Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 4, 1921 5 The Billboara NOTICE TO COLORED PERFORMERS “WANTED FOR THE GREATEST ORGANIZATION OF COLORED TALENT OF THE DAY HARVEY’S GREATER MINSTRELS TWO NOVELTY OR SENSATIONAL. ACTS——————_ Acts that can be featured by single people or a team; something that causes patrons to talk the next day. No question about salary if your act makes good. _I don’t want cranks, grouches, boozers, knockers or braggarts, but, congenial, courteous, appreciative performers who are willing to be useful and at all their work cheerfully and with equal precision. Good wardrobes and attractive paraphernalia necessary. Would consider a high -class Sister Team. This show plays theaters exclusively, never goes South; plays North and Canada the year around, having the two finest show cars on the road, and gives the best of treatment and board, and salaries sure. hear from Musicians or Performers who double. We desire two acts proved unreliable, failing to report, although under a contract to us , Always glad to acts at this time; first, because certain because we are routed into, city time as usual in the spring and want to maintain our present high standard. Don’t wire, but write full particulars. Tell the truth and quote your lowest salary at the start. Address < R. M. HARVEY, Owner ‘By ALBERT CHEVALIER Much bas been written in the past conceratng “makeup” and a wealth of directions 38 to bow to “‘makeap" appears in so-called text books, but-little of this written material 1s of any real value to the actor or artiste, Experience bas taught me that there ts only cae tellable way of gaining knowledge of bow te meke up, and tbat is to know one's own face’ to’ stedy the natural Toes, the Tights and @adors and the contour of the features, and then work the color and palate’ with, ‘always ta mind, the Knowledge-of what your face really Atoka: Uke. T have never been able to: make up man soccesstullr,” simply'Deeause the other mas'e fare Ix atranze territory. : Most of “the bad-“‘makeps’* -one sees ‘e Fesalt of ‘without at frst stodying the adaptability of your own face. aa 2 actiy opposite totbat which’ you intended. So T repeat the secret of making up is to now yout ows face ant adhering to Mars of your face. because, after all, it is a question: ‘of personality. Personality. enters {sto makeup as it does. into all. forms of art. Yoo -have to adapt your personality and your features and vot obliterate your personality. Atier ait, on the stage tt ts always yoi wantao: ‘Tt must be a. “People who spe abeat obliterating themselves on the stage talk mot—to pot ft rather valgarly.” They don't know ‘weat they ere talking about. : : ‘So. according to the degree in which you served’ im adapting your ‘personality to the seeds of the character you portray. so zou are tither 2 little or Dig artitte—always assuming Reforeband that you. possess “the initial perwulty. You wy have a face Uke a blank canvas, and Paint nother face altogether on that, msd work—bat then {Us merely a mask.” ‘Your: fore will not respond to the touches “of ilet a8 you wish it to respond, and the result Bay be grotesquely: opposite to what you eire, Bot {f you want to get anything apPrachiog 2 good makeop you have to stead {a front of the glass and study all the pos Ale ines in your face, screwing wp the muscles Aid grimucing at yourself, until you know exAclly whist effect on the madeup face a grimace ‘Wil bare, : Ttsve seen people patut on thelr faces liner ‘iich have no meaning, whateoerer—iines right anilatt nature—simply because they have zot to see what are the lines which age. mncer, may engrave on the human bey Mines the Increase or decreave of on tbe bones of the face will bring. These. GGiMteE OF patting Reavy lines here and there, wice they are creating. an olf man perhaps, [et ther are simply transforming a young face 4 Eroteeque task with’ meaningless mers, Seakiog of tines,. there ta oaly-one way Of itlee them fo, and that ie by traclog Jour ines,” T can give a good tip to the Repeter on this matter; a tip bought by Bite, and one for which 1 bave to thank Buvle halla, Indeed, ¥' learned a Tot thra 87 tatociation with For-one thing T Ae tow to get eects 3 Awe time for subtletles 00 Che halle. t fourd tit T opened with @ notmber-which aid not ‘Steamer Size for 6 to Full Stee for 10 to 16 ‘AU thee ae etandard taka mmiseith a Vaoser Burwood Hard 2 AMERICAN LUGGAGE SHOP Dealers tn the Unified Staten, 1498 BROADWAY, nese Soin ST. donna “= "o 725009 beg 1008 omen aires ee ‘AT LIBERTY NOW -FOR STOCK OR FIRST. CLASS REP. HAYES — vorotny RALPH Comedicg; Juveniles, General, Business, aged a 7 sgzacoe,_ oot Sie hee ft Rane ee She Pm eng nen GE we, ‘Fosateys Write to for ccataten oo ‘Ingenues, Ingenus Leeda, Ce et, els of wire ‘Syracuse, Mew York. ary, Bees Fink, siden Rod or Whitei250, CURTISS SHOPRINT, Continental, Ohio. EMPIRE THEATER, QUINCY, ILL. ~~” “Will Consider Proposition From a First-Class Stock Company FOR PERMANENT STOCK W..L. BUSBY, Manager. for anything bot just a young man's face, bad to change ultimately ato an off m reat didicalty at rst would be to achieve ‘“makeop” in the: time at my disposal time I found that by simply putting in the igh lights on theridges, leaving the darker jand color to stand forthe shadows, I got ‘& good effect of @ lined and seamed face withthe trouble of lining-in—e procedure which absorbs a great deal of. time. “To explain in detall, my work would be 28 follows: “My face for the part of the youre man, say the young curate, woold be:made up with a groundwork: of No. 8, # litte No. 8 worked “in, and a touch of carmine on the cheeks; whea I wished to change to the part fm which T sing “My O14 Dutch 'T would take 4 Httle grease on the fingers, rub it well over the face, equalizing the color, and then wherever there was to be a line of,@ ahadow touch in. with & stick of Jight color the bigh lights, The effect from the fropt would be practically the same as.if I hed lined the face in with the Malas pedetl Bieoccs ‘Any ‘success I have bad on the bails in make and in acting bas been due solely to a long. experience invthe theater. I bad a training in the most careful of wchools, with such mii jers as Pinero, John Hare, Bancroft, who were with William Mackiatosb,. Bren aa boy I made a: special etady of ‘Whes 1 was ‘strenteen T plared plece called “Uncle's Will,” 4m watch there are three parts; the young man, the young worn and the old uncle. I played th thia at 2 benefit performance at the, Galety—sapporting Mr. and Mra, Kendal—t was only a youngster, but T had been sthdying. makeup. ‘The very fret olf men 1 played was to “Diplomacy,” and seelng me in this Mrs, Kea ph a dees it} ce—-THE PERFORMER (LONDON). PLAYS AND PLAYERS : ‘OF FORTY YEARS AGO ‘By BILLIE 8. GARVIE realize the many changes that have taken place 4a theatrica! Distory, and the following Te ‘lew of the leading plays and players that enTertained the fublic daring December, 1880, ‘may tntercaf the readers of The Billboard. Most of the ptays are but @ memory: Many of the players bays passed. away. Some have retired, ‘Williams, Giette, Milton .Nobies, .Jobn Drew, 1 Bee's Harvey’s Greater Minstrels, LaClede Hotel, St. Louis, Mo., ‘or as per route. THEATRICAL WARDROBE TRUNKS ‘Mefntyro and Heath, Lew Dockstader and, ‘Mande Granger are on the stage today. As is the case today, New York was the theatrical center. At Wallack’s the play: was “The Guv'oor."” At Haverly’s iNh Avenue ‘Theater Mary Anderson was starring in “Eva@ue* and “Ingomar.” The elder Salvint was ‘Othelio” at Booth's ‘Bronson Howard's “Banker's Danghter” was the play at Palmer's Union Square. Playhouse. Digby Bell“and Marie Jensen were’ im the cast of “Olivette,"* a comic opera. “Pins” and Needles,” with John Drew: James Lewis: and Ada Behan, was at Daly’s Theater. “Eo “Hiawatha” was ‘at Haverley’s Four street bouse, and Agnes Booth was star ‘s teenth rett was playing ‘ ‘McCollough “The Gladiator and “Othello.” Billy Bireb and Charley Backus bad the Sa Francisco Mlastrels on Broadway, and ‘Haverty's Colored Minstrels ‘were at Niblo's Ganien. Tony Pastor's variety house bad Harry . Kelly & Ryan, Tony Pastor, Lillian Russell, Charley Diamond on the Dill. . a At St, Louls Barlow, Wilson, Primrose 2. West's iftastrels avd ‘Tony’ Deniers “Humpty: Dumpty" wero playing; aloo MeTntyre& Heath doing thelr Southern sketch, “Happy Days,” at the Comlque Variety: Theater. eee Nat Goodwin, in “Hobvies,"* end Lotts, to Zip,"* were in Bostoo. “Sareh Berabardt was” making her Boston debut at’ the Globe Theatér ia “Camille,” “‘Froa-Frou” and “‘Adrlenné:"” Baffalo Bil was starring’ to ‘Walt. Otis Skinner was isi the agers in Southern Seas.” M. B. Sam'l of Posen in the play Chea “The Rivals,” Joba.’ Raymond as Sellers''in “The Gildea Age apd the Strakpeh ‘Opera Company was enfoying a rms. 3 Yn Cincinnati Milton Nobles (now starring 15 “‘Lightain',"") starred in. “"The Phoentx”and that name, tn But & Peck's WANTED FOR CIRCUIT STOCK Tram Chat cum ect. Character Women, that Seve Hpecialiee ‘het con, ack Henry Meee Wanatobe Maha Mabinty snecewurye ete ts St, Watertown, New Yor,