The billboard (Jan 1921)

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‘The Bi llboard 7 JANUARY 14, 1921 SHOULD COME BEFORE A JURY Juvenile Judge in Chicago Concludes He Can Not Pass on Child Actor Case—Decision Is of Vast Importance — Chicago, Dec. 24.—A decision of far-reaching a week, the action instituted by officials of the fmportance was reached by Jodge Victor P. Juvenile Association against the management of “arnold of the Juvenile Court yesterday when the company, over child actors appesriog in the be decked that the case of Robert Clark, @ play, led to fines belng imposed by. the Juven! Gyearold actor, properly should come Defore ® Court and the cancelation of: the compass's Jars. engagement in Chicago as x result of the with ‘The Clark ebild ts a sprightly actor in “The drawal of the Young actors. Mr. Marks argued ‘that such action by the court was without suf ficient legal sanction within the meaning of the statute on the subject and that such cases ‘ahoold go before « Jury. ‘The case in question constitutes a précedent, It 4s eald, and one that will bo of wide interest fm the theatrical world. ¢ iit i ia is to become press agents, ‘to which he has been of position on the editorial staff. addressed to him personally, Broadway, New York City. Catcago, Dee. 24. run quite ta Keeplog with tho traditions of Al Woods’ amusement emporiom at Tandotph and Dearborn, weat up to Milwaukeo at Ye close “of Its Chicago engagement and ran 1p # gross on the week of $10,000, which 1s eald to be a lot of money for Milwaukee to pay to sco & show. ‘However, Just before coming to the Cort ‘Theater, Jans*Cow! ‘and her ‘Smilia* Thre” Company ‘paused ta: ‘the Wisconsin + metropolis for eix nights and tock fa « neat $17,000. ‘dare Goodwin there was nothing in the writing ‘of the actor to sustain ft. MARIONETTES ON TOUR PHILIPS SAILS New York,” Dee, 24—Thomas Philips has sailed for ‘Bermuda to perfect arrangements for the revival there of the Gilbert & Sullivan ‘opera, “Pinafore.” ‘The production will be staged on the water at Hamilton the Intter part of January. It is Philips’ intention to produce the plece at ‘the fashionable water ing places here next summer as a theatrical ‘venture. “FAVERSHAM IN BENEFIT New York, Dee. 24—¥or the benefit of the Geventy-ointh Street Neighborhood House, the SYLVA TO STAR IN-DRAMA 1H. Frazee is shortly to produce. Th play was done on the Coast two seasons ago by ” “WHEN WE ARE ree Oliver Moroesco, with Jane.Coml inthe leading MOVES TO BOSTON ‘New York, Dee. 25.—"When' We Are Young” finished its New York engagement tonight and Het Se an italis om fo Bese, casas NEW PRODUCTIONS New York, Dee. 23.—Two qcw productions have recently been made out.of town, the casts being as follows: ° ‘ ‘Henry Hull, Alms Tell and George iation are the featured players. SARDOU'S Hl ss soe Irene Feawlck, Helen Ware, Alice Fischer, Pred ‘The short. announcement we made last week that Patterson James ‘the dramatic editor of The Billboard has deluged us with a. shower of letters, and, strange to say, every one of them is phrased in the highest terms ‘of compliment and congratulation. Many questions also are, contained in these letters, will _be the scope of Patterson James’ dutie: he deal?” “Will it be confined to criticiams?” All these questions we havé referred ‘to Patterson James himself, whose first page will appear in next week's issue of ‘The Billboard. y During the time he has been acting as our leading dramatic critic ho has received many letters from readers, producers, managers, actors and Now he will be able to answer all dorreapondenge in ‘his own in imitable way, in his own personally conducted pages. therefore meant for him, all items of interest on which you would like hig comment, all forecasts of proposed ‘theatrical movements, should be ‘Patterson James, Billboard Office, 1493 THE DRAMATIC STAGE “Without neglecting its homely and prosaic business end, we are devoting more and more attention to its finer artistic phases and accomplishments: ere Burt, Joseph Shilkroat, David Glassford and Harold Vermilyes, No New York date set, “Watch My Smoke.” by Walter A. Rivers, Produced at the Alcazar Theater, San Franelsco, December 12, with Dudley Ayres, Blwya larrey, Obarigs Yole, Heory Shomer, Raphael Brunetto, Albert Cunsingbam, ‘MacNaughtoa, Bea Erway, Walter Belasco, Edna Peckham, Frederick Greeo, Walter Emerson and Edith Searles, “No New York date, * HARRIS SHOWS MOVING ‘New York, Dee. 24.—Direetly after Christmas ‘two of William Harris’ (Jr.) most important attractions are’ scheduled to shift thelr ‘locale. ‘East Is West" will close its Boston run aod move to: the Chestnut Street Opera House, Phil jelphia. in Chicago, will also journey to Philadelphia for a run. Detroit will be the first stop en route, ACTRESS CONVALESCING Chicago, Dec. 24.—Mrs. Lois Bonner of “the Dooking department of the Actors’ Equity Association haw faformed The Billboard that Mra, Ea Weaver, uch as, “What “With what subjects will ‘unable to reply “because of his lack 1 correspondence N. ¥. SEES GERMAN: PLAY New York, Dec; 24—Hans Knobloch's “Die uendengiocke,"* the Bret German play to be even in this country since the signing of the armistice, was presented this week at the. Mane Battan Opera House.’ John B,, Kellerd, the factor, prefaced the performance with a abort ‘talk on the fatility of biiod hatred, eald, was wildly applauded’ by Police reserves were on band, but met with po isturbance. “THE CHAMPION” AT LONGACRE New York, Dec, 27.—Sam H. Harris snnouoces that vbe'.will present Grant Mitchell: in “The Champion," = new comedy by Thomas, Louden and: A.’ B.-‘Thomas, at the Longacre Theater 00 ‘Monday, January’, “The plece as been staged ‘by Sam Forregt and comes to New York after ‘successfal rons in Philadelphia and Boston, INVITED THE’ ACTORS. Chleags, De8. 26.—Many members of the theatrical profession attended services Christmas day tn St. James Episcopal Chorch, Cass and ‘Huron streets, ‘i ‘response to an Invitation sent the proféssioa by Dr. Janies S. Stone. the Fector, Dr. Jones made the atatement that St. James ts-year, atier year becoming: more and more known as the actors’ church in Chicago, ‘SUES. JORDAN FOR. $5,000. New:York, Det. 27.—Hlckuor, Toc, hae filed evlt ‘agalost Walter G.-Jord:a for $3,000. The piatntif. alleges that the defendant ondered for the Empire Producing Conipany, gowns, ‘wraps, salts, dresses and frocks amountiog. {a aloe. to, $10,000 for the "Klsaing ‘Time! abow, and that Dut $5,000. bas’ beea pala 6a account, “Abraham Lincoln,” which has beea\} known professionally as Marian elther actually ‘NEW. BOOKS MAIN STREET—Dy Sinclair Lewis (pubiisied Harcourt, Brace & Howe), tho Mr. LewM is ‘alto the author of @ number of averaged ope a year for the Io “Main “The light he sheds om the so-called malt town problem {= {Uominating and gives ove much to think about. Jt ls particalasly pertinent Just now when a good deal of attention ts ‘being devoted to the subject. Fur example, ‘@ recent number of The Billboard, « magaine whote horse sense and honesty are excepartlete: called ‘Ie the ‘mall tain Rev. Mr. Birkhead, of Kansas City, is quoted as reporti “ atmoat ‘overywher Jonlng in population or ta barely Rolding ite own. * Instead of belng the capital, as it were, of the wurrounding farming district, Yeading in fusiness enterprise, education and ‘progress, almost everywhere the equntry town Ys outelaned by the farmers.” -: |, “In reading ‘Main Street’ it ts esay. to understand why. “There is another exceptionally interesting point made in the'same article. Speaking ‘of Ohio, q F ee ti a3 5 ‘tenderness wvgmented by an. almost derstanding of boman frailties as marking tain natural. stage in the evotutica of * 38 _ YOUNG PLAYWRIGHTS OF Detroit Are To Have “Tryout” von Hwee “THE STORM” FOR PARIS: ‘New York, Vee. 20—Eangdon McCormick will present. “The Storm” at the Apolto ‘Theater, Paris, tate to January. Sylvia Bidwell (Mrs. McOornitck), wit! vail early in January. to «0pervise the production, i. “SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, ING. Chicago, Dec. 26.—The Special Attractions, Ine., has been organised by L. F. Allard and ‘George Berger’ to put out theatrical productions. Ite Brat abow was tn Kankakee, = > (Gontiaued.on page 89):