Billboard advertising (Sept 1920)

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*t»» Billboard •Timber 11. uao •S=22 "24? FLOWER DRE;:SSE:S ■S4? '8=22 IMiltnail«rii*inMilW|ini«- J7.00 Perm pun edK. llliii im How fcfliii. $7.50 p«. loa | Sjr-?T&'S*"JS ssai^'vsuvssstiaeiiAn. badger .toy co.'.''sas: Chicago. GREAT SANGER CIRCUS k our. Aiur TMOOm n Worla It IliHU nt Fg^Fk r Uorrmr A, Fcwwck, of tb» M itihi-jf iiilrn iiTn ilTi iiininS Adirere MARTENEY 4 HOLZAPPGU Mai* ^.t .ii n ^^^H^S BLUE MOUND FALL FESTIVAL E^i SfeffcS^WS OCT- 14-15-16, 1920 SSi^ ; OOM and mt U. b iSSSh WANTED AT ONCE, LECTDRER ■DlL HOUTE: , , , "P« Sapt. i7-Oct. 2, Oiaalmnia City. Okla. letter. If you "■ 'Exhibil) _ 1, FBlTi mn-i.: J. C. FIELDS GREATER SHOW El ^p ^^ 'j^kp WANTS For ALL WINTER SOUTH svi~-Kt ■ OKLAHOMA R. R. ICntMM tnm BDd Uitttrru iBd cMUni RUTHERFORDTON, H. C. S^3£^4£*l ■ nunpuiHa of Ult canlw ttr AA BILLPOSTERS WAITED