Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 1, 1921 The Billboard nn A Rt ER ~ THEATER OWNERS SUED. es by Patron Who Suffers For Damages injury t, Dec. 24.—The Columbia Theater has pap nsde defendant ia a sult for damages 12 rewponsilality for the Brotectios © and or theater patrons ts, placed upon the tts of the theater. Recently a clawn ‘act Eihng « "Dammer throwing’) torn oa the Sisbia stage when suddenly one of the bamceSeads left the Bundle aid carvmed off the iret 2 Weit-headed map ta ‘he frost row, Mig s cua sitting Directly behind Bim ta Grepe, completely destroying the aight of the Ge. Domazes are named isi the sum of $500, Siastee Fred DeGaw, who bas taken the matwr ede advisement, Delleves the Columbia (qrvers are lable, EAL SHOW TOWN AREAL 8 BOWLING GREEN, KY. pening Green, Ky., Dec. 27.—This city bas eee a real show town and every attraction {rt pass the opera Bouse lies packed houses. pe woe! role te for the house to be:aold out tbe cay Defore the performance. “L copie of weeks ago Gos HMlt's ‘Mott aod Jet" plased to Its biggeet crowd of Ite pamervos its bere and last Monday “My Golden Girt Toaight Frits! Bebe tn ait x spite fact thiat ‘the advance sale peed bot Saturday morning, Frits! will have ja ecenL-breaker of a crowd, Teo new theaters are in course of erection Jad ith the two bow going will make this one’ ‘niere ell kinds of attractions will be wel ACTRESS HURT Sues Poli for $100,000 Hartford, Conn., Dee. 24—S. Z. Poll, vane: je magoate, bas been sued for $100,000 [damages by Dotothen Antel of New, York ae Oe rectt of Injuries: abe alleges she received foie abe fell down a wtaltway at the Palace “iveriing” to tinged oo & defective, fooring. while. leaving erring room. She bas’ beta fii the Hartford fsapitsl ever sinre. Property of Poll ta this Jciy bas been attarbed and the, case fe returaJee & the Superior Court in New Haven on the fist Teesday in January. “HITCHY KOO” ENTERTAINS Sterling, TH, Dec, 28—Daring the engage [pent of tbe “Hitehy Koo” Company bere the etre company visited the Joral Elke” Lodge ind evtertained members of the lodge with the wecalties of the abow. The entertainment ‘as given the loral Etks by Manager Downe 28 if tbe request af New Orleans Lodge No. 208 te are Mr. pect of getting back ‘sinter season, Brole Tromer, in advance of the ““Brinzing Ep Fier” Coopany, was XMAS DINNER FOR-COMPANY Winiogton. Del., Dec. 26.—Laura Walker eptertalsed members of the company’ playing 1 “The Ghost Retween” at a delightfol Christmas hoet tn the du Tont Hotel here yesterday. Miss Walker's guests were Daley Rudd. Tastor etme, Glenn Anders, Walter Brown end Geo Ls * i © Weeting of the: Drama Teague at the Delamare arenne home of Mrs, Wm. C. Biata © the afternoon of December 2% Mr. Holmes whe. We was erveted by « large auitence. TEXAS FIRM INCORPORATES The Dre. Ford & Kngers Eaterpeiaes, owntag. £ Adin of theaters In Texan, have been In Tewaiet with a capital stock of 00.000. isrorporators aro E. H, Hulsey. 1. L. Deat 24 B, Lee Dye. ‘Theaters ta Wichita Falls, Azuriio and Plater! on lew will be operated under | NO. THEATER COMPLETED Aig Otenns, ee, 22. —Workmen, bare prac cominted. the work of remodeling the Tene Teseter on Canal atreet, of. whieh, the LD csrteed ang pte wilt be converted 2 annex of a nextdoor drag store. ® was the ‘babe tall '» *Serenteen, ingly. a remit of the Sterling Lodge bere complying 2 worst of the lodge ‘a trifle bowed. it was necessary to break them * eight tncbes Delow the koce and encase them in plaster ants. Sbe will bave to remain in the howpltal for several weeks, ALASKA TERRITORY NOW OPEN Beatle, Wash., Dec. 24.—Frank Kelly and Company left Seattle Mosday, Dec. 20, on the © to play the'new W. H. in Alaska, All bookings for thie new clrcult are aude exclusively by the Alfred G, Keighléy Theatrical Booking Offices, Suite 519 People’s Bank Bullding, Seattle. Mr. Kelgbley, states that it ts expected that by summer a vaudeville and musical comety clreait will be established, playing such. towns ‘as Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Wrangel, Sitka, Peteraberg and Prince Rupert, 'B..C., then back. to Ketchikan; playing the wheel over agaiz, Mfr. Keighley is in Seattle, SHOW AT DANNEMORA Dannemora, N. ¥., Dee. 24.—The inmates of Dannemora prison are planning to pot on @ how soon, Walter Gridley writes that they Dave a. large stage. with all the nevessary scenery and lighting effects. “‘Should any of the boys happen to come to Plattsburg. N. Y.. please call and give the boys a little treat at Clinton: Prtecn,"* says Gridley. “SCANDALS” ACTRESSES ~ IN CINCINNATI HOTEL FIRE Fire which for a time threatened the entire ballding damaged the Burnet House, “one of Cincianatt’s oldest and most Bistorie hostelriex, to Ghe extent of 25,000 carly Movday morning. Among the guests were a number of show girls, members of Georg: White's “Scandals” Com. pany. They were aroused by Gremen and fed to the lobby tn thelr,night attire and carrying thelr belongings: Among them were Anna Green, Gertrude and Dot Gushion, Gladys Clif: ton, Eleanor Davis, Ver Colburs, Marion Ward and E, Anderson. Frank A. Cassidy, explolta‘tiog ‘ian for Famous Piayers-Lasky, Exchange, mad dome at the Burnet, reported damage to clothing, ete., by smoke water, : REPORT SAYS GALLI-CURCL ‘WILL MARRY ACCOMPANIST Chicago, Dec, 27.—According to-an annouacement published today by The Chicago Breaise ‘American, Amelita Galll-Curcl, famous. oper tar, 18 t Become the wife of ber accompanist, ‘en January 16, Mme, Galll ‘Jaguary. Tt is sald that her marriage to Samaels Place in Minneapolis: = Mme. -GallLCuret. obtained: her first cit ship papers in the “Federal Court here January 7, 1920, and her marriage to Samuels: will com plete ber naturalization without further legal be proceedings. zs AND THEY STRUCK that he was Anyway, ‘things started, and ‘that is atill-im force in the plant. AL FOSTELL ILL AT Fostell, perforuipe for the past fifty years on. the variety and vaudeville stage, is. I at St. Catherine's Hoepital, Brooklyn, N.Y. ident af that company, says: = WHAT’S WRONG Ina statement prepared for the December, 1920, issue of the Guar~'anty Trust Company's publication, The Guaranty News; Mr. Sabin, pres “There is so much im the present situation to inspire confidenes and WITH US? . ‘Tie Sceale Theater, at Lake Wales, Fis., bas Deca opened with photoplaya, ‘Hoyt & Kirkpatrick will bulld 2 new house it Fort Smith, Ark., for moving pictures and vaudeville. ‘A beautiful new theater fs, belng planned by a Cenedias company, to be Bult in the east ecd of Toronto, Canads, ington, Pa. ‘Wea completed it will, cost apDroximately “$150,000. E. Oy Robertion, of the "Victory Theater, Fayetteville, Ark., bas bad plane drawn for = ew house to cpet at least $90,000, Jules Mastbaum ansoances, that withla s short time the. new $2,000,000 theater at Philadelphia, Pa., will be open to the public. financed by & atock company of local capitalists, ‘The building will cost $125,000. “The Butter Fly ‘Theater, Milwaukee, Wis. owned by the Newman Theater Company, Ka: tan City, Mo. will be remodeled ‘in a-ebort time, ‘The New Rockford Theater, delng erected: by 1, E, Dovereaut-at New Beckford, Ny D. is NEW THEATERS nearly completed, and will be opened .in the near future, ‘The Parkway Theater Co. his been licensed at Madison, Wis. by the Secretary of State to ‘Dolla a theater at Milwaukee with a nominal capital of $20;00, * ‘The new Garden Theater, at Key West, Fla. has been opeped, ‘tod the management sumounces regular prices of 10 and ‘20'cents.Photoplays will be: the polley. J.-M. Reynolds is ercetiag a new photopley. theater at -Arlington, ‘Tex, It will’ be close to Dis old theater, “The, very letest equipment ‘will ‘be installed. 4 A stock company has been organized at FarlDault, Mino., and is planning the erection of © new picture theater in that city, The house ill be called the Faribault. ‘Several new theaters are belng bailt inthe territory ‘of Fort Smith,” Ark. and, notwithstanding the striageocy of money, the outlook for the show basiness is Improving right along. Ye A. Joves and soo, known tn the theatrical | clrelen, of Akron, announce ‘the opening of = ‘modern pletare howe at Cuyaboga Falls, 0.. fn the wear future. Pictures will'be offered exclusively. ° , ‘The new Rialto Theater, at Oblabome: City, Ox,, will be opened tn the near future. J. 0. ‘(Contined on page 90) ; “THE GHOST BETWEEN” Presented at the Playhouse, Wilmings ‘ton, ate se ‘Wilmington, Vel., Dec. 23,—The appetite for ‘ihe “anusual” in playa will certainly be satisfed in-the new play written for Taylor Holmes dy Vincent Lawfence and called “The Ghost Between." ‘This play, presented at the Playhouse. Rere tonight, is neither sex nor occult, propa ganda. Tt deals with a very successful surgeon, ‘who is called to the deathbed of a strange man. While ‘fighting for the man's Life he falls ih love with bis wife, "After the end comes she goes to work, but apparently Keeps in touch with the surgeon, who concelres the idea that she cam never love him, but that to bave her near him would be sufficient, and he finally persuades her to marry him, promising her that she * aball"be wife in name ooly. This is very well for the time: being, but sbe falls in love with. him, and is utterly weetched because he seems ‘so remote. Richard Hunt, played by Glean" Ap ROAD PICTURE SHOWS ~ Put Out by Tucker Brothers Will Tour "Over. Three States exploited in Oxishoma and Arkansas for the, past forty weeks, will be clreulted into. Texas, ‘and traverse the entire three States. ‘Tho roed ; show plan is somewhat of a new ides, having efreults stand for i g now en tour. SUCCESSFUL PLAYS SECURED tried out ‘successful. plays’ by well-known “authors, and it is confident of ultimate success. to Be denied, as it had already been amsigned to ‘other managers, ‘The company's next play, “Easy Jim, ot the Straight Crook,” is sald to be entirely new and novel, It-also is by Emerson. It has been trled out by a well-known company for one seaeon and proved very popular. “The aim of this company," s2id a member of the firm, “is to jut ‘out ‘first-class material only, and to lease to ‘reeponaible managers for thelr own special territory and not to sell oF lease fo all-comers. Te new year looks bright for the California Meauectipt Co. as well as for its patrons.” PAT LIDDY GIVES DINNER Obarteston, W. Va.. Dec. 26.—In the pricate Gluing room of the Ruffoer Hotel last etening the performers playing at the Plara Theater ‘were entertatned at a dinver by Pat F. T.iddy. manager of the theater. ‘The dinner was tendered by Mr, Liddy im bebalf of the Nationa’ Yauderile -Artiets, Inc., and the Vandeville, Managers’ Protective Association. ‘Thove pres‘ent, besides Mr. Liddy, were: Billy Fields, Bob Rodina, Collies and Hill,” Tom Maboney, ‘Thompson-Berry Trio, Fairbanks and Lacy, Tom Crowley, Jack and Harry Guth, Er nest ‘Hively, Jack Edwards, of the “Way Down East” Company, Ambrose Hayes and Herbert Pfabler, the latter two not of the profession.