The billboard (Jan 1921)

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The Billboard JANUARY 1, 1921 Street corters, of wherevs ‘arucle {8 0D0 EGYPTIAN DIAMONDS eat Tveany Fit, etta! neplie, Satibe ead © omees However, 1 would tike to state that Tides Serer at nee tees rors is il 1ST PERFECT IMITATION jOND IN THE WO! Hiviclling tome of the ittde “big fellows’ Row, in NW RPECT tr am ee ite, 2 cia, Tats oat oa jG5 ARE SET Wy, GOLD FILLED MOUNTINGS eal Position and—I'm = LIKE WILD FIRE. HURRY UP, YOU WHITE STONE MEN, DEALERS AND AGENTS. ‘temttation diamond ring, worth ten dollars to your eustomer, Each fi Geet a be RE EP lM ‘sone ioet—dealers ahd agents ‘Shaye in Todiaaapolie Ziserat expenses and deanted «beautiful offering. iy : “Doc Fraley Dead—The ‘news Jost reached tin tant work bat boc Besley. one ‘et tee Teal cldtimers of the pitch business, ‘Dessed WHITE STONE WORKERS Qlenta, This One Will Get lig ured, comet oe ‘Hilton, of cookhouse feme, is winterSHOWFOLKS IN TAMPA em Se fe ram Zs Os Breese gver put out. Two “aan in either platinum or gold finish. aad we $13.50 Per Gross Samples sent upon ‘receipt of Write lor White Stone Pree List on™ nie Convesionsireeand Pitchmen, Beene weare headquarters for Fountain Pens, ‘Jest Out—1821. CATALOG—Get Your Copy ‘BERK BROTHERS 643 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY ALLOONS®: RECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER, erame Playing Tampa with the intention of ook ‘hem for foreign countries, ut inquiry ‘has revealed this x tirely wrong. These men tH ey ta oud CS ‘Laurie, Myre 3.0. Woddtaty, wellknown Strajval and clrcas wait member; abd George ‘his quartet with Pad) aud ‘gency, ned te, peng aor ot ew peop! ‘who eauntered by the Court House Tithe ‘ee beers tae. ing tetnced Sire year, nother period’ of bun 30 speak, AU of thie baw collated oct 2 ohare the hata feta Moche'bes. been ‘sald’ vegardiug the ee weary reo Patt oct ase 3 He oa ab ope wit Becton of tent ont ane a a irae ol toe 8 Bar eer pices ame Sree eae py OE eae in ley Roberts and wife, William McKey wife, Jos. in, J. F. Knowles, Soy Fe, A ol at Se AG Ries mtg cig da Ine ar ga dag la Se er a eae a eats ad propelled “carriage.""—HIRAM AWL. impart the. same Fou wien ito: thelr Sea ee ake aetma Sate wat ei a cemmia seae ees cor ncigaiea moi ms Wine ioe Fe Set, Catalog. at Se cre. aXALE. RUBBER COMPANY ALE RY RM aNN, visitor, the ‘stands Pitenman.”* LOS ANGELES NOTES By the Man-About-Town . ‘Shereparevime, Positions worth Gus ts Fred Wolf, of Exposition” tame, “hae deen ‘Galataperiencsd Bevaly Gallary Oo 16 ocuted pow "fOr over @ year at the Burbank The World’s Greatest Sensation. Lanzi-Daneraenti's Dazzling, Sparkling aust SP bene. | ae > DEMONSTRATORS AND Complete assortment of CARNIVA GOODS. Serpentines, Confetti, Pa! per Hats, Blow-Outs, etc. Bt amarket prices. ss Our new and assorted line of lery is the BEST for Operators. No order accepted C. 0. D. witht out 25% deposit. OUR NEW ADDRES "ON AND AFTER: MARCH 1ST, 1921 536-538 Broadwa 85 SPRING ST. NEW YORK CITY “ee Stans otal 2. Bowery, SOME THERMOMET! id INCHED WIDE, € INCHES LON PERFUMES PERFUME NOVELT! and TOILET SETS To the Concessionaire + SHEET WRITERS cuekie, ts