Billboard advertising (May 1920)

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The Billboard MAY 29, 1920 the center of attraction. Captain, Sheesley also invited the 600, pupils. of a neighboring echook and the “kids” bad a merry poliday. Billy ‘Smrens wo the busiest man oa the Jot 61 week ‘and took particularly good ‘care of the local HONEST JOHN BRUNEN SELLS MIGHTY DORIS EXPO. SHOWS Outfit Is Disposed of to John Lazia and George “= Bradell, of Kansas City, for $45,000, Mr. Sodas Brunen Announces, But Chicago Report Says Eddie Mathias Bought It W. A, Happ, ‘he po young publicity promotere and. ined the ter, got “busy on ‘Showa’ bal fonlow.—Dt LIBERTY NO. 1 NOTES. contracts obtainable have beet Mighty Doris ‘Exposition Ghows to John Lazia cluding Peoria, the week of May Sf sed Galen, and George ‘Braden of (Rawas Clty for $8= Sure, ate werk ot Maz $0, ana a mumber of 200, 5""witnees tho Gollowing’ telegram Srock fat" ones’ tO follow. “Every! prod athe Dots Sie? Srunens Shows is on wagors, painted byrooe of tho Best attoon, Ti, Mey 2, 190, “pumeges ponies ton “Cincinnati, 0.2 artists in the business, who has Deen’ with the ‘Show for years, MRS. CLARICE SWEENEY INJURED setae, Male eset fety poe aed Mom Meads of tho “‘foukey Family" the proud t Peteate’ot tro Musky oungeters—TOM. x vicToR J. EVANS Visiting Male Gorden Wz Lillie and ‘alrendy booked quite a ‘num. & story from The Biliboect's Obieago repreeuntative giftere from that published sbove in that be sayx Eddie Mathiag bought the show. 12. ‘The! article follows: Stopented Boutaplece nipped akd ake ‘ll Miller Bros: < New York, May 9t—Vietor J. Rvane te on GHERALEY shows Fargrethers fe Oktahonne Te sn revert fied, that ho wilt offer the manaxeucnt Biowritea Circus fedivisualiy ox Jointly to theta, CONEY ISLAND ) ATTENDANCE cut New York, May 24. Coney Toland ana other ‘parks were hie sesterday Uy the cokd raw wind Bnd ‘cloudy weither. Attendance Have Good Week in South Bend, Ind. sare, "i 2 Hee pe Rteeittaadd eta MAN AS bach, ed iuten gorit fo make nary he Be not, to meation sich a wud popular or‘Eanbation as tho Doris Sbows, Some of the best SOLD MEDAL. OnE MONUMENT FUND WEEK scales Stunt Pt He, Su ee oat Steg Becrstion ez ibe opecnh erate Feet ee Sa gen heavy baled, for the dster! Shown wil’ te lcaied oo tha Specie Se tT as UAHUUUESUEASEONONOESEOUSEOEO EEA Rhoda Royal Big 3 Ring Circus Wants People in all lines, Good Trainmaster and Assistant Boss Hostler, experienced Circus Drivers, Boss Canvasman and Assistants, Steam’ Cal lope Player, Performers and Wild West People, good Comedy Bar Act, Japanese Act, Trapeze Acts. Join immediately. Good accommodations. Salary weekly. NOTE—Want to buy Circus Baggage Wagon: Fatingte Girt duretdheg piekty of tlie captain Sheeley Now a. fendi” tare fs oath ‘Bend, for his ‘U-yearold son is: here ate On Troraday ‘tending Notre Dam Re strike, ‘a ‘s uit the Delco highe Co. to furnah twelve Bi vnteh, they sconmected onto ,t mich foraiaved an aboae Give tat information, with ind size of wagons. Route: Milton, Pa. Ma; Millheim, 28; Bellefonte, 31; ‘Tyrone, June 1; Hollidaysbarg, 2) Mount Union, 3; Saxton, 4; Everett, 5; Belford, 7. Address all mail RHODA ROYAL CIRCUS, ZEIDMAN & POLLIE SHOWS IAVAUAOAUGUOUENEGAUEGLSAUAUUESVONEONOOACOUEAUOOACONEOOUOSUOSEESEOOUEDENAEOETOT A show with appeal. dignity and strength de «: THE MIGHTY HAAG SHOWS WANT IMMEDIATELY Good useful Performers, Man and Wife or Sister Team, double Traps; Acrobats and Clowns, please note. Small Troupe of Japs.’ Will pay top salary, Also want Boss Canvasman. Liberal wages. Best cookhouse accommodations. Can use B-Fiat Clarinet. Address Lenoir, North Carolina, May 29; Newland and Elk Park to follow. Wanted Quick COLE BROS: § SHOWS WANTED IMMEDIATELY cisxAt, G; BARNES CIRCUS Grom SHOW ‘Zeidman. ai Bp an enviable reputation, incidentally gatherIng toxether some of the very best attractions in the outdoor amusement world. ‘The lineop of Fosuure, Freaks and Attractions, airacive Fat Gli, Dancers and, Mike ideas ey Re a ‘Clarinet, Comedian, doubling Alto or ‘Must “Thirty weeks’ work and next seasoa’s couract. ss Jana 1] Beara dune 27 Wenaicnon, dane 3: Guin, ine, Sooeame, ‘soy FOUNTAIN, Mansser. Buly backs, Tot Superintendent, Steam Calle Player. capable kowping up revlrs. | Cood dations best, and a love season. Addrees DAN FRANCE, Hots! Renuert. Buitimors, Md. ‘AURORA AGRICULTURAL FAIR, INC. AURORA, WC. MOVIES? 3 3.040 § smn Segoe Cunt ith Rising Dorion snd four er ve wood ews, Retesdne, wold Animal SE" coe Pals in Coumsy. LT. THOMPSON, ‘Secretary. JOHN R. VAN ARNANTS weineys WANTS Mutcass, comme, Treaose, ‘a on wire Eran oi eae te ae Sa ass CAPT. WILLIAM: WINTERS Injured When Lion Attacks Him at Memphis Memphis, ‘Tean., tem wintery: Senet “acanee Yin the Wa nea, Circus with the Famous Broadway Shows, play ing here this week, was Inst night attacke ang severely” mavied daring an exhibition by Prince, “a buge Dlsck-maned Ton with which he does an untameable Hon act Capt, Winters sudered "lacerations on ‘tis’ right arm unt Shosider, aoa Ha boty fax Haaty brulsey by tee Srelene if he Gea, Tit a wot wi foun Series were dressed and at this writing In re Portea ‘resting nicely. Ie is thought that ‘he Win be able. to resume bis duties before th Intter Part of June, HOW'S THIS FOR SPEED? When it comes to ‘speed you've got to hand it. to 1 cars—well, for Andrew Dowale, owner of the Walter L. Main Cireus. Mr, Downic eft his show on this mission at Charlottesville, Rhareday night, May 20; Friday night be tnnati (paying ‘The Billboard « ehort Vinltye Saturday’ woraing he” wae. in" Chet the plant of Hotehk! ‘at Liurvey, IU,, where he immedi aye ‘deal for thres care—two Pullin ‘and’ one Stateroom; arranged with the rallroad to take one Pullman with him Saturday afternoon; rode it Into Cincinnati, arriving Sunday Morsing (when he again called at The Billboard office); iaid over in Hinelonatt until shortly atter the car, mind the slow was 65 hours, ‘Inclder ar, oleal error was made tn PN Re tng rel The ave at cars, i q fe Ex PaSohrck sistas the ad JAMES M. BENSON SHOWS Norfotte, Shows ars peje ‘20,—The James M. Beowon an No folk thin, week, week” will Bnd thle caravan orth. Dy way of Cape Charier, aking only one stop in “Maryland, then lots ‘Delaware and ‘New Jersey. "There were two Weddings on the show fast week, “Bessie Bowen, of the Everett Show; bt Game the bride of Irving Leanick, concessivoer. fad Gene A. Starchio, ‘solo cometist of Tony ‘Nasca’s Bend, took unto. bimeelf a wife tn the pervon of Virginia Hardell, « live wire conSeesionist, Weddings seem to be im rogue on the Benson Shows these days, as there is talk going the rounds that at least two more marriage cere Ronies will be performed ‘arly in June, and « Dig: celebration fy looked forward, to, me shows are moving on ten 6O-foot cars at present, owned by ‘Mr. Benson. ‘The cars and ee uniformly peiated « brillant yellow : is nee siden, farty concenat MACK, CALIFORNIA SHOWS eth week of the season, and iL ak cach stand. Gaver, ibeat. the tat te Tange ‘af. inet season. Over” Of ‘euspicen of the Community Porowded:cvery nights tarry i eit and Larry, the show plays next week, Sam Anderraa por. bused ‘8 26-footer, while tn co often ‘neue Sr. re ived, also eight ehows— setting fop, money, is being made 10 Dooking of fairs, and st now seems that TL be a,aice string of them, utlaia, Vi fog Anetuded in the iist.—OAi. KEYSTONE EXPOSITION SHOWS fervia wheel having a and they are real ones. Thé the ‘organization “this wee Tyler. il ema ar am indete por, it The Reystone Shows, on the front of the Atletle Stow. BENNIE STH. VALUABLE BEAR KILLED New Yor! sea Bae ba 20.—After deing at large for “hack “Prince.” “weighing, 200 iuable Deer ta the ‘and. killed,