The billboard (Jan 1921)

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: : ‘The Billboard. JANUARY 1, 1921 ‘Mighty, Doris Shows, ‘Honest Joba Branen. mgr. Miller's, A. Bi nsier shows, AL BE ‘Aiitier, THEY WINTER WHERE en rollers Ammrewene, Gos G, ter, mgr: and, manage ows not represented’ in this list’will confer # te favor by sending The Billboard the addresses ‘of their winter be erg Pn Bearer SuiD as os, 3 ain ee 2 ae Baring (Bye Dee Eatees ‘Moss: et Greater Shows:. Box’ 1213, Musko CIRGUSES AND WILD WEST SHOWS age ih ig Sn a oe Bee ie ane Be ase Stages Mempble, Tens. Ba ‘San Antonio, Tex, Barnes, Al Guy ‘Trained. Wild Antal Olreus: Garoes Circes City, F. D. No, 3, Palms, i iron Circus: Hinénemse, Cal. ne wita west" Show, 0. Carlisle, mer.: Cais Ne Ye om Reltboter United Shows: ree ‘or, Fa sta Max Wild West Shows, Max, Sanders, Debut 000 TD sty Detroit, Mich, Great’ Keystone ‘Show, Sam‘ Dock, mgr.: HandGfeat Sanger Cirens, Howard King, mgr.: Memnlgesbeck Wallace Olivas, . Hagenbeck-Wallace Sheree ‘ Sere fey pins Bow Bowen meee Woe g : Bat Ea meee, Wa Pewee Mae ont x ReSh TaleS Beme's Greet Tenteg Seen. Masiven & Bow: Out x ie. spon 08, Tada ad mat sulting’ Dog & Tosy’ Show & WHS Animal po hn ¢ Sige, Dek, Bae, met aT Werten ere. Seika Ea ore. we A gtn ens jouemlty Biig., Dallas, axe 1'E"E'lucch Show, Jack W. King, mgrit : = Atoany, Ga Kindly give the information on this blank and mail same to The Billboard, Cincinnati, for publication in.our Winter. Quarters List: ‘Name of Show... Sbropshire's Motorized 7 Mezsrille. Ky. {Give address of offices here if you have any.) 5 Amerie Amosement Co., Martin Pitman, msr.2 cower, ieee The, etebum Hema Brot”. shows, To Hames, mgr: 08 Stanley Greater Shows, Stere Stanley, mgr: iets ae Bell ave., Altoona. Pa. sy Graod Rapids, Mich. Heth te 32 Soows ba 3. Heth, mers Ber 1131, ee SOL'S UNITED SHOWS ' ia fed) Sdows, Bert: Hoss, “msrsi iat se Or ce, ToS Hite eves Glove TORU Guar Metopai Now bckng Shows Minty Salar eh, Besta, Te aa tag tnar™, O Debin es or th ‘tice 1016 pati, 0. : * mace Bag Bets teractions, Ico M. Bintang, gem. hey Mo isth at Panuseiuins Pace” Det ad imperial “Midway Attraction, W. J. “Doe” ‘Wit ano Cortes, Cal: outs Toler, mge.: Chap‘Eimburat avenue, Detroit; Benton, 3 cast, Showa! Box 849, Joboatown, a Kan, ote ae ane F. K, Wallace, a eat : jopes” Greater’ Shows, A: H. Jones, meri J ; Broadway. Me ore Ce ee oe ar anil AZise, Johnay J. Joore, ‘Stors, H..E. Yan Gorder, mér.: ag en ee ee SGaruefvite, “OK. a j 4 20 Big Shows Repuethe on tees, Con. Kenney, mer Rc itae ae? BORE cre ypunaacrment ; Co” Jeemm. B, EAwards, . Keretone Expo, 32 1d°e Greatest shows, 0, TE difor: xinnade's Expy nT Ben. Antonio, ex : B: ane SiO Marion ‘shows, ‘EA, ‘Wolfe, Chute cea Ba. Snag neni Sees Nesaticky etate Weir Grands) Box EE Room 88, Yoage.stie Toronto. 5 Roam posenes “Greater tows J. LiwGres, Bal : Taare, Lier Great Empic Shows, Hermen harvon, a : ‘Growads} ingr.2'1420'R,. 2. : 20'B oan 3. Georae, é 3 Werth, Tex: MaQony Caraival Oo., Wayman — Deen Atk ‘stpsaty Catocee Ned ee Siow! Alndo, “Ox. Greater Shows, Ben @ Fred Bryant's Show Bost. Biliy ‘Bryant, mgr.t Bor Zo, Parcenbore, W. Ves + ‘Coltes ‘Dramatic Gor” Casa... Goto, ingr.t paar oo "a ee ed Stows, Billle ©. Martin, mgr.: ‘Ala. a ae Dixie's, Jolly, ‘Wilson, mgr.: Ta. ry Ole, Show, Ollie Hamilton, mgr.: Hart's, Billy, Show Rost: ParkersGorg, W. Hilllmaa Picfore Show: 257 Goodile st, Water. Family Show, an Pedro st., Los “2508 ‘Tasker st; Pa. Phillips’ eat Sow, Henry FUMips, mer.: Os. Newton: Livingston ‘Comedy-Dramatic Ca.:. Bor. Quillin Family Show, L. Quilli, mgr.: Syracuse, . nipge! Bros, Gus Rippel, mer.: Box 57, Orange, Ripley's, Geo. W., Uncle "Tom's ‘Cabin: Homer, OBSERVED AT. NASHVILLE iy i $ it i i wae i Fs # f : iy i i 5 fli BBS age 2 Peneet af ne il ii i i