Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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28 'Continaed Irom ptgt 2.) Conquering Our Languag*- 'LiiiiUiiiigc is soiiictliinjj to be con- C|iuTf<l, liko any oilier lu^k or obhtatle. Uliicli Ilaupt, actor and artist, went to Hollywood u few years a({0 with u 'I'eutoiiic aecont. He |iaiiitcd a few pic tiiri'S, tliot) devo'ed liiiiiscif to an actor's career, atid won a s)iluiidid reputation. When lulking Pictures came along, IJaniit tievotej himself to «liid.ving pronunciation under the hest ma•.ter^. Todiiy, acting in Nornia 'J'ul- niatlKc'a latest picture, "Du Hurry," for United Artists, Ilauiit hasn't a trace of nn accent. Hi.s Kngiish is so perfect I hilt 111- talks like a Londoner. Intimate Facts About Famous Talkie SUra. Xoah Bccry will bark for a medicine show, sing opera, work before the camera or on the stage, clown for friends, but his knees tremble and his voice shakes with terror when con- fronted by a. radio iniarophonc. Walter Pidgcon is a "Bohemian," a noted singer, and lilm and stage lead- ing man, Canadian born and an ex- servico man from two years of the World War, but he has never taken a drink of liquor in his life. Marilyn Miller is unquestionably the world's most famous inusioal comedy stair; sho is blonde, blue eyed, a former member of the Ziegfeld Follies. It is a fact, well known in professional circles, that sho has been a victim of ipore "gold-digiging" by girls and men with liard-liick .ttories than any other Broadway celebrity. Bernico Claire, "the youngest prima doima," of the San Carlo Ojiera Com panv, w.'iit ns n f;ivour to Ali'X.indeir BOY'S CINEMA Cray to play and .sing opposite him in ;i film lest made for First Notional in Now York. Gray got his contract, but Bernice thought no more of ii. and lia<l no in- tention of entering the movies—until she was overtaken by on emissary of the movie (omivuiy, with a fat controct for herself! Noh, of course, in one year she has become one of tlic most successful ,voung actresses on the screen. Loretta Young luid decided not to go in for a film cjreer, so as to Icovo the field clear for her elder sisters, Polly Ann Young and Sally Blaue. But she had to fill a "coll" for one of Jier sisters who could not take the job, and was so succes-fiil that sho won a con- tract and is now a star, and by fair the most famous of the three. Lilo Lee was a perfectly formed little woman at the age of thirteen, so slie Has starred in a series of pictures as a regular lea(liiig woman, with Ilorrison Ford playing opposite. Two years lateir she grew five inches taller, got "gawky." and had to postpone lier film career another four years—until tlie talkies came in ! Alice White used to be a red-head, and when she first came on the screen she photograplied so nearly like Clat-a Bow that everyone accu.sod Jier of imi- tating the Paramount star. So did Miss Bow, one day when they mot "socially." This made Alice so angiry that she bleached Jier hair, reduced by ten pounds, and beoame a willowy, petite, blonde screen star not at all like Clara ! Now It develops tliat John Barrv- niorp gave Richard Barthleiness his first le*son in make-uji. and prophesied tlmt Jk' would go far in motion pictures or the stage. Joe E. Brown, the fainnus comic of films, vaudeville and musical comedy, began his oareer in the show business !•- riMJiMniT his boyhood aiiihition to Every Tuesday become an acrobat. He went through all the Horatio Alger Jr. trials and bribuiations as a circus boy, including treachery and cruelty from the boss of his act! Fred Kohler, who is to be starred by First National in rough-and-ready "iie-man" roles, owes his film fame to the foct that he spent his latter "teens" coalmining, wliich developed his tremendous physique. He weighs two liiHidred and thirty pounds, and is "hord as iron." He is the only movie star to live throughout the year on a ranch ajid work on it himself between pictures. Sidney Blackmer, :cion of a "first family." wa.s hoboing in New York for adventure, and ncediHl some money. He took liis stand in a line of men beside a skyscraper under construction, supposing lie was applying for a labourer's |ob. He was chosen, and found liiiMsolf an extra in a Pearl White thriller, to be filmed on the sky- sorai>er's girders! That put the acting notion into his liead for the first time. David Manners, who Jias scored suc- cesses in "Journey's End" and "Sweet Munima." came through Los Atigolcs oil route to Honolulu on a quiet honey- moon. As usual, wifie's relatives got liini into trouble. Mrs. Manners bad them in Los Angeles, they secured the stage juvenile a film test, and the honeymoon never went wfst of Holly- wood ! Conrad Nagel developed his fine sing- ing voice, and keeps it in training, by church singing. Antonio Mooeno. a Spaniard by birth, spi'oks faultless English and foultless Spanish, so he is able to play in either English or Spanish talkies; his latest in the latter language is First National's Spanish version of "The Bad Man," in which he plays the title role, which is_ enacted in the English version by Waller Houston. ^m. 2B ■^■oowa &I5 MONTHLY MYNENTS 0F52D The JUMO ROYAL BROOKS SADDLE, OUNLOP CORD TVRFS, REMOLD CHAIN. W DAYS' FREE TRIAL. All Kritish. Kiii>orti Qiialily <;iiiirantei<l for ever. Direct ircjiii i'lu-tury to you. I'liclxil 111(1 fiirriaijePaiii. Woiidiiliil i.isy terms to suit }iiu. I hruDluia I'latcd .Models II ksired. Writ.- for l-rte Art JUNO CYCLE Co.(Dept.U2). 248, BISHOPSCATE, LONDON, EC.2. GROSE^Se LUDCATE CIRCUS, LONDON • FOOTBALL JERSEYS All Colours and Designs 15^^ perdoz. Srfirf for llliislralvit Usl. Post Free i DON'T BE BULLIED diTi.l y .iir !•■ nnr SLMiiim III Jl/JITBU nMl 11.11, Tllr Wiillil. rl I'l J.i|„in. >. s. ;■ f.irc nt >..iir<. 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CHRISTM A Curili nil r.>rj< 111 a DENTON lO LID FREE FUN! 1 r .s| NHBONZI-, r..ini,rk..l.|, iinnrov'; I uMiiip )-Sunbronje • "«»■ ncsl. 1902 I 11 •rll I'rivate Smu L'^rVS^' In Ko«lt" _Di£VLccE«^|oN*"" '- ^1 (I .i> I |.,r |.,i.,| mtj„ .jj.^;^ Thon.p.on' JZ C^{ B^ay.V.'w^alel: r.irrii,j;,|,m.str,.d.I/)i,aon, K.c 4 li Africa : ^;evr9 AgcAcy 8.0. ' I