Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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BERLIN LETTER By ¥..BICHARDS ove of the: most remarkable snd wurprising ounces which the poigrams of oat German Serie balla -of foe better igre have under within the lant “few gears, ls the Sse of the grand opera tar with her “ro Mi vermnastice.” For a: decade. of so. this Sfrear act” uved to be! the principal, exsential Ga good Dill; in the minds of the managers it win ite ope thing” po varlety show could do Tibout. For this act no salary was too bigh; The ledy who usually aang Ike = boiler factory tod whose entire “prope” consisted of two ‘of jewelry and of silks und eatins to ‘he value of absolutely ;thousands upon thoaqed of marks, comménded a bigger salary an large troupes of acrobats. or gymnasts, Sere than a herd of trained elephants or other facts with big expense accomts. ‘Teese grand opera stare hardly ‘ever “made q0o8:” relying on “welt,” without scenery of fheres, and were pot on by. the’ management ebiety Gere pald exorbitant salaries “because: “It fakes no difference how big ® Dit an act may Gate sfter the audience. is in: it isthe act that draws them in that ix worth money ‘to the manager!" Bot of Inte sears ‘the names of these refected opera singers censed to draw in vaudeville, since te patrons hare leamed to Qenusd that a name muit be-backed-op bY an for advertising purposes; and’ they this country that they ean not secure new ‘acts ‘suficleatly good to maintain the standard set in vandévitle theaters in-=the~ past, . and thas we are fovolred in extraordinary gnd-unsettled conditioos that bare no precedent in the past.. Alt are writing, suggesting and discoming. But, Jet tlone the cafes, which all play vandeville scl, Many artiéts “depend “upoa them altogether, scarcely playing vavdeville theaters at a Palast, a large music hall of modern nd very large capacity, coimbined Daltrooms. restaurants, cafes, ete, was opened here last week on Martin Lather. strasse, 24 promises “to give doth aforementioned ~ Manleritie houses a hard tussle’ for ‘supremacy. mndtences, and, while some ate attentive and appreciative, quite a good many ‘giters are cold and aflent, and then the poor iner's rolee seus to mock you aa it thra the auditoriom. ‘Therefore It ie Prbehty essentiat to have the “applanac— $ if only machine-made enthuslawm—ready fir him the Instant the point appears. T have atready stated tm one of my fori that the Germans’ of the-better cls ‘Sa rule take themssives to serlot 2. ee —— SARDOU'S o:ainol a ‘Th be priceless, and then only. millionaires could The Billboard 13 Has Gone Up in Price forWriting "” but he deserves it. If you can’t see him selling Ris brain for this price, ise your own for: Mate Price for Talking Material :$15.00-a Minute Price for Songs and Ideas.........$25.00 up to $100.00: Just read and let your thoughts command your Future Bookings. Get me? Snowball Jack Owens Billboard, Cincinnati, oO. or & mob fo atiend to it on a tree. When the public reaches the stage in. which it pretends to vnderstind this ineplred Impressionist, be wants to retire."* the critic says, “and. break of communication with alleged homan Kind." Ho claims that he would consider himeclt crippled if he coulda’t tainoiit eémething more creditable with hls feet. One of the most recent film posters “‘adom4g” the local biRoards looks Uke hell, altho its title is “Paradise.”.” The German vandeville and circus’ artists, a6 a ralé, are not greatly concerned ove? Rembrandt, ‘aor ts the technique of Raphael as set a eubject of worry to them, bat their lithographs, after ‘all, bare to be sizood very conspiciotsly so that the Dill of them seem to fea? that by applauding many ey would lose some of thelr dignity. Which aid not expect 8 get sac A cordial spplaose as the andleate bad gives him. “I <dian't notice any opi ct “> answered the posters won't paste them tpsidedows. manager. ide. you hear thea’ binging “'Threo thousand reserved seats at. three thet wailing sticks 28d umbrellas on the marks aplece’” is thé catchlige of the attractive poster displayed all over thig city by. the newplacse,’ ly opéned Scala Variety Theater. The idea of a ‘Just ‘taniping letlére for the mail at the postbig bouse with ébeep admission and a fine ‘fice next door: to us.” * * show ought to work out well, especially as ‘Impressionism, the art which is at its beight everything in connection with this theater At. one doein't know whet it represetits, is conducted with the one sim of. pleasing the commencing to exercise great toCuence upon audience. It was sbout time: for the modern Gersban Sim Foster. the eye and mind grasp, A. first: compredensive glance. Thos an apressionistic” poster: is ‘rupposcd to Tepre‘echt the actual mesrage which that gare or sckbe conveyed to the artlet’s exe, but at ‘thes one -has. the impression thet the brash Bad escaped: the control of the latter's hand. Oskir~KoRoschks; the leader of the German ‘School of Impressionism, bas made quite’ © mansrers for having taken ame for bimself over here By Iayiog aside all actepted rules betes! and by sane abe. for @ vandévilie theater ‘abotigine. His posters are fetct " ‘umd, and the art dealers are aaying that Uorizers propositiog, sia 88 soon as the! public will begin to fully Understand Kokoachka’s geains bis work will “me tons dost afford fo bang him on their walls, A leading art. critie, Dowever, says he would prefer to Dave the authorities do it on a regular scaffold LAWRENCE i drummer and <rapbonlet, witb Fischer's Exposition Orchestra, of Kalamazoo, sch, ind has Stes conmetted wide the Plsher orcatisadons for the bast Gre Pearse and is cow playing BS seonad setson wit the Espositicn Orchestra, fais margin for themsélves iss ganic which {9 not worth the candle. Bat the peices of adsilesion have gooe eotirely too high ‘of late for an entertainment that depends upon the general publle for support. Tbe. artist fe aa much concerned aboot the prosperity of the music halls as the mannger, and thelr united efforts should be directed tawatds devising means for.the fartber \levelopment and success. of the business, Bluft pri~ rams with “the greatest of the great,” but with ail the sete io pretty riuch one groove, have made ‘the wearled publle recognize the fact that even star programs often bore because they lack varlety, and that bilis that are best to the. reading aze not always best in “the seeing! And German audiences Bave Deen cdvented up to demanding the dest of international attractions ‘that can be giten them— they. will forgive everything except Deing bored, Bat of tte there is also a: decided increase in the deinand’ for “clean” shows! ‘Whereas managers of cabarets frequently stil depend pon. suggestive—and ‘sometimes even rulgar—acts to attract audiences, ‘vaude‘ville managers have established standards that the performes baye accepted and that they are_as keen to malotain as managers them aclves. Tt io bla careful watch that m0 10 @eceney in speech ior actipa. shalt .creep Sato ax act ‘that makes’ one of|the strongest lines of demarcation between the’ present-day vaude‘le show and the cabaret. Bot, leo in the latter. the craze for the ‘objectionable whlch has done’ so much’ to dis credit this form of entertalment in the past Daa about run its course. Having oly a short time ago ventured t6 expréas my disapproval of the prevailing humor in cabarets, it-imay be | that T can asmame the privilege of. also expressing my disapproval of the taste for huimor as shown by a great clement of the cabaret audiences: Just as there are many horiirists today that I belleve are open to criticism, 96 ‘there is an element of those whi patroilze the cabarets which ts : Uved, and the 20 of thé present one is, I beMere, already in sight. _If the cabaret managers will continue to. wipe ‘out ‘the objectionable, the-eabaret will cootintc to grow. The future of the cabarets depends on future cabarets? JUST WHAT 1 ALWAYS THOUGHT ‘Vanderille is like the game of poker. It is all © in the draw. If 2 draw well otce you might draw a’ good route. ete meee ivi fam fo "Sates a. nae waves «5 Ao Teareld boy student of Columbia Unt different languages, An act that cannot be imitated is no for vanderille, “Gotta have something everybody can take @ crack at. A. few seasoos ago most every tronk ta ville aaa Berry Lander suakeap ia it, Se golng. to a theater fo order to be'the Ait eos {fo rehearse a Harry Lauder ‘song. ‘Tae beauty of pictures ta the tact nat hey ealnot ase'a blaze act ta 3 ‘Sherman's Goats ‘was the strongest act ovc? tn or out of vaoderilie,