors ty Potion icture theaters and no law rete erator of motion picture theaters £0 Seed, aera ARIZONA. Reviney Statutes of Arizona, Civil Colle, Title XVII. License cl any theatrical exhibition, emcert, rope performance, wire dancers, Wire Talkers, oc other publle ‘exhibition given for FAY, shall pay the following cense tox: Firt—In incomorated clties of towns tn ‘Which at the then next Inst preceding municipal Alection therein there wera less than’ throo honired voten cast, a quarterly Necose tax of fre dolinrs. 1a each election precinct In which there ix no Sncorporated city or town, or which * conmtitute @ part of su incorporated wa, and in whieh there were cast nt ¥ oficers Iesa than three hundred erly conse tax of five dollars, cities o= towns In then next Iast proreding municipal ‘five hundred votes cust, of ten dollars. In exch ‘on qvreeinct In which there a no tacorells or town, or which does rot con: Hite 9 twrt vf a incorporate city or town. Ini TA wits there were eet at the then next treveding general election for county ofior thon tlre bundrat atid tere than ‘Sve Junudred votes, m quarterly cen tax of ten doltore, Triet—In Incorporatet cities or towns tn ‘Which at tho then noxt last preceding mo (Continued on pogo 94) The Billboard. Mt from time to tlme print & conducting Be Independent and Get the Money! Here at last. A Moving-picture show—complete! Just the thing for ” One-Night Stands Also, in the rural school house; at county fairs; or in thesticks or tanks! With DeVry Projector and DeVry Generator you can sional movies of highest class. It’sa Complete Movie Show Ina Few Seconds wherever a Ford truck or Ford car can travel. The DeVry Generator is made to fit under the hood of a Ford caror truck. It produces light The DeVry Corporation De; New York Office FAILURE OF SYMPHONY THEATER Lost $58,000 in the ed Venture ‘While it was generally known that the Sym~ Phony Theater yeature ba upper Broadway het been a dismal fallore just as everybody bad predicted, the. full extent of the losses suse tained by ite promoters only became Known when Margaret Mayo, the well-knowa play~ ‘wright enteral 2 complaint in the Supreme Court against ‘Thomas Healy, the restaurint ren, Jchn E, Connelly and Kennedy Theaters, Inc,, to recover the sum of $58,000, which sho claims as port of her oes in the ill-fated en Margaret M: jargat aye, ‘Mayo makes her claim against Healy and Connolly on the zround that they wero ‘the real persons at interest in the Ssmplony ‘Theater flasco and’ that ther compelled the qorporation to agree to the exotMtant rentat ‘of £65,000 a year amd then caused the rental fo laree in onler that they coukt regein Dos~ session of the property thru foreclosure procecdings, She alleges that TTeaty owned three fourths of the Kennely Theaters stock, and that he carried out “a scheme to manipulate thedogmatic. comeration and invelgle persons Into granting creat.” PICTURES IN SCHOOLS New Orleans, Slay 90.—Bducatlonal moving pletures kus ‘are being shown dally gt tho Samuel J. Peters School, on equipment recent Jy Purchased by the school board for that purs ‘Pore, ‘Tho addition ot music by the school or show profes while the crowd is being seated— then runs the movie show and you drive off in your truck with thewhole outfit on board! The advertising of the local mer chants more than pays your exe penses. Admission fees are All Velvet! This is the one biggest chance for big money.on a small investment since the good old early days. Don’t wait. Write now and get full particulars before somebody else beats you to it. 1294 Marianna Street, Chicago, Illinois cbestra is 9 feature in conjunction with the ‘motion picture feature. ‘This is the Grst school in the South to install this innovation, and 4m all probability the same procedure will be follewed in all the city schools this coming fall and winter. THE EDITOR’S SAY (Continued from page 90) in the vicinity of the Temple of Gossip at 729 are to be credited. . Exhibitors are not quite as simple and tame as some eminent members of the executive staff of U. A. seemed willing to believe. ‘The news from the Northwest is partleularly discouraging. We understand that the attempt to invade that territory with a conquering host has turned out a miserable failure, and U. A. around Minneapolis and St. Paul has folded its tents for the present. The father and advocate of forced percentage booking is no longer repellingly ‘Something they may say may drop soon. Reports tell of Mr. Grimth not being any too enthusiastic over present prospects and policies. THE MOTION PICTURE LAWS OF FORTY-EIGHT STATES In the first column of this page ap pears the first instalment of the Mo+ 141 West 42nd Street tion Picture Laws of every State in the Union. We have procured official copies of all the laws and licensing regulations affecting the motion picture theaters and dealing with their rights, duties and obligations. under existing statutes. THE BILLBOARD will print these instalments in its current issues, listing the States in alpha~ betical order. We have always felt that there wgs need of such @ compendium of motion picture laws, and we gathered the materials for a period of time extending over many months, intending to print the laws in book form. The acute and seemingly permanent shortage of paper has made this inadvisable, and we decided to print the laws seriatim as we go along. Eventually, however, we propose to incorporate all: the laws, both State and Federal, into a complete digest of ‘Motion Picture Law and get it out as a ‘separate publication, adding another volume to the exhibitors’ ready reference library which we have provided in the past, such, for instance, as our booklets on Sunday Opening and Censorship. We hope in the meantime to interest our exhibitor readers of the various States and advise. them’: fo watch the instalments and use them as they come along.