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The billboard (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 14,1921 The Billboard 67 ” “COMMENTS IN BRIEF Five to set. Trimmed with silk tassels, — HERE I AN | beads, rings and Chinese coins. On the Christmas Number of The ts 9 8 m0 | eee ease | EYEOPENER! In lots of 12 sets,. Sample set, Above Baskets: packed with one layer of hand-dipped assorted flavors Chocolates. In lots of 50 sets, $9.00 9.25 9.50 Bitybay_ 1s wonderful—e tender ‘and 10.00 Bh wisser’orer ai stow papere-ily : ‘Garvie: OUR TERMS—CASH ONLY. Money order, certified check or C. 0, D.. provided ore Sanaa a maserplece 26% of amount is sent In advance. Personal a checks will delay order until collection is made. Catalogs sent to operators and job bers upon request. ‘The Christmas Nomber unquestioodly the dest ever istued.—Ed B. Salter. Allow me to congratulate you ‘on the Xmas Simng Dunbar as enone fteelf.—Bily ‘The Xmas Number was a “bumdinger.”. Lake Reynolds. Gongratelstions on the Christues Namber. Loskat like “Diltgboy'e™ best ort -Boren sent. aes I want to congratilate yoo on your wonderful > pediieas umber. Stories‘ ait dreat—Charies Fic ‘S. Bupatriex. \ Jing, Nomber great.) Magpie pege @ae—W. fi rae | MAN RDA VA Al i Wy )\\ |seeee a: ‘The Christmas Number was SOME teme— Harry W. Bice. Cutstmas Number, rar, egeelgace wane Mack, "Bound the Towa” Company. Xmas Tome was tinmense, It outclassed any previous Yuletide number.—H: B, Orulksbank. Xmas Spectal eclipsed all previous special fanuen:’ The gover desi ‘was ost wonderfal fan ‘Devi aerators Congratulations om the. Xmas Number. is fine—Harry Opel, Magician and Juggler. UP. LOW. OPERATING EXPENSE HANDSOMELY PAINTED, MAKING FAST 70 SET Serr would ONE OF THE BIGGEST FLASHES ON THE MIDWAY. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. PLACE a * meas Ne imp, US-PIECE MANICURE SET—Watse wraited Bre Di oe Sree aaics Write for fall Deseription and Prices. WARTERS YOR SUPPLIES FOR PARKS, PIERS, BEACHES, CARNIVALS AND ALI, Watch for our Big Double Spread in the Spring Number of the BUboard. New Ideas, new Slores, H. C. EVANS & CO. 1528 West Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois CANDIES | Full Line Special Packages For Candy Wheel Trade Write for Prices. . FRANK E. binctiener Co., Atlanta, Ga. = uueneanauenesgnana *Ehable! MdEad afl OU LL er JOSEPH HAGN CO. FOR SALE, New 60-ft. Flat Cars § | “ite sty sup & eee eet Sees ‘Servion, £f saches high, 00.000 capacity, 8 13k-Inch trans rods, taside Inns brakes, 23 W, Madina St, Dest. B., CHICAGO, LL, 6 6x3 inner silis, outside sills, 6x12, one-piece timber, 8-inch side gunnel. 10-inch metal bolster, lining, 2x10, ‘30 inches wide. WANTED, TWO SOLID SLEEPERS —— | Wanted SHOWS and CONCESSIONS Season 1921 H. G. MELVILLE, 902 Ashland Block, Chicago. J. L. CRONIN SHOWS EG anaes ie KL Cnn eae Si wistge, Eu ber Balin Sey mush rice and fll deals. ¢. W. PARKER, World's Larvet Amcrement Manctasturer, Leer SALESBOARDS<#~ DESRPTION EVERY 1AM IN THE MARKET For A USED WHIP ania roe ust be 12 good condition. Giro full particulars im first totter. A. D. SMITH, Hetel Albany, Dever, Col. Mited Teaser clear “Bourds ene ‘A GOOD FELLOW—MENTION THE BILLBOARD YO OUR ADVERTISERS,