The billboard (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 1,.1021 ROLLER RINK. MUSIC by FRED 3 WALL You gre now at the parting of the wae. To vost of sour patrons the music in your roller nk in pt to De regarded. a& only: incidental. it gow knew —o should Know —difereaty. urchaser of @ Deaulitul picture regards the taloting as _whole,-umless be ean ex" pert. To the axerage patron of art if is the Yroad ‘ines and. the Bright colors: which attract attention, ‘The artist “and. tho expert Know, however, that thp difference between the food and the bad is apt-to De deeper and that fhe real skill the deft touches and proper, piscing of small aujounte of color which makes The difference between a good and only a eae plctires Jo i follr Fink the'miste may 2+ Bot as manager ‘you shou! Ehow! that the musi yo fornia te Bee otiibe Winity of essentials, for Four suecess. otter two are: your-skates and your door, ou fradils Teconnize the Iimportance of those. two. it do. Dot overlook we. necessity. not only for gond musle, but for avpropriate music, ‘onditions cary, wo a8 to the size of our rink and the amount of money “you can reat Send for music (hut no AAR abd fate rute can De laid duwa for the mount you wiust spend ay 2 minimum, . But, regardless of whether you Spent much or Httle, there to one rule that oul be held wetlate. “Te ts. that sou gine inechal attention. to the. tofiny of the Srovidea for your ‘skaters, ‘besides. the: bumber oc men Tasteumentation neces eary to harmony, ‘Toe reataurant orchestra aD play aby varlaty ‘of selections and‘in any tempo thet evits its fancy, or the ‘manager's musical taste, “But Pi fhe Giners are ‘not eating to. the wusle whi Jory, patrons ae shutlng, to, 1, ‘the, beats in: the measure. ‘Your leader will ‘co-operate with ‘you In sé Gorlag tls depiced reault, He ts a mrt of de ‘on the questios ‘or selections Ese Bi deity bean Se. oter Ste Rekerman spi ae at Lane, Park, Mtanstetd. conducts ss. A GREAT YEAR AT Swarre cITx te eat rae ee Sear while. Cy, Ba ad) he pleagare of see old “bands tr, and Mre.“Ackerman, 19 doikg a olte A.W. Calderwoot, publicity represebtative ever es 17 2 color scheme. of decoration with yelluw and @ colored ts : : Getty accomiting Fe tne Aras Proat ane Wien ana. Where. To suates’ Wheker fables e ior wie the peinbea ao THe At tho box wiectrle ulway.Coaibatl neta; a atucermsases ys] Order “Chicago Racing Skates” SY Sree =—ae They arestrong, reliable andspeedy. Repairs shipped promptly from stock for most all makes of skates. CHICAGO.ROLLER SKATE CO. 4406-56 W. Lake Street, Chicago, I!!. ~ HERE IS A PHOTO OF ONE OF OUR BEST SALESMEN ‘You OughtFo Hear Him NORTH TONAWANDA MUS. INST. Wks. a DEPT. OF RAND CO., ING. © ‘STYLE 158, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. WwTEWATONNL ““RUBBEROID SKATING FLOORS”. RecsTeneD 5 cadTig Futon coveninos Nnatnny soiivens, noiaeneen ane BURtT Eas. Can oo Laid" Gre eltner ance sr founaationn, either 1 citings or in. the Sek etait tet It is that kid of fioor that was ald in’ the GLADSTONE. a. a Beso ar GTO OEE NE ee. vm HERS Gr¥GC ar stad eat cata r Aha su We ak es HY, soXew, York, Dec, 22—The st ia Flames” tional fector of Amusements, ott of whom dertaken the tip to New York. to emopetration of ‘the Intent. Gore euautical achievement. in apectacalar: ef an exhibition. fenture with the fairs and other representative ould ‘events by reason of its unique character, at jem, ‘aud the Greproot fab Of the plage used, ad ‘Captain 3.-G. Hop We Alreratt Fireproofing Corporation, were’ ‘mumalbie for, the ‘exhibition. "With due the nes of a previous demonatrat by Harry EB. Tudor accounted for = mod! ‘The abscnce of “Tadoreeque Of showmanship was apparent in the "ai show,”” showing 38 Of fhe several avia Dave excelled in that class of exbIDIty for, weveral years past. Profoundly impressed the mectatora’ a8 cone {uting the most important characteristic of exhibition and which, with the purposed dying of the error of ‘trsin the “burning airplane” many new and, novel feature attractions, which are offered. at ‘regular intervals. Nearly’ bait miltion people skated at the White City Rink this year, That: the (rps City matter Bowe Bar proe Dy ‘ered: under -the” management of 1. yuuiam Biggize Ye evident, bythe chcatele nitable and. Fairmont St. Railways Co,,Philadelphia, '§ P.AL.—How To Protect 1 smasement Tacs aed Devices, Againet ‘lotringemen ‘Over. the Pails, Gon Chicago, iN” “Eahibition gt "New "Amuvement Berices and Explanation, of: Exhibitors. irriee FEBRUARY 36. 10:30 A.M:—Equitable Charses ‘for Space and service Among Amustwrest Yroples The, Mutual Erorat of elatie Pereatane Charter, aod Sone Walch Defermise roan . Veendesvons Park, Atlantic Mr. Ross, Mr. Oliver and Willlam Judi Lewitt, af the New York office of ‘The Bi board, ” Tudor expressed is regret that those} Femousible for the display had falled fo act] ‘upoa his ‘contention that entrepreneurs of ieoceose, Joba Sater, tensive’ amusement enterprises: expect, to pert ats ore, Ma. 11:39 A.SE—2The Insurinice Probleia asurance and the Co-operative Plan. Jobn Daries, Willow Grove Fark, Philadelpbiar Pas B.S. Uszell, New York City. N. ¥.: Charl ‘sco, John “Bader Lumber Co.. ye voller akater-of Greater Cincinnatl, tien he defeated. one of tbe fastest tions to the inventor and to, Pant. Collins, aviator, whose mnesterly handling of in thy darkness and, alteraath Itq Parpose and How 1é Works: Henry W. Ives, i the darkoeve and ‘t., New York City, N. ‘served in’ asso¢lationroom, = SEATING NOTES , ead DECtnt, whe pron to 2037 doers cen ie wees cons ai ‘Freeuo, Cal. Has several locatio ay CONCESSIONS TO REMAIN ~ present at one or another of'th At Detroit’s Coney Island at Approach “to Belle Isle eabetralt, Pes, 2 .—Owners of amusement conmney Island” along. Jeferson ‘the approach. to Belle Isle bave been handed-a new lease of life. Agitation looking to the condemsation of this entire amosement ‘section has bea urged upon the Common Coun. ‘Why. Sit by residents to that ead of the cll of a. plan for ‘the beautification ‘of the ‘approach. It rding to the ‘Closures: ‘of Badie Gi ot Cease? ‘Ga pcos, Torney of ‘SDetrorts i» thing lately of my oi Gallickton. jent were Sr. Pickard of New Castle, Engl TO CONTINUE STUNTS ‘30d a. Boney and the bis ex enter onthe profett, for the preseat av Teste Meyor ‘Goureos fhe bare et by the elty, except a str provided for, and bas no be removal of the amusement devices. cesslons along Jefferson avenue at the Dridg\ approach, ‘as ‘bas been suggested. NATIONAL ATTRACTIONS CO. . (Continued from page 60) Mr, Hutchins spontor of the movement. to 2 ousttoCorst League of Celebrac ‘Cities, which Wan detcrived at some Tengh n'a receut nove ‘of The lboard. The ro. Eee ia the tecboleals aad Dusiness, ‘and aviation. March, who claims to bet ‘originator of Blondia's “Famous Parachute "Device." ae Sear i cae Biden parachute drops dros su airplsas wallee Hilepeaceie te fa oe ott ga Maree ged te side ate ander the ‘manages E rec eas Boe ete ee eat ae ON U. 8. PAYROLL. Peatbdane Barish. ualbens, “They dfe playing at ing catd. tof Hoire’s Great Lon Bed Chee D.'C., snd New York City. Loops “and. spical thing of the past with Colizer. He ia carrying the U. 8. all, which: must be accomplished “right side up with care."**; Collyer Was Ti. R. Cruiksnank’s dying ner Iast season under the banner of the tow Figing Circus, BURNSIDE QUITS FLYING BLUE-LAW. AGITATION (Cohtiiued from page 50) ‘Baked, ster & Baker, Balti ‘Of Civil Eugioeers, were ia audition to —How the hearty support’ gives. the company by tts Gliente, I oveme assured that Mr. Moore's one ‘wish, to lighten the burden of his fellow man dy piaclog at bis disposal all amusement which a Testless nature craves, ‘will De gravided, “GIFT OF ORMER LOCKLEAR jew York: Pew Baths” Gea lew Turk; A AGNEY J. LIRETTO Enters “Daredevil” Ranks New Orleans, Dec. 24.—Agney J. Liretto, of How: ‘who bas taken the titie or “Daredevil E4,"" claims ‘to be able to stand on bis head, bang from his toes from exe and do other thrilling feate on a plane ‘mou ‘sands of feet im tbe al, “anmies, siiford Stern =f Mict 4 BAM. sates sieht DOr} Re Llceanden, wa ‘gistion of, the propeller was went ‘a mark of fricud: the aviator aud Me. Bennett, resented 10 ip between ie Oo, Wank Woolsile Park