Billboard advertising (May 1920)

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MAY 29, 1920 _— The Billboard mn 1 ae a ates carn, can it Ek Pa Ta soe nena Reticle Inetaye ks of MY, (Colored) ADE. 103, Vi Broa, Shr"8, Cxwnonce ae sfoile, Asan. | Mabter, Black Lee Woodworth, 702 We Fali of Ala, Aug. J. HC it ve ebekatt Assembly, 1, O. O. D, rs, Muy D, (rungon, 110 , Dear obit, Ae sien Nat'l Asm. Letter Car is, A North xt, Lima. 0. simtiemiate Aiea Gude sigy ts By Ba Poree, 10a 20th st, IED Inte. June, W. B, Bing“Fusculoowa, Alu, ountgomery—Ala, ‘Press Asm, May 27.08, ARIZONA Ghve—Am, Legion of Arie, Aug. @ D. A. Lite te, Florence, Arh LIST OF CONVENTIONS CONCLAVES AND ASSEMBLIES Compiled by Means of The Billboard’s Unequaled Facilities and of Special Interest to Novelty Manufacturers and Dealers, Street Men, Fair Followers, etc. Atlanta—Southem Nurserymen's Assn, Ang. —, 1H, Cobb Culdwell, ‘ARKANBAS a. Fane AL ‘22 Slate Cupltal Athan Hegoa—ane Brgwe, Anam, Jane, 1719, O19 ayy jpn of ‘olne July ie, BW. pers Box Gio, Litt 08, Ameren tha. LAMAR suas of ‘Optomateata, Jane y,Warrate Boe gz Amerson Har |e sag 16 Hivt—Ark, Funeral Dir, Assn. June 12+ CALIFORNIA ermore—Un. ‘Ancient Onder “one, me A: Gi Gan! Congres Mothers! & Parent Mn Soeei ‘Avan. May 2420. Dr, Jessie Iuseell, Tirondwas. Lar Angelew—cAm. Registered Phorvaacists, Joly EBA Webs, “Gis Faeiae ot Sen Pe sf AngelewState FI =. Prank ue x HOUnOvER, CAFE ‘Berkeley, Cal, Hotel Avsm. Jane. E. W. Car ten, surreinento—Order ‘St. George, Aug. If. 'T. Porser, 157 Nes at.. Gin Franciao. ‘san PrinclaroCul. Onteqpatite Asan." Sune 14 19. Dr. WW, Vanderbarst, ise. 6a Praetiscocbemocitie™ att Convention, Jane Foodwarit Seng 9, “We R. Hototer, W ‘Washington, D.C. sap ince 6. Pacitic Millers’ Asso, oly —. ‘BO. Misoo, $06 Californta at, Pigugeo Nal “Tramle Omcers An. , BIT. TAeut, Daniel A. Sylvester, Lolice Bore Bute ‘Trame Oaicors’ Assn. Aug, Er'e'F Brovtnr eam Sten Cay Rosa—Order of Red Men. Aug. 10-33. Serorter be ive, 240 Golden Gate ave., San eee ‘Tahor—Cal 1012, F. 1. Viens oF Ri he eh COLORADO Cefeeage be gre d Com'l. Trav, of Col. June le wares, Se eels coi spntcatertn trary. ag. eae baat care ste oy sr un ry de 8. Brows Sierchanee co, ae one 14 Bietzopolitan Mie. Benver. Colorade "Rpringe—Nat'l Asm. Civil Service ea Neat, A gO. Ssrret wr ie Surings-—Nineetoun_ Home, Economica “heme une S25, Girt St" Wiockell each (Oneeato ‘Springe—Stato Aerle of Bagles, June Ceortlor Gprings—Nat'l Sewn, State Labeares, ‘May 31dune G, Dirs, Eva M. rate ‘Litrory, Spriogaeld, T. Denver—Order of Red Men. June 1. D. Te “Stiles, 800° Kittredge Bide. Denver—international Awa. Tion’a Clubs. rin Jones, 1 ‘W. Jackson Bivd., Puchio—Drampmer’ Cn. Spatiei. War Veter: ans, of Colo mt Piblo“etate Ped. at Labor. derson, Dox 1416, Denver. CONNECTICUT Bndgmort—P. 0. 8 of Am. Aug. $1. Robt. Mf. Alonley, 304 Ferry’ st., New Haven, Waterhuts—Order of Foresters. May 29, Jas. {3 Estat Fed. ‘of Labor. June 7-10. fate iG." Srabura, Box’ 1¥38, ‘New Haven. DELAWARE Cheomstd—P. 0, 8. of Am. AUG, 31, Chas, doPont Ridgety, Camden, Dé “pat DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Woskington—Worlt _ mrctherhood _ Federation, ine ea Tere tush Bteonson Mg ke WT, Joyce 38 Daton Sa New Aue WL, dozce, 32 Union Sa, ‘Yori City. rs Ss soa mpa—American Legion, Fin.' Div, June —8. LeLowrs, Jr., Citizens’ Bank ‘de® Athe om oro ‘gene gues tes fone Bayan Fa ca ta tie fel. ‘Aten, Jame 19-21. ‘Helbing, 4063 Fuantain St, St. Lous, Juno —. J. 1416. Sol. C. Johasoa, ‘Tribine Bldg. IDAHO Kelloge-<Pythlan Siatere,.| Jone, —. Graco Woks Box. 446, Coeur d'atene, idaho, Sapdooint Ong Eastern stare, June 8, Mra ‘Mertis J. Prost, Salvzon, “idaho, Tumors» Betleritle—State Gfaster House Painters Decoratorg. Avg... B. J. Dush, IT N. Jol fereda ave, Peoria. Chlengo—Nail, Aman. Drag Clerks, June 1.2. ‘ sandatach, 00s Dearborn Bt chicags—Natt Engine Assn. June — George 1. Fuller, Monondock, Blag. ‘atl, Hardwood Lumber Assn, June Frank F. Fish, 1804 SeCormick Bid chiedes—E “Abstracters Aven. Sune =~ B. Hiltebrend, Bloomington, Mt; ‘Ontcame Nati, Live Stock, Exchange, Jane 37~ 6,3. Hetnemann, Room 4, Hecord Bidz, 8, Sai, cae ona ican Natl. Convehtion. June 8. & ‘Beynolds, Woodward Bidg., Washington, Culcage—Am, Ava, Nureerymen, June 22-25, J. Watoon, Hox 228, Princeton, N. Chiles Osteonathic An F &. Grovett, Relboid chicugo—Noru “Am, Skat League: June’ —. Schwemer, 208 Pereles Iidg., Mlwan ee Wis, ieigo— at"? Fraternal of Am, Aug, of L. E. Bids. 2) ind Lodge. July 5-12, Fred O, rene St tonlsenit Retail, Merchants ern. Sune 7:10.) Francia A. Titer, Sturnhy, ae, Rocktord—Iit, ‘&, iL Pharm. SSyuvelor ren, Sue 202%, Jackeoortlle Ii, Sanday Schock Aven. Jane 15iy, ceorme X. Burate, Maliers "Bldg. Jollet=G. ALR, Jone 36-18, Henry C, Cooke, ‘Memorial Hall, Chtengo, ae Meoveheart—Loyat Opler” of Mfoowe, Supreme Tune Ottawa—ML Asun. of Postmasters. Juno — "J Cunninghai il ‘Mt, ‘Kilpatrick, Peoria Nati Assn, Sheet Mcist Contractora, ry Pactacers. Jane Poa HO. Smead, care Central ll, Ligit Co Pegria-itural “Letter Carciers. ang. 15-14, 6. ‘Daly, Decatur, gat Be Hosier, S20 We Stadieon’ st. Eat Springtiela—Iaterstate Sunday School Congress. gas Sea Henry’ as Boyd, $53 Second ter Evanevitle—State of Abate Fests, St Ualtey Bhop. > fo French Lick Springs—The Indians. June 21 B, jit Eaton, 318 &. Fourth 8 “Ginctanath: French) Lek -Springs—Aamer May’ SiJune 2. i a Coren tel Dikemnn St., Rrookisn, N.Y. Garr—-Union gt Roommntan ienefictat_ Soctetics. iy John Ne Sfouro, SHS Haber ats Aullavce, “0, stirlowRinights of Pythian (Colored), Soak SET" viptnegtowe, BIS Neath cate bapiiee-gtite leans. Aue. 1416. T. Austin, 22 Hnbile Ridg., Dew Moines, Ta. Cedar Taphite—Knieste’ of Prthing, July 20. ‘Want Ferguson, Tolte, Tn. Cedar Raplie—Pyiblan Sisters, July 26, Mrs, ‘Bertha Cruver,. Spencer, Ta, ‘Oda Fellows, of Towa, July+ Cheat Take—P. Ht. SeAUR. 2 TL He Allieon, ‘ethervilte, a, Daxenport Un, Com. Trac. of Towa. June 27 ‘A. M. Brackett, 913 ‘Myon Btag., Des ‘Molnes, Ia. Darenyort—Court of Honor, Nef't Ovarention. ‘June 14-17, Davenport—Universat Assn, Last ‘week in ‘B. J. Palmer. Dea Moines—lowa’ Bankers Asan. June 28-30. Des Moinee=Gesieral Fed, Wom 10-20. Mire. MT Dod “HS South ae Fortsnouthy N. Dos Bel ‘AMunfteipalities. tows “hog. TEt0. FG. Plereey ii0'b. Sinin ses Marabatiwown, ‘ae Dapague iowa, Aven. Natl. Atm, stationary Ete : sigue Cliy “State Hlaraes Matern’ Asta, June Gols rake Knights Mvinphi of Jown. July tre D. M, Brownlee, Box 200, Sioux Cit wilgeesint ie dv. 201 a GATE, ae arsan ‘Cherryrale—Soldicrs’ Reunion Assn. Aug. 22-23. create See miei al naa isikae Spicer Sra sea a ona ae Baa ta Ottawa—Un, Com'l. ‘Trav. of Kansag. June 5‘R. T. Krelpe, 310 E. Fourth St., Topeka, wille-site Mert, ft, erg mm MP ee salt eH. coreent Agung, mn Aer, JO. it. tia Ueda Atty ee ‘Mrs. Eva Parrell, 1109 Seventh Ave., Dayton, Texington—State Laundry Owners Asen. Juno Zo.24, George ¥. Duever, 129 8, Third St, Isle, ‘Louisville—Am. Nat'l Retat Jewelers Assn, “Aug. 2427. A. W. Anderson, Neenah, Wis. Pagueab—Ky. Pharm, Asm. June 1630, J. W. ‘Gayle, Frankfort. Pinctille—Kulghte’ of Pythias ex, Bong, We eurten, TOF trist Co. Bide Lease ington, LOUISIANA ‘New Orleans—Un. Ancient Order Dralds of La. ‘Suse 28. A, Gonzales, 843 Camp St. New Dricindrstaig Datel Soe ane —. Dr pee o 6, ‘ew, Gizeanew-Ali South ba tension Committee of Christian Pndeavor, Suky Sl. Kea “Sevmann, Werger Diag, Chottanoegs, eon. * ware Anugusta—Sons of Veterans. June —. 0. F. ‘Gould. Tockland. Me, Og "Orsnard—Maine Dental Soe, . Tune Fed Dr, B, C. Gratfam, 693 Congress St., P Me, Portlagd—P, M.. Odd Fetlows, Counc 8 Freeman, 88 Main St., te ‘MARYLAND ' Baltimore—Order Un. American Men. of Md. ‘June 10, Chas. H. “Stein, 1521 Franklin St, Baltimore—Order Eagles. “June 11-13. Dr, W. %. ‘Sudler, ‘$153 EBaltimore St., ‘ighiandtown, Baltinoresinignts of Columbus of ara, gume 1, F. B, Sparker, 1102 E. Payette st. fmore—State Dental Assn. Jone —. Dr, W. W. Dumbraceo, 208 Profesional Bldg. Baltimore—State Haymakers Assn. Aug. 30, ‘711 Brane st. Tone 8ervitle, Taty 28-00 niphinnatown Key ‘of Columbas, June 1. ‘Spraker, 3102 E. Payette St., Baltl edie 2,0, fet km. $a 0 BPR See = . ee Te "George NR. Lindsey. Hagerstown, Od. ‘MASSACHUSETTS Boston—Compantons of Forest of Am. June 15 4a, ‘Stra, Heya Sawser, Hoom 1108, 101 Tre. mont St. Boston—Un, Com'l. ‘Trav. of New Eni June 68. Chas,” A. Haines, 739 Grove Sty Melrose. ‘sass. Bosten—Nat't Pultorial Asem. May 31Ine B. gr ‘ward Grant, 9 Gerry Springtleld—State Let a Stay 20," Maurice U1, Powers, P.0., Lawell, Mars. Springficld—Unte.” Crattsmen sCounel of Engl fneers. July SOAug. G.‘Thos. Jones, Cherryville, Va. Springileld—Mase, Dept. American, Aue 02k TE: AD Splilane, Room 379, tate House, Boston. Mass. Sprirefcld—N. E, Linen Suppty Assn. Juty 11 i ‘Mass. TT. ‘Mussey, 168 3ftddie st., : : 95° ‘Worcester—Grana Gommandeey of Mues., A. & £0. Knights of Salta. June 8, Frederic Wilton, Sis ‘Coloalal ‘hag. “Boston ‘MICHIGAN Battle Creek. Elks Jane 16-37. D. Bontochs Bike Tenple, Grand Say: fan” Battle Creek—order of Foresters. June —Stone Abbot, 178 B. Salm Bt. Bay Gi Beate Firemen's Ass. July 19-15. B. jiiiams, Deizolt—Un. Com’), “Trav. of Mich, 4 Sab Heoman, X 106 Es Wilkins st, Jackson, Dewralt-—D ef Honor, Supre! Rate. Se Holmes, Sao (Shubert ‘alae C.F, Wendell, care Detrolt“state, Musle Teachers Assn. Tung 32 2006 ‘Sree: Cinctana Detroit—Retall ‘Gredit Stents: Net ‘Aces, Ang. D,7JWoodlock, Equitable Bide., ‘Touts, Sto, Detrolt—Nai'l Asm. of the Deaf. Aug. 1038. AL ang. ‘Sa. Flint—State Assn. Letter Carriers. “May 90, 0. ‘W. Kemper, Lansing, Grad Hapide—Aiieh, harmAem. Jane 8.10. PF. Wheaton, 1410 &. Grand Bay = ete a " si Okc, BYE MD plas, ae ite Rural Latter Carriers. Ax weit wet 2 Buller, 204 State at, ovaries Ottawa, Beach-—State Bankers’ Agen. June, 28Sor HSE. Browa,. 725, Port Hiron—Us SW, Ve De Dent 4, Lanai ae ‘16-18. 0. W. Achard, Saginaw—Enights ae June 1-3, George fan Ra, semaecea mtt—tngs Weg debater eae mt ee DEERE rn nee got Tete Fs Hamann, 43 Fourth et., 8.. Timer oie neue am. tna 2 Fenan, 60h. SOW. Sank Bits: “Minneapcare ‘Dauluth—Minn, Retail Grocers’ Joly —. G. Af Petersen, 312 Columbta “Bldg. Duin—state Automobile, Assn. ‘aly. B. 3. DutatheNorsieigen ‘Sangertest: July —. Ta A. ‘Simonsen, ay a ‘Datut! ured — ‘Aesn, duly —. Th A. h—Sear pralmonso, Columbia ide” int ‘gion of Sin, — Eimer 'W.. MeDevitt, a Fergus Falls—Un. Com'l ‘Trav, of Minn. and ‘N. D. June 10-11. J. M. Dresser, 423 Met. Bank Bidg., St. Paul. ‘Mania Follows of Minn. June 10-11. A; 1, Bolton, 606 Pittsburg Bide.. St. Paul. Maniafo—Eneninpment fa Fellows. June 9. 13. Mebieitt, 2707 1B. Lake Bt, Min 1 Mankato—Rebekah Assembly of Odd Fellows of ‘Minn. June 0-10," Miss Luey Bolton, 1608 Ashiing ave., St, "Paul. siunkatoF, Si, Oaa Fellows of Minn. Jane 8. Sind, “Henty “Relmers, Of McLean St, St. Minneapolls—Master Rollermakers? Asm, May 2528. | Harey D. Vought, 08 Liberty st.. New Minneapolis Dept, Sinn, G. A. R. About Jane 30 or 1% Orton 8, Ctark, New Capital, St. Mlnnespolis—3tina. Div: Sons of Veterans. Jane’—John = ‘Ola Capitol, St. Minneay nF Teonand Jordon, Mintieapotis—Norwes aang ie. Bee ‘Shan. Eid ‘Lutheran Chu. of Am. <6. Stub, 425 8. Fourth St: Bank Bidg., Omehe, Neb. Mignenpoig Grr Ladies ot 6. AR, ot ‘Minn. Mire da A. aha ave. ‘Minneapotis—Am. Assn, Fre! 16-18. L. H. Caswell, care ofinveapol:e—Not'l. Asin. rority. June 17.21. Mrs. C. Pleasint re, Minneapolle—Ondér of Red Men of Sinn. Aus. ‘9. Frank J. Hebl,. Court Tlouse, St. Pant. ‘Mioneapolis—K, of P. "Aug. 310, Fred. sattneaten, Tad, Secoriy Bide. innieapaltea dosie' Nelson, G4 . ‘Ciliege ste Union City. ‘Mlnneapotis—Northen Pine Mire.* Asso. Aug. 2. W. Ay Elllager, 1102 Lumber Excl Mignganotie—Demacraite State Conference. Mo. Georse ws institnte Mintog Engineers. % 'D. Sterens, 2701 Gross, Red Wing, Minn. nocatesstnte. Fed. ‘Laweon, ‘Tabor, July 19-21; ‘George W. TOW, Tih Shy BE Pat {To be continned next week) |