Broadcasting (Oct - Dec 1950)

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You may be focusing on less than half of your Northwest market. For if you've got your eyes on TV, you're overlooking the almost half a million radio families in wcco territory who are completely out of the range of television. In fact, there are three and a half times more wcco radio families outside the TV service area than there are TV set-owners inside.* But . . . use wcco and you reach all of 113 Northwest counties where 894,600 radio families spend more than three billion a year in retail sales!' What's more, you get the biggest weekly audience everywhere you go— inside Minneapolis-St. Paul and outside. (Even in the home counties of the 16 next-largest cities of this area— some as far as 195 miles from the Twin Cities— wcco gathers a much larger audience than the hometown station in 12 out of the 16 !) It simply means that the best way to capture the most customers and sales in your entire Northwest market is to make yourself heard on . . . WCCO "Good Neighbor to the entire Northwest" Minneapolis-St. Paul . . . 50,000 watts Represented by Radio Sales