Billboard advertising (Sept 1920)

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THRlmu^TO-TH^MINUTEMEN,r.'£KT%'S "WINNERS FOR BOTH OF US" Onr CatBloEiiB fealurea Watches, Clocks Jewelry, SUvenran. Toilet Sets, Optical t F»nG7 UoodB, Dous, TtAiy Sean, Paiow Tops, a complete line of — ' CaaOL Wbipa. pramlmn Cooda, BaikfnE Dobs and Cats, Rabber BaUa, Jaiz gi _ . -• . 1.- — wb will All it ftir you rtBht, ar GERBER. Spccitlist ii CoieessioaeR ail SbMbMi I Ta7-T2a Sou th street. PHILADELPHIA. PA. SI agar AuiMiimi wiuraiiE DHiinm wr,aagS3i SPECIAL, $7.80 Gnat ' I. Camenis, Cut " 3dB,FtalrHa \t yoa want w*« •» toMir.wMida ak -aa M*.. Mat. to w Mate iia tin fc ttoaa FILM STARV DEATH DESCRIBED POOLE SHOWS DAWSON, NEW MEXICO. SEPTEMBER 20 TO 26 ^ BELEN, NEW MEXICO, SEPIEHBER 28 TO OCTOBER 2 ate Openins &T Shons and Concessions. Wanted Elt Wheel Ememan, new ntmilwr tvdve wheeL FOR SALE—Tventy-four Hoise Trunk Baco WMTEB FOR scon COINTY FAIR i k^MOTMUR^ IHDl ■Ifbtmlai. Tto Pa:a •TDCKIN QRIFPtTH PRODUCTIONS Wanted Ay Kinds Independent wRiuu Wheels.. Come on. Saw CONCESSIONS , . Pr«e StTMt Fair at Ashgrnva, Mo., commenclos a aad «ndliic Septamber 2S, Also Bie Fieo Street Fair, Oiark, NotblDC aold aacept Stock Co, SbooUngr Gallery and DoU ' 8. 8. M Ik* mmmft TO THE MAN WHO HANDLES PRIZE CANDY PACKAGES ■ ten jva of a plan wherebr Ton can Inoeaaa joiv PTtOKflU HiMr: <ff BHCCL T*ila MTHca easts TOB BOtbli«. tVrtlia: M : : ; PBOPtM CAMOr CO, m Wart Sapwier Am, ^^ieVHAHS^j^^Mi. WuM Plait Player, Wuted Hlistnl PaifenMfs > Can «iaM tnia'OHMMlaaa Jar balaaa* «C VMR *)ain an< RMIlNni tD«i VM^llMMM Hnw Pla»aft-^>a»-DiniFiiM|i m THM. IHIiv «or.O«M^ m n rn m i M Mi p Jfcr Whaifc - Qgi' .pliw: »WR ■1>ftM>K--**agf y ii M y».y f.Li i T ia * i> ' <urTWi'J«iit«»JHeiiw.^ blTiiKufefc'MiMVifc