Broadcasting (July - Dec 1937)

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TEE FOR TWO— Paul LaStayo, WAAT, serves a pair to Carl E. Haymond (left) of KMO and Hugh Boice )r., WNEW. Pulliam'^uicha'i Tee. fiy^ Thc/iki/ E. C. PULLIAM Jr., son of the owner of WIRE, Indianapolis, and director of the station's news staff, tied with Harry C. Butcher, CBS Washington representative, to win the NAB golf tournament June 20 on the sporty Bon Air Golf & Country Club course near Wheeling, 111. Both were presented silver trophies by Broadcasting. Each shot a 73 net after taking a 9 handicap. Their 82 grosses were the best scores hung up in the tournament with one exception. Handi Gross cap Karl Haymond, KMO 76 4 Harry C. Butcher. CBS 82 9 E. C. Pulliam Jr. WIRE 82 9 Robert Convey. KWK 84 10 Walter Preston, WBBM 88 14 W. J, Reilly, Weed & Co. _ 88 14 Paul Raymer 88 14 Ralph Atlas. WIND-WJJD. 90 15 R. L. Ferguson. J. L. Kaufman Inc. 90 15 J. Allabough. WJJD 90 15 William Doerr. WEBR 90 15 Art Kemp. CBS 90 15 Phil Meyer, KFYR 90 15 Harrv Woodman, KDKA 90 15 Hale Bondurant, WHO _ _ 92 17 Frank Chase, Chase & Ludlam 94 18 Herb Sherman. WJJD 96 20 Rubsel Woodward, Free & Peters 96 20 S. Aston, Ferguson & Aston 98 22 P. M. Brown, AMP 94 18 Net 72 7,3 7B 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 Actual top man of the day's shooting was Karl Haymond, KMO, Tacoma, who shot a net of 72 with a handicap of 4. He was disqualified for the cup prize, however, having won it in the same tournament three years ago. His shooting of 76 over a course having a 74 par, with 10 water holes, was regarded as sensational. Doug Currie, club pro, calculated the handicaps for. each player on the basis of play for nine holes picked at random. HandiGross cap Net Pierce Romaine, Paul Raymer Co. 100 23 77 Paul Porter. CBS 100 23 77 O. F. Uridge, CBS 100 23 77 G. B. Bassler, Publishers Service 100 23 77 Hugh Boice Jr.. WNEW __100 23 77 C. C. Weed, Weed & Co. .-102 25 77 P. I. Merryman, NBC 102 25 77 Jack Alicoate. Radio Daily 102 25 77 John Carey, WIND 104 26 78 Stanley Matas, WIND 110 32 78 J. J. Weed. Weed & Co 114 36 78 Art Linick. WJJD 110 32 78 Carl Everson, WHKC 106 28 78 H. Dean Fitzer, WDAF___112 32 80 Jack Stilwill, WIRE 112 32 80 Paul A. LaStayo. WAAT__116 36 80 B. F. McClancy, NBC 124 36 88 A. E. Joscelyn. Free & Peters 124 36 88 C. A. McLaughlin, WHK-WJAY (9 holes only) Lincoln Dellar, CBS BEFORE THE TEE OFF— Left to right: Neal Weed, Weed & Co , John T Carey, WIND, William Reilly, Weed & Co. ; P M Brown. Associated Music Publishers: R L Ferguson [esse L Kaufman Inc. ; ). ). Weed. Weed & Co.; C B Bassler Publishers Service; Stanley Matas WIND; Harry C Butcher. CBS; C. M. Everson WHKC; Phil Meyer KFYR: E. A. McLaughlin WHK W|AY; S Aston Ferguson & Aston. WAITING THEIR TURN— Left to right: Hale Bondurant WHO; A. E loscelyn, Free & Peters; E C Pulliam )r WIRE, co-winner; Russel Woodman Free & Peters jack Stillwill WIRE CADCETEERS— Ball scrubber attracts interest of left to right B F McClancy, NBC; Phil Merryman, NBC; H. Dean Fitzer, WDAF Harry Woodman, KDKA , I9TH HOLE— And refreshments for, left to right. Peirce Romaine, Paul Raymer Co ; Bob Convey KWK and Paul Raymer. OVER CREEK — Co (left to right! Harry Butcher CBS WJSV; Bill West, WMTV; Phil Meyer, KFYR; Paul Porter CBS Washington lawyer; Sil Aston. Ferguson & Aston. Page 22 • July J, 1937 BROADCASTING • Broadcast Advertising