Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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Smidley you've done it again! You just can't get it through the old noggin. You can't cover the Pacific Northwest without Cascade. Why Smidley, this Cascade four-station network wraps up a market with more food sales than Toledo or Oklahoma City. You get the picture, Smicl? They've got an E.B.I, that tops Indianapolis or Newark. And get this! Cascade Television is the only network serving the entire market. Let's not pass it up again. 1 IIm mmml KIMA-TV rAK,MA'WASa KBAS-TV PASCO, HICHIAND, KENNEWICK, WASH. KEPR-TV E W TV LEWISTON' l0A For facts and Figures National Representatives: GEORGE P. HOUINGBERY Company Pacific Northwest: MOORE 4V ASSOCIATES Palmer, Worthington, 'Put Your Best Foot Broadcasters Assn., instrumentation and control and automatic systems for nuclear data processing. Boston, Mass. *Nov. 18 — Maine Radio & Television Broadcasters Assn., Portland. Fred A. Ohio, sales consultant, on Forward." Nov. 19-20 — Tennessee Andrew Jackson Hotel, Nashville. "•Nov. 20— Tennessee AP Radio Assn. fall meeting, Andrew Jackson Hotel, Nashville. In conjunction with Tennessee Assn. of Broadcasters. *Nov. 20 — Comments due in FCC proposed rulemaking (Docket 6741) to duplicate Class 1-A clear channels in various sections of the U. S. *Nov. 23-25 — Women's Advertising Clubs' midwestern intercity conference, Oakton Manor, Pewaukee, Wis. *Nov 29-Dec. 1 — First annual communications forum for broadcasters, Pennsylvania State U. Speakers in "Broadcasting: The Challenge of Responsibility" forum include Robert D. Swezey, Sig Mickelson, news-public affairs vice president, CBS Edward Stanley, public affairs director, NBC; Ralph Renick, president, Radio-Television News Directors Assn. and news vice president, WTVJ (TV) Miami, Fla.; Dr. Charles Seipmann, communications education professor, New York U. 'Nov 30-Dec. 4— National Sales ExecutivesInternational Southeastern Field Sales Management Institute, Atlanta Biltmore Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. DECEMBER Dec 2-4 — Electronic Industries Assn. winter conference, Statler-Hilton, Los Angeles. Dec 11 — Comments due to the FCC on stereophonic multiplexing rules as part of FCC's inquiry into possible wider use for fm subsidiary communications authorizations. JANUARY 1960 *Jan 10-14— National Retail Merchants Assn., 49th annual convention, Hotel Statler-Hilton, New York. *Jan. 19— Ninth annual Sylvania awards, Hotel Plaza, N. Y. Jan. 24-29— NAB Board of Directors, El Mirado Hotel, Palm Springs, Calif. *Jan 25-29— National Sales Executives-International St. Louis Field Sales Management Institute, The Chase-Park Plaza Hotel there. *Jan 27 — Advertising Research Workshop, Assn. of National Advertisers, Hotel Sheraton-East, New York. FEBRUARY 1960 *Feb 3-5— Institute of Radio Engineers' winter convention on military electronics, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles. Feb. 14-20— Advertising Federation of America's National Advertising Week (co-sponsored by Advertising Assn. of the West). *Feb 15-19 — National Sales Executives-International Cleveland Field Sales Management Institute, Sheraton-Cleveland Hotel there. Feb 17— Assn. of National Advertisers, co-op advertising workshop, Hotel Sheraton-East, New York. "Feb 19-22— National Sales Executives-International mid-winter board of directors meet, Robert Meyer Hotel, Jacksonville, Fla. Feb. 24-25— Fifth annual State Presidents Conference under NAB auspices, Shoreham Hotel, Washington. Presidents of state broadcasters association will attend; Voice of Democracy luncheon will be a feature. MARCH 1960 "March 4-6 — Disc Jockey Assn. convention, Los Angeles Business sessions at 20th Century-Fox studios, where d.j.s' will participate in filming "The Big Platter Parade." '• March 7-11— National Sales Executives-International San Francisco Field Sales Management Institute, Hotel Mark Hopkins there. NAB FALL CONFERENCES 16 — Mayflower Hotel, Washington. .20 — Sheraton-Towers Hotel, Chicago. 23 — Somerset Hotel, Boston. .30 — Dinkler-Plaza Hotel, Atlanta. -11 — Texas Hotel, Fort Worth. 13 — Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. 17 — Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles. 20— Olympic Hotel, Seattle. BROADCASTING, October 5, 1959 Oct. 15Oct. 19 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 10 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 18 (DATEBOOK)