The billboard (Jan 1921)

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32 The Billboard JANUARY 14, 1921 JUST A MUSICIAN I am 2 musicien—a muticln pure and sim Zperer made me 8 tempting ofr. Nevertheless I claim to be # professional 2: sician, a trouper of troupes and a jammer of ems. T got my initiation back years ago, when 1 Siete te town band, where I bed been chiet Peolotst, and could play alt the slow white ones, Stand went onto a Jeme James outfit down in “Kanses, 1 took along two suitcases foll of Eigood clothes, a tin comet and a stiff Cadle bat. [fatter 1 hag been on two weeks the canvasman, fetele my clothes, the manager took that Cadle fomnd the Dandmaster made me buy a castiron, Gleather-tunged cornet and boxer Gloria and /Houstrausers My horse tenting was interruptled somewhat by = three days’ search for the They to the bail ring, desides two mornings [cat washing the sidewall. which got awfully dirty Srwhea dropped in the mod. Too, the sight of eae eye was temporarily impaired by a cln“der, which I grabbed off while gathering scenery yrtth my head oot'or the transom window when the train was in motion, After that I bought G8 pair of tourist's long-range lames, and ie (Continued on page 53) = BURLESQUE REVIEWS H (Continued from page 25) Foner. and we noticed only one objectionable Efeatoro in their work and that was the raioner Bin whlch they bandle their hands, for it was parently impossible for them to keep their hands out of their pants pockets. FE Selig ana Lee canght the fancy of the Olrmpice by starting off with a boring-wrestling Boout, ‘tonny dialog and song on “So Loos, Footooe.* Fr “cole Rogers and Soubret De Veaur held a {xissing bout, Soubret De Veaur made « greet gash with ber slender, sbapely form, encased tn Ewnite tights and iridescent bodice, while singRing ““A Good San Is Hard To Fond." and stop[plus the show thereby. Coinle Rogers and fPrime Raytela neld 2 fussy animated Jove Emakiog settee session while Rogers confided Eto her “A dream that woke me up with the peat.” optical feast of deight as abe pat over “Whistle a Song.” ac} the girls carrring electrical Sash jorat baskets. Straight Deaay utilized a spir[staat wireless telepbone booth for the masen[tise and feminine principals to make comedy. [wbieh bey did in a clever and laughable man‘ner. Straight Deany aod Hebrew Comic Mipenis, tn front of a street drop, put over lively band laughable sidewalk patter. Tato a oral wooded scene Ingeave Lee let Ber~ self liven it up with “T Realize,” supplemented fowith a igh kicking dance “and cart wheels to > encores. Tageaue Lee, leading the girls in *‘Skookum.”” \ attired fo Todian costumes, made a pretty plc Sure which wis made laughable by Beker and Rogers as bom Indians in parodies, which led ‘up to the Gnale of part one. Part two opened with a trolley car bit. Straight Denny, as inspector: Juvenile Selig. ‘motorman: Coale Aicals, as a conductor, and “Peggy Hixon, a pretty, ‘vivacious passenger, who made much merriment by thelr lines and actions. Comle Baker, as a getter of feminine ‘Yotes, specched himself out of coat, collar, tte and shirt, and only held his pants for an exit. 2 "Gomle Rogers vocalized far more ably than most comics in his offering of “A Vacant Chair ‘at Home, Sweet Home.” Straight Deaoy reThearsed Comic Micals in doing the digaity dit with feminine Parisians, Rayfield, Lee and By ike Wen SONG COPIES, A “CURE”: | RHEUMATISM. “PLAY” HINDOO HOP Ld By SOL. P. LEVY The Man Who Gave You “NAUGHTY WALTZ” SMALL ORCH. and PIANO, 25¢ EACH FULL ORCH. and PIANO, 40c EACH 30c EACH BELWIN 701 7th Avenue NEW YORK CITY MUSIC ENGRAVERS AND PRINTERS Le Larges ad Music Printers. West of NewYork ANY PUBLISHER (OUR EF ERENCE Estimates _— Gladly Furnished on Anything inMusic WORK DONE BY ALL, PROCESSES GREAT DEMAND ror SONGS ‘To make s success of marketing your own composition, {thins over’ 100 pares of valuable inforsation, tneluding 1 book covering al 4,200 covering alt essentiapolnts ts published, Goo: Soll manufaeworers, uals desler, tunica) icaraciocs: etc’ ‘oslurcly the beat an SES yr moe Gov iora cascades Dos Ss ang wot bon ot JACK GORDON PUB. C0., 2 O1 No. “Hoyne | Ave., Chicago ‘Hixon, Comics Baker and Rogers, in a spe ‘elaity, handed out parodies o2 “You'd Be Surprised” in a pleasing manner. COMMENT Scenery of quality and quantity. ‘The gowns of Prima Rayfeld modiste creations, and worn by her like one fo the manner ‘born, for Miss Rasfeld is an exceptionally bean. titol blond of very apparent intellect and refinement. ‘Soubret De Veaux made numerous changes of costiy and attractive costemes and still appeals to us under har former appellation of ‘Cotie."* for she is Just as cate as ever, eren tho she may be more. cunning.” ‘Whoever selected the chorus and thelr costumes is to be commended on thelr selection, for while they do not razzle they do dazzle ‘the audience with thelr yout, Deauty and ability. A meritorious presentation of burlesque. —SELSE, We THANK You Ofttimes the appareatiy Uttle things In ifo Jeave 2 more lasting impression than those of the bigger things for the reason that the big things ofttimes hear the stamp of “Paid i. whereas the little things carry a sentimental message of fraternal feeling, and this ‘ought arives in our mind es we open our mail and find cards of season's greetings from MauHie E. Cain, of the Hurtig & Seamon Attractious; I. B, Hamp and Shirley Mallette, of Strouse & Franklyn's “Round the Toxo" Com pany: Gus Fiaigg and Hattie Beall, of B. F. ‘Union Square Stock Company: Max D. manager of Max Splegel’s “Social Dot Barvette of Herk, Kelly and Damsels “Cabaret Girls;" Frank Penney and Mae Santley, of Harry Hastings’ “Kewple Dolls;’ Ea Sign Daly, agent of Jacobs & Jermon’s “Gol “London " Belles:"* Jobante Hughes, of the Folly Stock, Baltimore, Md., and Bille Exton; Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jennings, stewards of the Burlesque Club; Billy Bown of Steeplechase Park. Coney Island: Flo and Eva Esmond, Doc Miller, oor Brooklyn corre Arthur Parkay, otherwise. The Sfich‘our special representative in Detroit; Charlie Klenke, our pony rig friend; J. C, Kelogg, of The Billboard, and others, The same to you and msuy more,—NELSE, HOLYOKE TELEGRAM Commends “Mischief Makers” Commenting on the engagement of “The Mise ahief Makers’? in Holyoke, Mass., The Holyoke Telegram says: “After an absence of three ‘years Duslesque returned to the Holyoke Thea Yer yesterday to capacity houses, “Mticblet Makers’ pleased doth audiences immeniely, and left nothing undone. ‘The singing by the chorus ‘and individuals was excellent, while the come4ians furnished enough fon to keep erersoue who witnessed the chow in good humor for & Jong time to come,” CHICAGO CHIPLETS By FRED HOLLMAN Chicago, Dee. 21.—An event in local burlesque Gireies thie, week was tho ‘arrival -of Fred ‘Wagner, to. be manager of the Star & Garter ‘Theater. Mr. Wagner succeeds Charles Donogue in that capacity, and comes back to his old home in Chicago after fourteen months manager of the Bijou Theater in. Philadelphia, ‘Tho change is io reallty bot a ‘tranefer and, according to Mr. Wagner, 18 4 very satisfactory one to him, e Mr, Waguer bas nad an, extended experience > Im the amusement world, Before he left the “tops” be -was for seventeen years wit tt Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows, was manager of tt ‘Belis-Floto Circus in 4000, and for three years was with the John Robinson’ Shows, under the Mugivan & Bowers management. ‘Mr, Donoghue bas made many friends in Chicago, who Will now greet him ae manager or ‘Jack Reld’s Sbow, on the American Wheel, re. Dlacing Hoghey' Bernard. who will replace Stanley Dawson ‘cording to House Manager C.F. Lawrence, business was good. Jack McNamara, a burlesque veteran, fe manager of the show, and assuredly ‘the experfence Is no novelty to him. ‘Dick Seamon, manager of the Englewood ‘Theater, last week entertained Mr, Herk’s “ute Cuties," and the ebow bad @ good folJowing on the week. George Young, also long ‘since qualified in burlesque, ie the company manager. REDELSHEIMER REPORTS New York, Dec, 22.—Louls at his agency in the Columbia Theater Bolkting reports an. Earl Kern and Jobnnle Hughes, comice: Chick ‘Brickmont, straight: Sedal Bennett, rime: Margaret MeCormack, ingeaue. “and gues ‘Truesdale, soubret, for the Folly Stock, Baltimote, week of December 20, and the Cascty ‘Theater Stock, Philadelphia, December 27. Cdarlio Collins and Jack Ormsby, comics: Emest Fisher, straight; Jack Stero, bits: Mullic Loveridge, prima donna; Fern Wayne, ingent ‘Nioa Ward, soubret: for the Folly Stock, Baltimore, week of December 27, and Gayety Stock, ‘Philaderphia, week of January 3. Beginning January 3 the Folly and Gayety wil alternate eo that artiste will have foor ‘weeks consecutive engagements instead of two weeks as heretofore. Touls is now engaged tn organising a musical tab. show for Frank Graham and a girl act for Art Keen. Louis bas also booked Lew Harris, etraight, for Barney Gerard's “Some Show. Many of Louis’ friends who have met his brother-intaw, Henry J, Brown, will regret to hear of bis death last week folowing ax operation for appendicitis, McCONNELL WRITES FROM CANTON Canton, 0, Dec. 21—It is understood from food -authority that negotiations are pending with city offclais for use of the city auditeri for burlesque. Canton bas been two years wit! ‘out the popular musical shows and outside Promoters in the event they can obtain the city: owned theater for one night a week will book big time burlesque attractions, ‘The auditorizm theater, which will seat more than 4,000, is cone of the largeat playhouses in the Btate, and monster stage. Burlesque fans here are eager for the attractions and tn the event the Promoters are successful it is andestood the bie ‘time offerings will be the policy once a week toon after the first of the year. . comMENT ‘There have been various romors of. burlesque goigg into Canton 1p connection with Youngstown ‘Akron, and it may come to pass thra local ‘theatrteat people,,but inquiries at the Columbia Amosement Company and Amerlean Barlesque ‘Association disclose that the executives of the ‘two cirenlts have not been consulted as yet reletive to any change im route of thelr attrac: tions that would permit them playing Canton.— ELSE. BROOKLYN BURLESQUERS Danny Mack, « one-time featured comic with ‘Rose Syaell’s “London Belles,” ie now x plomd{ing contractor of aMfivence politically and socially I Brooklyn, ‘Michael Joyce, manager of tho Siar Theater, {s folly conversant with every form of attrac: tion in,and outdoors, for Mike managed the frat Scenle Railway opened in London, and was the chief executive for” A. ‘Thompson for several yeart. Mabel Lee, soubret* of Charles Robinson's “Parisien Flirts," had several theater parties Goring her appearance at the Star.—DOO Br LER.