The billboard (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 1,°1921 The Billboard etc., issued each week. WARNING!!! From this date, January 1st, and in the future, my prices will be $15.00 A MINUTE FOR TALK $25.00 to $100.00 FOR SONGS OR IDEAS My! My! but this announcement makes me feel so dog gone PROFITEERISH! MY NEW ENCYCLOPAEDIA From this January 1st, and in the future, will contain Extra Material Sheets, with Dialogue, Songs; ; Recitations, Price of Book, With Extra Sheets, $1.50. Extra Sheets Alone, $1.00. ll EEE NOTE—With an order as the above prices are quoted I make a special guarantee to deliver absolute new material that will leaves myo! | VAUDEVILLE NOTES Cnarles Halton: bes a new act, called “The Pest,” by Ann Irish, Having spent six weeks tn Chicago Wilbor S. Westerman andthe vauderillo act, “The Three Mile Limlt,"* left on Christmas 'ere on @ tour to the Court, ies Dancing Danny White writes that be played the Eélton Boat, Club, Pittsburg, and made Quite a bit. Danny saye ho. will eall for ‘aghind in June. + ‘Ray E. Relliey, ‘forierty general musical director of the Poll: vandevitle cireult, has bees. steal director for William Fox's New. York, Pate, associated with Bd» Gitlager's “Battle of Whatetbeuse,"* a vandeville. sketch, ‘av been catled away” On: account “of: filers @ bis tomy, tarry ‘T. Ewing, ‘poetcarded last week from Albany, N. ¥., that he was, elling on the 8. 8. raline with bie pletaze and vaudeville show fot Jacksooritle, Fla, ie, ‘He: intends tetour Tuarry B, Breeo, recently with “A ight the Torte,” vaudeville sketch, has taken ‘Ser, Dooald I, Wyre, and they are now appear EAK YOUR JUMP deville Acts coming through cinnati, call Manager | Geo. bot, People’s. Theater, Canal Week's work.No act too big. THINK ‘THIS OVER sioweasil. JACK OWENS, Billboard, ing in thelr. new comedy farce, entitled “Coben.” Joo McGrath and Jack Deeds, a well-known singing team to the West, are taking thelr fret trip East, opening at Poll's Capitol, Bartford, Conn., and scoring. ‘Harry Weber ib handling ‘ab¢ will route it in the East. Frank Frisb, member of the act of Frish, Rector and Toolin, playing Loew's’ Orpheum, Grand Rapids, Mich... reosaty — rvscued’ an elderly, woman, snd her, five-rearold grand@aughter from a burning hotel in Grand Rapids. ‘The Lavy Circuit has added. Blackfoot, 1. to ita atring. Levy's rosd man, George Bentley, formerly .of the Musical Bentleys, is working thru, Idaho, Wyorlng, Colorado and West vie Arizona and New: Mexico, Uning up new bousee for the Levy Otreait, By Mack, after & long ron with the Great Everett Road Show and the ‘Marr Sisters, te Row working single. Arter a trip to Cub: where he will remain about three months, ‘will Join Princesa Zulieka on @ tour of the world, f D CHRISTMAS SPIRIT In Evidence in, Richmond Theatrical Colony Richmond, Va., Dec. | 25.—The ot Christmas was greeted by balf a bundred randeville artists, musicians, newspaper men snd tavited guests from the lotal theatrical colony with feasting and. oratory. “The occasion was ft Christmas party given by~Manager Charles W. Rex. on the stage of the Academy of Music, the Kelth vauderille house, song writer, presided a8. toast sented Manager Rex with several testimonial fitts from the ofice sta and. dack stage. At the suggestion of Mr. Rex greetings of the season were sent to E. F. -Albee, Joba J. ‘Murdock, Sidvey Wilmer, Walter Vincent, Jules Delmar and. others of the .U. B.-0. offices tn (New York, and to Jake and Otto Wells, Touatmaster Bowers presented in turn between courses of the sprend Jeanette Child the “Joy git": Dan Creedon, Viola Davis, Major Jobo ‘T, Burke, chief war correspondent in Europe for The New. York Herald from 1914 to 1917; Major Monte Stone, George Gross, Tom Responding to an appeal trom. Charles. W. ‘acted for the Wilmer, Vineent ani Is week. ‘The mountait, which ‘was the Christmas reinembrance of a legion of Uttle girls and, boys upon whom fortune smiles of the oor, was brokes up 14 Alstributed by representa PROVIDENCE UNIONS ELECT Providence, , I, Dec, 22—-Two. theatrical runlovs held thelr annual elections lest week— the ‘Mosiciane and the Moving “Pletore Operatcrs, ‘At the ‘meeting of the “operators blue laws and the agitation concerning them formed ‘the dave for considerable discussion, and it was voted that the unlon offer to co-operate with ho theater managers to oppose any. legisla tion that would tend to restrict movisig pleture performances in this city on Sunday. ‘Tao following oficers were elected: President . Anthooy; vice-president, Charles Me comber; recording eccretary, Earl Mudten; ‘Samuel Taylor; “bostnese tronovo; recording secretary, Patrick A. Kearns; wancla} secretary, William Gs ‘vergeant BACK TO THREE-A-DAY New York, Dee. 27.—B, H. Mosst Regent ‘Theater, which bes been’ playing big time vandeille since ft came under the coutrol of the B, F. Kelth interests earlier tu the eeasoa, bas reverted to ite former policy of three ‘shows 2 any. ‘Toe house is now scaled at elghty cents ton. ‘The Regent ts located ‘tn ‘a thickty populated renkiential sectlon of the city. Big time vaudeville with Dig time prices failed to draw: in that area, ft te sald. tee in the best theatres, and will secure copyrights and restrictions for all-material before it CINGINNA TL OHIO PLANS ANNOUNCED For New Cincinnati Theat bee Among Those ‘eet ss ‘Plans for the proposed motion picture and Yauderille theater to. be constructed near Peebles Comer, Cincinnati, 0., by the Melrose ‘Theater Co. have been"announced. Those ipterested tu the enterprise are 1, Libson, Ben ¥. Heldingatels, John-P. ‘Harris, B. F. Albee, Joreph L. Rhinock and J. J, Murdock, ‘Fans for the structure include a theater with 2,210 sents, which is tobe enlarged to 2,600 by reducing the size of some of the stores, and thirty-six apartments, the project calling. for fires stories. The theater built on a lot areas BEREZNIAK OFFERS AID. IN MAKING TAX RETURNS