Billboard advertising (May 1920)

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p4 ' The Billboard . MAY 29, 1920 MOTION PICTURE LAWS. (Continued from page 96) nicipat election therein thore were more than five hundred votes cast, quarterly License tax of thirty dollars. In ‘each election precinct in which there 4s no incorporated city or town, ‘or whieh Coes ot constitute a part of an in iP CANADIAN RATOR QUESTION ‘At that thme the Canadian authorities pro mulgated certain regulations which required. “persons engaged as operators or photographers in Ontario to obtain a Icense. Applications ‘to mach licenses were to be issued only to British subjects. ‘A communication was sent to the Canadian ‘authorities which brought @ reply to the effect ‘that one of the reasons for this new order was that many of the States in this country bai imilar regulations. An fnvestigation was made of all of the State laws in this country, and it was found that the only State baying such a law was West Virginia, and this was a ‘war measure only. ‘This information was communicated to the ‘Canadian authorities thru the American Consul at Toronto, with a strong protest alleging discrimination against Tnited States interests. ‘A number of Sexutors in Washington assistea the National Asoctation in its protest ugainst this discrimination, and a telegram was received by the State Department anpouncing that Heenses will be fssued to aliens who are not enemy allens, SIGNS ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT ‘Kansas City, Mo., May 2%—Jack Gardner, the motion picture actor, was in Kansas Olty this week, and ‘signed articles of agreement to make twelve feature pletures for the Richaris & Flynn Producing Company. Jack Gardner is well known to the screen world, having produced slx picturen that havi been ‘played thruout the United States. Tue amount of money involved to secure Mr. Gardner was not made known, but it is ‘understood that it nears the hulf-miltion. mark, Stndio 4s now being erected. and he will start on the first production August 16 in Los Angeles. ‘Richards & Tlymn are the owners of the First National Pim Exchange. as well as the Won@erland and New Twelfth Street Theaters, two of Kansas City’s most popular motion pleture house, and which always draw well with thelr feature photoplays. The WonderJand is under the personal direction of Wil Se reel WANTED—PIANO PLAYER, PICTURES AND TAB. Easy hove No grind. Ong will Sons. “Saterday eer Sarna ent Sa Set pind tig ee a fae Sala. SElgn" Wire NE CABAEANO, Eenase ire Tisctone Otiaboma FOR SALE—Moving Picture House spat 1p panna Sm gens feat’ “Alures LYRIC THEUTEGS Bast Dinh Rane ouvieac coe STHE NEW WIZARD OF 0Z* ALEXANDER FILM CORPORATION, NOW READY STATE RIGHTS HOPP HADLEY PRESENTS MILDRED HARRIS CHAPLIN “The New Wizard of Oz” A_ stupendous spectacular production, ‘with a wonderful cast. FRANK MOORE, and VIOLET MacMILLAN in an elab grate picture version of L. FRANK BAUM'S extraordinary extravaganza. IN FIVE REELS 32 styles of Posters—Bills like a circus. TRAVELING EXHIBITORS! amarante he owt meee 9 8 er rtaee Dusiness. Gigantic’ stock. service. Write for price list “Aimost thirteen years in business, Mam Fisnn, one of the leading Aldermen of Kansas City, goes ‘without eaying it is ‘well managed. NEW CHILDREN’S BILL Is Signed by Governor Smith at Albany, Queen’ New York picture houses if accompanied by an adult ‘who has the content of the parents, ‘This Dill repeals the present Iaw, which made It a crime to let @ child enter unless accompanied by parents or legal guardian. The enactment of tho new law is considered a great achievement ‘of the New York State League of Motion Ple‘ture Exhibitors, which put its entire strength back of the bill While the old drastic law ‘was never strictly enforced ia other parts of ‘the State, it was applied with a good deal of sincerity in the City of New York, and caused ‘Ro end of trouble to the motion plcturo theater owners. MORE WAGES FOR OPERATORS. Des Motnes, Ia., May 19.—Des Moines members of the moring picture operators’ unfon faked for a wage increase from ST¥ cents to 90 cents an hour before they signed a con‘tract renewal for the ensuing year. At the conference hekt with the local producers, tho demand was granted immediately. No threats of a strike prevailed, ‘The new contract expires in Senteniber, 1921. ‘The new rate of increase means #18 a week adaitional, out of Which the operstors are Te quired to pay thelr substitute’s ealary. Fach operator is required to work seven days cut af the week, but tho may secure a substitute for one day during the week. LONDON CABLES (@ontinned from page 7) this he says his axscts are a 20 per contin, terest Sam’ ahd Pete." ‘Alm ‘called. ie, of $525. He otated that after ‘he was demobilizea in Jarnary, 19, be went with Harry Dnrns, the variety ‘agent, under an arrangement that Burns) shoal. provsto the necessary ‘money tc produce and run theatrical shows and that be, Pollock, ‘shoul lonk after ‘them and get 7 per cent of, the profes, “The Great iece he produced was “Joyland” (leased from ‘De Courvitie), which Fan for eight Weeks inthe ‘provinces. ami wax unsticcesafal. "The rodaced. bat it ran Tost’ $100 on it. for two weeks only and Cebation he Later in partrersnig, with “Teed St Street. Edminister the cetate. ACTORS ASSOCIATION AND THE GERMAN ‘AUTHORS fiver Des at ceteed end sitet & aie remeert Late ace aie ae tes te a Sean ote cite fiat ‘on the question. 1 fo common knowledge. that ie Nese Send Saar ott e ae Be Wee Grtched ahi oe ae = aera 5G Saad 130. W. 46th Street, NEW YORK. # wee oa other matters it is posetble that Wobsteta and White's influence mos ‘on this matter, Drices. ‘att olde ‘he exnetions ks forme they keep as a record of the pe sporting wil mt 0. the ‘Lomdon railway. termini, SEE ken ait ea ad a Ear teat oy ind ein a EE Set SEe Sa tee oy Bo yellow “streaks. ‘we are mindful Scien Bale" etic i etene ce SOP aide cent e mat yt Site otis Soititaas'ro"shormen rarnz Bln Clea a late nt Ct BE Sieber sain ter, was cominented tpon. ‘The series of Siset matinees ert's “Bowh evolved nobody Of the caliter desired, But 1t inst bare pleased ‘A. Bs officiate’ that of the Imndeed sets Geen sind “beard it ims transpiral that the onty Yolk who had any merit at ail were membors of that organization and ‘that ninety per cent & the others were not in the ‘ot ‘Gnion Caro.” Not that Stoll male thie a. cous dition—Like’ Gilespte—at’ the Federation “of{fcials opiue that the proof of a minimum quall‘Aeation of workmanship Wes ia tho card posnen AND WHAT OF TID: Moss EMPIRES TRY‘Ours? ‘As citterent as chal from cheeve.. i motinee ‘of Slag” 1, at the Glasrow tempi “EnIME hot alscorertig ‘any nenentionnl novel Eerininly di wow Sir Oneal Sto how ashore 9f" thin nate shuld te fonueted. The Noune ean ‘old oat Devore opening. and. the. audience Feaunded "to the ‘menagertsh ‘appeal to eae fiiem tm. their weareh fee Britbus alent, The show Tan ‘Una like clockwork, and ail pete formers had at Tenst a minimtim ‘of tet in: es. The stake vetting and oriveatra were ‘at night and’ the performer’ worked unter perfect ‘conditions, "Every. act wana regal Sn and all amntears were atrietty barred. “Not. witeatamdlig this, yhowover, thete Sava great nome of "Alsatiefuetion, amonget those “who Speer, af tie “notion ine weeding: ‘roseas te carried oa, av only the ‘elect ‘few "are chosen by tho,’ “booking. ‘commitice's fo" appear vat, the tryout. imtince ant Eke fuecesstul of theeg then have to Sight Ae oat with. th Taree rere former ty na can omy nee ee and nat ‘the ote Tn hin own, conmaquentty the gnoebiog of teeth fo inereanch rather. than Milage by thie, method ‘of releetion. Tactued {nthe program, being Scotch: were many. Scotch Spmiediann. and sneldentaliy” three Docket feet Tteg'n.” each of. whom fotrodmced Myoone™™ verge. Tt ie co cheap Gttraction. ‘That there is a paucity of $8 Ro, there fs no direct evklence th ‘where the weeding. ret ‘write aq tho Act caunet purchase, Again. the Week of tho continuity of ore forte. maa Hime ‘wet andthe eaiary “obtaining precludes thom from dressing tho above to beable to “om eto with thelr better ‘paid ‘Brothers and ie Ree and conoequentiy "dn only by Hilke wr byventreme, merit. that already featuring concurrently at the ES gris Gar aenaes Sa at : ese Bes Sea ee Tt is apparent to those in the know that there ‘are (ateriing, Sind ‘reatty margetitble, acts lof the ‘greatest ificulty in. getting Necen"’ by the men who matter. She "booking ‘ccmmittes’” 18 obsessed with the thoughtdtbat all the regular acts of the past ten or fifteen Fears are “has beens,” yet despite this, these Acts are the backbone of the business, sind Teles en thelr ‘numes, ‘Thank’ gooiness ‘country has not yet adopted the policy of same of the amurement men over yoor site Who almply advertise the feature picture and Mave “other acts.” Purther, tho management realizes that the “namo” policy is the thing {nto the “merle” game as far us the booking @ ‘the ‘actors and ‘the crowds minted therein. ‘This isin ccunc Corporation, or ae Heer appiicants, "or at east those, dntegel ‘engagel by ft $2.60 a9 an earuewt of their Poses, fine ‘eney may ‘be attached in daplioate to. the Aa these aro hot atandant size, nod as they Grant them oa a certain kind of paper, ther tend. the applicant to one Axed pt who ee them with a liaited a "pau, agency and the camera an are in nosociation, but ie Ge. ‘thiog “catches, oo what aa opesing for similar ngentx. amd pools, the eoing™ wil ba copied by the otter vaudeville ten pet ce tre Wen the Ve (An Fis watsiing. toe 00 ation, tind Poasidiy' more will be heard of tte CHURCHILL AND GILLMORE KICK IN (Continved trom page Ron belag iestod, which "a abesttly flee Ge" were truce “charges, stock be preferred uit te, fe" wah bo mort to co tine in" thy ance. "EF lag inh to_ protest, moet, vigor, last the ‘statements tue) by the q Department of the Wiiton Lacksre Onnalttee inte iitbeant of May’ 10, Tey mar All ‘Simuittece. are appointed, by a commits, of ree, composed Of Jol jereon, Prank Stile juore’ and Earle “Boothe, two of there men > conticue when the man to meaninntes the committee to nominate te Petite cunusttes on cocamittees ‘recommends Dut ecee: appoints, ‘This in done bp She Pres deat or rankleg dicer present and bas fo be ‘Endorsed ‘by the Corelle ta the casy of the Frmitaring’ committee," howorer, elthee, Mr, he nor, Sie. Benerton, hod anrching te, Wo Teas in tho. chele, aii faked ioe who was Avatinel She “twelve retiring members obviously ould not serve. Some of tbe other Members of the Coancil were away or about to Yeave. Stevenson, John Weatl T'wrote on a alip of paper “Charles nd Katherine Bmmet", Mo "aeither | Mr. ‘of the mane. comamittey? WHY ised him when he asked for them and thea Withdrew Drenive he coukd not got them?"