Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1939)

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K A¥C IE IE Trade Practice Draft KMT A Convention's Chief Topic THIS is news. There were no flowers on the desk of Virginia McMillan at Paramount, Monday. Why? Harry Wheeler says he could tell, but that he was told in confidence and will not pass on the information. On the other hand, Marjorie Crawford, on the phone at Republic-Midwest, has had flowers on her desk daily of late. We don’t know the answer to this one, either, except that there is no coimection between these two advertisements for the florists. Wrote Louis Sutter, sojourning in Greece, to Bill Bradfield, on the job for Columbia: “Hello, you Baldhead Bill. How are you? How about an adjustment on film rentals to cover my expenses? Say hello to Marcus, Beiser, and all the help.” The card showed the Acropolis. Visitors: J. Ward Spielman, Baldwin, Kas.; Charles Swiercinsky, Washington, Kas.; Bob Gorham, Liberty, Horton, Kas.; John Brandt, Oregon, Mo.; F. L. Lisbona, Maitland, Mo.; John Travis and his young son, Dick, Deepwater, Mo.; Bill Forrest, Joplin; Earl Kerr, Albany and Bethany, Mo.; Ferd Ledoux, Holton, Kas.; Ercil Armold, Hillsboro, Kas.; Frank Weary, Richmond, Mo.; Rex Barrett, Columbia, Mo.; Virgil Harbison, Tarkio, Mo.; Stan Schwahn, Lawrence, Kas.; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Richardson, Mt. Vernon, Mo.; George Nescher, Valley Falls, Kas. L. O. Bob Ringler of Peabody, Kas., is becoming a regular Filmrow visitor. Anne Cheatham, five-year-old daughter of Ed Cheatham of the Independent Theatre Supply, suffered a broken leg last week when a bicycle ridden by a neighbor’s child ran into her. Dudgeon & Thomas, who formerly operated a show at Orrick, Mo., were on Filmrow last week. They have closed the Orrick. Another visitor was O. F. New, president of Neumade Products Co., New York. You guys that have an eye for pretty blondes, the name of the one at the Oklahoma Theatre Supply Co. is Mary Lou Collins. We don’t have her telephone number— and wouldn’t pass it around if we did. Warren Weber of Ellinwood, St. John, and Stafford, Kas., was on the Row this week with the announcement that he is closing the DeLuxe at St. John for refurbishing. Miss Betty Bowley, who is, in case you already haven’t been up to see, very pretty, is succeeding Miss Helen McLatchey ( also very pretty ) as cashier at Grand National, effective May 29. Miss McLatchey is going to take a two-week vacation. On the Row: Frank Morris, Meade, Kas.; George Hayob, Marshall, Mo.; R. H. Montgomery, Independence, Kas.; J. H. Higgins, St. Marys, Kas.; Ed Smith, Osage City, Kas.; Harvey Nokes, Nixa, Mo.; Louis Griefe and son, Windsor, Mo.; Norman Cohn, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Charles W. Barron of Pratt, Kas., was on Filmrow this week for the first time in four years. Mrs. Barron accompanied him to the KMT A convention. Ed Solig, Universal booker, spent last week on vacation in the old home town, Omaha . . . The boys and girls at Universal are getting ready to move into their new quarters July 1. It will be a real relief to get some air conditioning. D. Donnici’s Palace, downtown, and Homer Pautz’s Sun, suburban, are being picketed by Local 170 of the IATSE. Miss Marjorie Zimmerman has resigned from her stenographic duties at Premier Advertising Service to become biller at the Columbia exchange. She is succeeded at Premier by Miss Norma Variei. Adapt “Sheik Returns" Hollywood — “The Sheik Returns,” which Ben Stoloff will produce and direct for Universal, will be adopted by Jay Dratler and Gertrude Purcell. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Peterson “Freezem" Mig. & Sales Co. Blowers, washers, spray nozzels, office and home units. Special Offer — Priced to Sell. Why Pay More? G. A. Peterson HA. 1389 316 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, Mo. A. A. Electric Machinery Co. Ernest Amoneno, Mgr. 1117 Cherry St. Phone: Victor 8796 Central Theatre Equipment Company Western Electric Mirrophonic Sound Motiograph Projectors E. C. Leeves, General Manager 130 W. 18th St. Tel. HArrison 3345 Great Western Stage Equipment Co. 817 Holmes St. T. L. Greening, Mgr. Phone: Victor 9078 Stebbins Theatre Equipment Co. 1804 Wyandotte St. C. H. Badger, Mgr. Phone: GRand 0134 Southwest Theatre Equipment Co.. Indp't Wichita, Kas. C. D. Peck, Mgr. Phone 2-2153 EXHIBITOR ASSOCIATIONS ~ Independent Theatre Owners Association 1214 Brush Creek Road — VAlentine 2770 E. E. Webber jr.. Pres. John Wolfberg, Sec. K. M. T. A. 221 W. 18th St. — Harrison 4825 Frank Cassil, Pres. R. R. Biechele, Sec.-Treas. Kansas City — A report on the trade practice draft and condemnation of the present delays that are holding it back from taking effect was the topical main course at the Kansas-Missouri Theatres Ass’n convention held at the Hotel President here May 25-26. Speakers who were introduced by Frank Cassil, president of the KMTA, were Ed Kuykendall, MPTOA head; H. M. Richey, RKO’s director of exhibitor relations, and George W. Weeks, Monogram’s general sales manager. Condemnation of the delay in the draft’s effectuation came from Kuykendall who declared, “in the spring distributors said that we would have the code not later than May. Then they said ‘not later than June.’ Now they are saying ‘by August.’ Such delay is ridiculous. We have done all we could. It is up to distributors now.” Further, in the same vein, he declared “there is no justifiable excuse now and AIR CONDITIONING National Air Conditioning and Engineering Corp. VI. 3535 213 West 19th St. — Kansas City, Mo. Manufacturing — Engineering — Installation SOUND SERVICE K. C. SOUND SERVICE Syncrofilm Sound Equipment and Service 1818 Wyandotte St. W. P. Humston HA 4783 SOUND ENGINEER ENGINEER C. R. BUTLER Sound System Installation and Service Midwest Service Corporation 260G Monterey St. St. Joseph. Mo. Phones 2-4012 — 2-4115 ‘‘Service As Near As Your Telephone ' SCREEN PUBLICITY Alexander Film Company Motion Picture Advertising E. L. Harris, Dist. Mgr., Mo., Kan., Neb., Iowa 239 East 72nd Terrace Phone: HUand 2894 TRADE DIRECTORY — A HANDY GUIDE FOR THE EXHIBITOR — KANSAS CITY TERRITORY BOXOFFICE :: May 27, 1939 81