Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 1, 1921 ‘The Billboard 19 “MARY ROSE” /MARY ROSE"—A play tn three acte by J. 3, Terrie, Presented at tho Empire ‘Theater, New York, by Charles Frohman, December 2 ee pars. ‘Otery, Ada Kiog; Harry, ee Morland, 0. B, Clarence; Mra Fraser; Rev. George ADY. Mary Hose, Tath Chatterton “fom Nesbitt; Cameron, Guy Buck ary Rose” ia @ Barrio version of Rip Van Winkle. The Barrlo twist is put on the tale by creatiog an “laland that likes to be visited,” ‘where those who bear its calf disappear from Ths ilfe to return unchanged. Tt bas some ‘he quality that made “Peter Pan” and ar Bratus” eo charming, but: this only crope.0p now and then. Roth Chatterton ts most ubapplly cast a emery Rove.” pot the spleitual, ctvereal quality ‘that the part: calle for. > She { foo big for one thing and too herd in her reading for another. Thle ts not only a dificult part to pley, Dot one which calls for @ particular Une of actress, and Rath Chatterton ts not that Oe tne otner nasa, Tom Nesbitt gives # fe performance of three ditferentiated types, Mr. Nesbitt im a sincere, unaffected actor, Guy Buckley in the part of @ Scottish adorer. of ‘Ada King. ‘with tho exception of Rath Chatterton. Something is the matter with the American produetion of “Mary Rose." Just what it ts, [perhaps only those who have sten the London Production ean say. Certaloly it bas run for monihs there and has been most highty spoken of, Berhape, tt may do the same ‘there Ia'a doubt 19, this reviewer's at his best, by a loni expects a Jot from bim and tb! disappointment the more keen. when = Dia does not measure up to advance expecta Scot, Anyway, “Mary Rose” 4s @ disappoint. ment—GORDON WHYTE. EXCERPTS PROM THE NEW YORK DAILIES: ‘Times: “It ts a-carlously austere and deeply moriog plece, which ranks with ‘Peter Pan’ and ong of two of bis sborter things inthe’ forefroat of the Barrle plays,” <aribune: ** Mary Bose’ te boplensly muddled, Post: “It ts very good, but “not -altogether sopertue Barrie.” Globe: “Barrie, mixing a strange apd effective tory of ghostly enchantments with sentimental 834 incongruous comedy not of bis best. What might bave Deen a small’ masterplece blown Up into @ dublous evening’s entertainment in ‘which Miss Chatterton is badly miscast.”” “MIXED MARRIAGE” “MIXED MARRIAGE"—A drama, in four acts, by Bt. John Ervine, Presented at the Bram ‘all ‘Playhouse, New" York, December 14.” {THB CaST—Jobn Rainey. Augustin Duncan: dre Halter, Margret Wicket Wags a Rollo Peters; Tom Rainer, ums Michael O'iinra, Harmon SucGregors Nora Mur may, Angela McCahill, 03 St. Jobn Ervine scores again with “Mixed -Mircage.” Tn this, his earliest play, be Das ‘written one quite worthy of taking its place Mongside “Jane Clegg’ and ‘John Ferguson.” Is is a story of Belfant workmen on strike, with thelr employers striviog, to stir up teUsha animosity between Catholle and Protesit. When thie is in a fals way of being thvarted by Rainey, a Protestant worker, it evolps ato tlot and Bloodabed because, bo Grows up the project on finding his eon ts to Jarry a Cathotte. The story i» well told and without « stogte touch of theatricality to eltber the telling oF ie playing, Tt is a human play, and ie Dor manly played. ‘The work of Margaret Wycherly 42 the mother of the ‘moat beautiful and sca In New York today, It fs superbly nat‘ural and sympathetic. Augustin Duncan. as Rajocy, the bigoted father, give a full-blooded reading of tt ‘Mart. It is, tn our opinion, a finer plece of a TT aut MEREDITH STUDIO DRAMATIC. ART JULES E MEREDITH, Dirvetor Bremer au SUL NEW PLAYS stage a8 one could imagine any play could be. They are almost devold of form, in. the dramatic sense; contain little action and much talk, : “The Post Ofice” was helped a lot by the ‘work than bis “Jobn Ferguron.” Rollo Peters *lendld reading of Lillian Jago in the part ‘as tho son, whois to “marry out of his re’ of the little shut-in who longs for the outside Ugion,"* was likewise “excellent, while Barry World. Ghe has great clarity of diction and Macolium gid plendisly as the younger sop, &-most-musical voice, Her sounding of the ‘The comedy of the plece was almost entirely in Word “ong” to imitate the ringing of a bell Ris bands, and he handled St well. Harmon Was @ perfect example of true onomatopoeia. ‘MacGregor, as Michael O'Hara, a lender with In “Sacrifice” Paul Leyasae stood ont from the & great ideal, was very good, as was Angela rest of thé company by the sincerity of his feCabill in the part of Nora. acting and bls skit in handling « rather aim ‘Mixed Marriage’ is a play worth while @o-' enlt sole, ‘The balance of the company were ing, and is done well. In it ts to be seen the ™ofe or less colorless, but the fault is not best ensemble: playing’ now on view in New wholly theirs, The parts are all loosely drawn, York. ‘The slogle set, destgued by Rollo Pe with little: development of character ters, is mighty fine, and the Ugbting and di| As an experiment. the production of these rection 1s on the same plane of excellence, AlTagore plays is toteresting.It will be @ together, you can pass a fice evening in the miracle if-they ever nd a: place in the Oceltheater if you go to mee “Mixed Marriage." dental’ Theater—GORDON WHYTE. GORDON WHYTE. ‘BXCERPTS FROM THE NEW YORK DAILIES AFTER CLARE KUMM: ‘Times: ‘An: absorbingly interesting work, aaa ite last act conspicuously strained and awkward New York, Dec. 24—Olare Kummer, whose doth im the writing and in the staging, but tte latest comedy, “Rollo's Wild Oat,” is at the firat three wisely and adroitly and bumorousty Punch and Judy Theater, has been siked to bewritten and, for the most part, admirably come a member of the Dramatists’ Guild of the played.” Authors’ League of America. LONG RUN DRAMATIC PLAY RECORDS ‘Mamber of “oonscutive performances up to and including Satunlay, December 28, ‘. IN_NEW YO) SRR FSREERG satasd esse . a8 C Bipeneat Stan isthe" We Mires, The. rong SeliekStancaiui $3.88 Fost: “It te trathfal, utelike tho pr = WILLIAM HARRIS BACK " ‘voking, well constructed and deeply toterest—— New York Dec. 24.—Wittlam Harris is back Mall:. ‘Tt ts to every way a8 fine an achieve. from Barope. He arrived yesterday aboard the ment as was the Theater Guild's staging of White Star’ tiner Otymple after ten, weeks that wo sbroa gland ferred See ee eee T° Drinkwater regarding the latter's two plays, ‘A strong and bouest piece of real ‘Mary Stuart” and “Oliver Cromwell."” which fam, rich in character study and moving io ite Harris plans to produce here, He sald he beLmagedyy uncommonly well acted thruout, and, Hered he could Rave “Mary Stuart™ before the 4m one part, superbly.” =~ publi fa February or March, but that “Ollver “THE POST OFFIGE” AND “THE SACRIFICE” Cromwell” could not be produced this season, TO PRESENT “ME” ‘New York, “Dec. 24.—John Golden bas .com-, pleted arrangements with -Al Woods whereby the Iatter's Republic Theater will house the local Production of “Me,” in which he will present Hale Hamilton and Grace La Bue. The exact date for the New York premlere has not been Annoanced, but it will follow directly upon the close of the current engagement of “Daddy ‘Dumpling,"* which: ia all probability will take ‘place the second week in the New Year, “Me” as been on tour nearly two seascas, NEW WOODS SHOW SET “THE SACRIFIOE” finath Tagore. Presented by Kedamath Das Gupta at the Garrick Theater, New York, for tour special matinees, commenciig December 10. The 2) —Madhay, G Pout Oftea™) stata Amal, cil “THB POST OFFICE” ‘—Dwo plays by THE oAsT morge Casselberry: ovis Fant beyecke: Apa Franvitay Stamford, Conn., the night of December 31, with vary. Willette Kerabaw 19 featured in with Hilde Spong and Charles Millard iment in support. ° DRAMATIC NOTES Bodil Rosing has been added to the cast af “Tea for Three.” ‘William Farnum was selected by the Lambe ‘an the collie for thelr Christmas gambol. ‘John Golden and Winchell Smith have rer fumed to New York from thelr vacation at Hot Springs, Ark. « ‘a new comedy by Clare Kammer, ‘will go into rehearsal shortly with Ernest ‘Truex 4m the leading role. i ‘Micho Itow will present bis serles of Nob dramas at the Garrick ‘Theater, New ork, commencing in January. _, Mr. and “Mrs. Sydney Jarvis announce the Dirth of @ baby'son. Mrs, Jarvis is well known Professionally as Virginia Dare. ‘Brock Pemberton has been engaged by the ‘Theater Guild to design the scenery for the forthcoming production of “Miss Iolu Bett” Francine Larrimore in Rachel Crothers’ new comedy, “‘Nice People,” will open in Atlantic City Monday night and will go into New York ‘early in the year. ‘A an Francisco newspaper ts running werk ally ® life “of, Frank Bacon, the Californian who made ® fortune with “Lightuin’.” The whole State a billed with posters reading: “He made ® million.” Recently Mr: Bacon é recelved a telégram from E. J. Gilroy, of ‘Maryaville, Cal, It reed: “‘Hear you made @ tailiion. Telegraph gne that four bits I lent you when you were advance man for the Big Brothers’ Minstrels back in the seventies. I. ‘want to go to the movies. Merry Christmas.” MARJORIE RAMBEAU DENIES ‘Marjorie Rambesu, starring in “The Sign Ov the Door," thra Eugene F. Wilson, manager of the Marjorie Rambeau Company, bes made an emphatic: denisl of the statement contained tx SHORT PLAYS By MARY MacMILLAN To Alba long-felt want. Alt have en successfully presented. While slaborate enough for Bié presenta thon, they may be given very simply. Tho ter shoré plays are YN THE, SHADOWED STAR. as oe hea all on taken by women fl BP Fi i Ms id 3 eae 3 Met $2.50. STEWART & KIDD CO., Publi: ishors, Cincinnati.